link Dimitri volume_up
Ah, Sylvain. I was hoping to ask your opinion on our recent meeting.
link Sylvain volume_up
Hey, I'm always happy to talk! But if you want House Gautier's take, shouldn't you ask my father?
link Dimitri volume_up
I don't want House Gautier's opinion. I want yours.
link Sylvain volume_up
OK. Well, we were talking about the pros and cons of incorporating commoners in the nobility, right? Seems to me like we got it all sorted out.
link Dimitri volume_up
Yes. The discussion primarily revolved around a single point: whether those without Crests are actually worthy of entering the nobility.
link Sylvain volume_up
I mean, if they're up to the challenge, I don't see why not.
link Sylvain volume_up
It's like how you promoted my brother, right? Skill is what matters in the end.
link Dimitri volume_up
Indeed, and the performances of Ashe and the commander serve as proof of such.
link Sylvain volume_up
Just don't get carried away, you know? Too much of a good thing and all that.
link Sylvain volume_up
I'm sure you realize what would happen to the Kingdom if we lost the power of Crests.
link Dimitri volume_up
Naturally. However, Crest bloodlines are currently fading everywhere.
link Dimitri volume_up
People such as Felix who were born with Major Crests are the exception in this day and age.
link Sylvain volume_up
Which means Faerghus has two options if we want to retain our power.
link Sylvain volume_up
One, we bolster our military and promote prosperity while delicately letting the bloodline dance play out...
link Sylvain volume_up
Or two, we admit bloodlines won't last forever and create a social system that doesn't rely on inheritance.
link Sylvain volume_up
Neither one would hold up for long, but if I had to choose, I guess the first option would be the better one for the Kingdom on the whole.
link Dimitri volume_up
Bolstering our military is more easily said than done.
link Dimitri volume_up
Impoverished as our land is, it will be difficult to compete with regions of more fertile ground.
link Sylvain volume_up
Hey, do you remember what I said when you talked to me about promoting my brother?
link Sylvain volume_up
I told you it was important to keep up appearances while we were in the middle of a war.
link Sylvain volume_up
And honestly, I don't have any real objection to the way you're running things now.
link Dimitri volume_up
Thank you, Sylvain. I knew you would help me sort things out in my head.
link Sylvain volume_up
Ha! I don't usually get into serious stuff like this, but I'm glad I could help.
link Dimitri volume_up
Such topics are not beyond your grasp, though. Your complete sincerity is a great strength.
link Dimitri volume_up
That said, you never show that side of you to any but Felix and myself.
link Dimitri volume_up
Although I must admit, you were far from sincere during our academy days.
link Sylvain volume_up
Ugh, don't remind me. Just thinking about it makes me cringe.
link Dimitri volume_up
If you see the error of your ways, it is not too late to mend them—or perhaps you require one of my lectures, like old times?
link Sylvain volume_up
Pass! You know I've got 'em all memorized anyway.
link Dimitri volume_up
I do hope you realize how much I rely on you, Sylvain.
link Dimitri volume_up
You have so many things I lack. You're clever and quick-witted like your father, yet—
link Sylvain volume_up
Yeah, well, I've been jealous of your strength ever since we were kids.
link Dimitri volume_up
None of us are perfect, so let us dwell no longer on our failings.
link Dimitri volume_up
I apologize for taking up so much of your time, though I hope to have similar discussions in the future.
link Sylvain volume_up
Looking forward to it! Glad I can always speak my mind around you.