link Mercedes volume_up
Phew! That should be everything in its place now.
link Shez volume_up
And high time we took a break, if you ask me. Lugging all those boxes was hard work.
link Shez volume_up
Hey, why don't you join me for a meal? Might be nice to head into town for once.
link Mercedes volume_up
Hmm, I'm not that hungry just yet, though. Oh, I've got it!
link Mercedes volume_up
If you'd like, we could have a tea party. I have a cache of delicious treats we can eat as well.
link Shez volume_up
Sure, I guess I could go for some tea. Where'd that idea come from, though?
link Mercedes volume_up
Well, I received some sugar recently as a gift from one of the soldiers I mended back to health.
link Mercedes volume_up
I used it to bake the most wonderful confections. I'd love for you to try them.
link Shez volume_up
Huh, that does sound good. And a little something sweet once in a while never hurt anyone.
link Mercedes volume_up
Then we're settled. Give me just a moment— I'll get everything ready.
link Shez volume_up
Whoa, these are incredible! I've never had anything quite like them before.
link Mercedes volume_up
I'm glad to hear it. I'm particularly happy with how those turned out.
link Shez volume_up
It does actually taste kinda familiar, though. Almost like this snack my mom used to make.
link Mercedes volume_up
Really? You don't say.
link Shez volume_up
Yeah. I was raised in this little village off in the mountains, absolutely surrounded by nature.
link Shez volume_up
Sometimes, Mom would go out and gather fruit from the trees, then bake things with them.
link Mercedes volume_up
Mmm! There's nothing better than a dessert made with fresh fruit. I love them, myself.
link Mercedes volume_up
You can knead them into dough and bake them, or preserve them in honey so they can be enjoyed the whole year round.
link Shez volume_up
My mom's stuff was never quite as fancy as the things you make, but they were special in their own way.
link Shez volume_up
And even though we didn't have them too often, just one hint of that flavor and it's like I'm a kid again. Guess they were just that good.
link Mercedes volume_up
It's wonderful you have that memory to look back on.
link Mercedes volume_up
I can tell the time you spent with your mother was very precious to you.
link Shez volume_up
For sure. Though I don't remember it too well anymore.
link Mercedes volume_up
Can I...ask you something? Do you ever wish you could return to the past? To those days, with your mother?
link Shez volume_up
It would be great to go back if I could, yeah. We'd have so much more to talk about now that I'm older.
link Shez volume_up
But the past is the past. My mom is gone, and there's nothing I can do to change that.
link Shez volume_up
Not really, no. Besides, even if I wanted to, it's just not possible.
link Mercedes volume_up
Yes... Yes, I suppose you're right.
link Shez volume_up
Hey, what's wrong? Was it something I said?
link Mercedes volume_up
Hm? Oh, my apologies. I must have been daydreaming for a moment there.
link Mercedes volume_up
Here, try this one next. I made it specially to pair with the tea.
link Shez volume_up
Sure... Thanks.