
Leave it to me.


  1. Edelgard: There's something to be said for working here with everyone else. Don't you think, Hubert?
  2. Hubert: Quite so. I will not refuse any situation I can twist to my advantage.
  1. Edelgard: I don't know how you stay focused. Every time I think about the war and how much is left to be done, I grow so impatient for the end.
  2. Hubert: Do not be discouraged. Instead, focus on how much you have accomplished in so short a time.
  1. Hubert: Well, that was a nice change from the usual pressure we face.
  2. Edelgard: Yes, it is good to feel like I've actually accomplished something from time to time.
  1. Edelgard: Come at me, Hubert! Give me your all!
  2. Hubert: Of course, Your Majesty—especially as you will likely tear me apart if I refuse.


  1. Ferdinand: You are always one step ahead of me—but today is my time to shine!
  2. Edelgard: Go easy on yourself, Ferdinand. You've nothing more to prove to me.
  1. Edelgard: Are you sure you're up to this, Ferdinand? Why don't you let me take over for a bit?
  2. Ferdinand: Nonsense! My duty is to support you.
  1. Ferdinand: Just look at what we accomplished together! Let there be no question the Empire will flourish.
  2. Edelgard: I hope so, although I'm not certain how much one has to do with the other...
  1. Ferdinand: I am sure you could pick stronger opponents... but here goes everything!
  2. Edelgard: Stronger than you? Who do you expect me to call on, Count Bergliez?


  1. Edelgard: I hope you can forgive me for the indignities you suffer at my expense—such as this one.
  2. Petra: It was all part of our accord. Do not be sweating the smaller stuff!
  1. Petra: Our teamwork today is saying much about the future of both the Empire and Brigid.
  2. Edelgard: Yes. I hope your land and mine can continue to cooperate just like this.
  1. Edelgard: How this takes me back... I'm so glad you're here with me, Petra.
  2. Petra: Yes, it is good that we were meeting. I am having gratitude for our friendship.


  1. Monica: Would you care to join me for tea once we're finished, Your Majesty?
  2. Edelgard: That sounds lovely. Let's quicken our pace so we have more time to enjoy it!
  1. Edelgard: You'd work yourself to death for me if I didn't say something, Monica. Now let me help, and that is an Imperial order!
  2. Monica: Of course, Your Majesty. It's just that I like being productive—especially when it makes you happy.
  1. Monica: You did it, Your Majesty! Um, unless you think I also partially did it? In which case, thank you?
  2. Edelgard: We did it together, and you were wonderful as usual. I always know who I can count on.
  1. Monica: I will be whatever you want me to be, Your Majesty. Your shield, your target, anything you desire!
  2. Edelgard: Can we please just train normally?