
All right, let's give it our best.


  1. Sylvain: Why are they sending you to work, Your Majesty? This'll make it a lot harder to slack off... Unless that's the whole point?!
  2. Dimitri: That's enough talk. Let us begin.
  1. Sylvain: See, even I can be useful sometimes! I probably could've gotten away with doing less, actually.
  2. Dimitri: I've never once doubted your utility, Sylvain. Do not be so quick to belittle yourself.
  1. Sylvain: Urgh, I have to train with His Majesty today? Can't I just pretend I did and take a nap instead?
  2. Dimitri: Come now, I won't hurt you. Much.


  1. Ingrid: Let's get to work, Sylvain. You do have a work ethic, don't you?
  2. Sylvain: I'm sure it's in there somewhere! Guess I won't be slacking off today...
  1. Sylvain: Looks like it's you and me today. Let's show them what we can do when we work together!
  2. Ingrid: I, um...yes. Sorry, I'm not quite sure how to respond to you actually taking things seriously.
  1. Sylvain: Is anyone really surprised? Nice work, Ingrid.
  2. Ingrid: You as well. We did even better than I expected.
  1. Sylvain: Looks like we're partners today. Go easy on me, OK?
  2. Ingrid: I will do no such thing. You'd best not hold back either.