link Leonie volume_up
Oh, it's the captain...
link Jeralt volume_up
Yeah, handle it any way you want. This should be an easy job for you.
link Byleth volume_up
I'll report back when it's done.
link Byleth volume_up
I'll report back when it's done.
link Jeralt volume_up
Sounds good. We're gonna take care of some other matters in the meantime.
link Leonie volume_up
link Shez volume_up
Why are you making that noise, Leonie? You got an upset stomach or something?
link Leonie volume_up
No, I don't. You know how the captain and his mercenaries joined forces with us?
link Shez volume_up
Yeah, I'm so glad you get to fight with him again. Oh, wait. This is the first time you two are actually fighting together, right?
link Leonie volume_up
Yep. I haven't seen him since we parted ways when I was a kid. I've never been in a battle with him or anything.
link Leonie volume_up
So yeah, I'm happy, but... Argh! I can't take it!
link Shez volume_up
Wait a minute, is this about his kid?
link Leonie volume_up
link Shez volume_up
Are you jealous of Alois? He and Jeralt are practically glued together.
link Leonie volume_up
Come on, you know who I'm talking about. The kid.
link Leonie volume_up
Though we're practically the same age!
link Leonie volume_up
But only one of us has the captain's full confidence and a cool nickname!
link Leonie volume_up
We're both mercenaries, for crying out loud! And I was the captain's first apprentice!
link Shez volume_up
But you're not family.
link Shez volume_up
You can bet that Jeralt would've trained any child of his from birth. A whole lot longer than you.
link Leonie volume_up
Ugh, you have a point there.
link Shez volume_up
And if you wanna talk about age, Alois has been with him since their knight days.
link Shez volume_up
Which means it's likely that he was actually Jeralt's first apprentice, right?
link Leonie volume_up
Hey, you're right. I didn't even think about that.
link Shez volume_up
In any case, it's kind of a given you wouldn't be on the same level.
link Shez volume_up
I mean, they haven't just studied under Jeralt, they've had years of on-the-job training with him.
link Shez volume_up
Plus, you don't have any weird powers.
link Leonie volume_up
You mean like you do?
link Shez volume_up
Yeah, but our powers are completely different.
link Shez volume_up
To be honest, I want to best the Ashen Demon too. I've been striving to do that this whole time, but still haven't managed to pull it off.
link Leonie volume_up
Is that right? You know, even if we teamed up, I'm not so sure we'd win.
link Shez volume_up
I dunno about that. With the two of us together, I think we might actually have a shot at it.
link Shez volume_up
In fact, I think my money would be on us! Wanna set up a challenge sometime and see what happens?
link Leonie volume_up
I'm all for it! After all, the captain has a saying— better to fight dirty and win, than play fair and lose.
link Shez volume_up
Haha, yeah, that sounds like Jeralt. For a mercenary, all that matters is the outcome.
link Leonie volume_up
Exactly! You know, I'm really glad you're here.
link Shez volume_up
Same goes for you, Leonie. Now let's stay sharp, and show the Ashen Demon up our own way!