link Shez volume_up
Huh? Again?
link Shez volume_up
Huh? Again?
link Shez volume_up
Hey, where's Arval? It's not like you to hide, buddy.
link Shez volume_up
Hey, where's Arval? It's not like you to hide, buddy.
link Shez volume_up
Also, it feels like there's something different about this place...
link Shez volume_up
Also, it feels like there's something different about this place...
link Arval volume_up
Well, this is new. Do you need something?
link Arval volume_up
How strange to find our roles reversed.
link Shez volume_up
Wait. You didn't bring me here?
link Shez volume_up
Wait. You didn't bring me here?
link Arval volume_up
I most certainly did not. I can only assume you came here of your own accord.
link Arval volume_up
Perhaps our bond as partners in destiny is finally coming to fruition...
link Shez volume_up
Sure, whatever you say. But if you don't need anything, I'm outta here.
link Shez volume_up
Sure, whatever you say. But if you don't need anything, I'm outta here.
link Arval volume_up
Of course, of course! But how do you intend to leave this place, exactly?
link Arval volume_up
You've never come here on your own before—not in all the years we've been together—so this is somewhat uncharted territory for me.
link Arval volume_up
But since I wasn't the one to bring you here, I fear I lack the ability to let you leave.
link Shez volume_up
You're kidding, right?
link Shez volume_up
You're kidding, right?
link Arval volume_up
I'm most certainly not.
link Shez volume_up
Oh, for the love of...
link Shez volume_up
Oh, for the love of...
link Arval volume_up
Well then! Since you seem to be stuck here for now, how do you intend to pass the time?
link Shez volume_up
Sleep, I guess. What else can I do?
link Shez volume_up
Sleep, I guess. What else can I do?
link Arval volume_up
link Arval volume_up
A fitting choice, yes—though I imagine you'll have some very interesting dreams in the process.
link Shez volume_up
I dunno, swing a sword around? Might as well improve myself while I'm here.
link Shez volume_up
I dunno, swing a sword around? Might as well improve myself while I'm here.
link Arval volume_up
link Arval volume_up
And where exactly do you intend to procure said sword? My mind isn't some magical dream world where you can simply manifest whatever you like.
link Shez volume_up
Oh, right. Guess I'll just take a nap, then.
link Shez volume_up
Oh, right. Guess I'll just take a nap, then.
link Arval volume_up
A fitting choice, yes—though I imagine you'll have some very interesting dreams in the process.
link Shez volume_up
Interesting how?
link Shez volume_up
Interesting how?
link ??? volume_up
Nemesis has retreated, Lord Epimenides. We would be wise to do the same.
link Epimenides volume_up
Go. I will hold the enemy at bay.
link Epimenides volume_up
Worthless beast though he may be, Nemesis is our ally for now. We cannot abandon him.
link ??? volume_up
His is a useful sort of madness—we should be certain to wring all we can from him before we discard him.
link Epimenides volume_up
An intriguing proposal, yes. Now go.
link Epimenides volume_up
I will protect you all, in my own way.
link Epimenides volume_up
I should be off. The time has come to destroy the wretches who would threaten this world!