Some among the survivors of Duscur remain vehemently—and violently—opposed to Faerghus. The three dispatched from the Kingdom to resolve the situation bear ties of their own to the Tragedy...

link Dedue volume_up
We must help our allies. Permit no casualties.
link Dedue volume_up
Be careful. These woods are dense.
Shez volume_up
You certainly know the terrain. Did you live around here?
Shez volume_up
You certainly know the terrain. Did you live around here?
link Dedue volume_up
My hometown is near these woods—the same woods where the late king met his end.
Shez volume_up
Oh. I, uh... I didn't know.
Shez volume_up
Oh. I, uh... I didn't know.
link Felix volume_up
So, this is where Lambert died...and my brother as well.
link Ingrid volume_up
link Dedue volume_up
Do not dwell on old wounds. Come.
link Ingrid volume_up
It must be hard for you to be fighting in your old home, Dedue.
link Dedue volume_up
Your concern is unnecessary. But...thank you.
link Felix volume_up
I like a touching moment as much as the next guy, but we're in the middle of a battle here. Stay focused.
link Dedue volume_up
Duscur has all sorts of people—good and bad.
Shez volume_up
That's pretty much the way of the world.
Shez volume_up
That's pretty much the way of the world.
link Felix volume_up
Surprised the boar sent you with us, Ingrid. I'd have thought he'd keep you as far away from this as possible.
link Ingrid volume_up
This assignment was my request—I seek to put the past behind me once and for all.
??? volume_up
I owe you for that. Thank you, my friends from Faerghus.
link Felix volume_up
Don't mention it. Now get out of here and find somewhere safe to hide.
link Felix volume_up
So they want to keep us out? Fine. We'll just cut our way through.
link Dedue volume_up
No killing. It will only complicate things.
link Felix volume_up
You think I don't know that?
link Ingrid volume_up
Our allies are under attack just through here. We have to hurry!
??? volume_up
Faerghus rats... Always sticking their noses where they don't belong!
link Dedue volume_up
They're going to be trouble. And we still have allies under attack.
link Felix volume_up
I get why they hate us, but what sense is there in fighting their own people?
link Ingrid volume_up
It seems that wasn't the general we were after. Come, let us go. There are still others who need our help.
??? volume_up
You've come for me, huh? Well, bring it on! I'll kill the lot of you!
link Felix volume_up
This is the one we're after. Remember, we need him alive.
link Ingrid volume_up
Why did you participate in the massacre? I must know. Tell me.
??? volume_up
Oh, don't play the victim! Those hands of yours have more blood on them than mine ever will.
??? volume_up
Come here to crush Duscur under your boots once more, have you?
link Dedue volume_up
You have no right to say that.
??? volume_up
Gah! No! What're you gonna do to me?!
link Dedue volume_up
You will come to Fhirdiad and answer some questions. Take him away.
??? volume_up
I finally return home...only for this...
link Dedue volume_up
We lost too many. We are defeated.