
We'll handle this together.


  1. Dedue: Such tasks are beneath you, Your Majesty. Please rest while I handle this.
  2. Dimitri: Don't be ridiculous. Besides, a little manual labor here and there serves as wonderful stress relief.
  1. Dimitri: You always tell me to rest, Dedue, but I wonder if you get enough rest yourself.
  2. Dedue: You needn't worry, Your Majesty. I will rest when I must.
  1. Dimitri: The two of us make a formidable team.
  2. Dedue: I'm just happy to be of use.
  1. Dimitri: Don't hold anything back, Dedue. Together, our success is guaranteed.
  2. Dedue: I'll do my best. Just don't overexert yourself, Your Majesty.


  1. Felix: Stuck with you again? Fine, let's get this over with.
  2. Dimitri: Indeed, we should finish this quickly for both of our sakes.
  1. Dimitri: Let's be quick, shall we? I know you don't care much for working with me.
  2. Felix: Hmph, I never said that. Don't put words in my mouth.
  1. Felix: What do you expect? That was child's play.
  2. Dimitri: And yet... No, we can leave it at that. I appreciate the help today, Felix.
  1. Dimitri: You'll be my partner today, Felix? No need to hold back, then.
  2. Felix: Right. Just don't go so hard you wreck the training grounds. Other people use this place, you know.


  1. Sylvain: Why are they sending you to work, Your Majesty? This'll make it a lot harder to slack off... Unless that's the whole point?!
  2. Dimitri: That's enough talk. Let us begin.
  1. Sylvain: See, even I can be useful sometimes! I probably could've gotten away with doing less, actually.
  2. Dimitri: I've never once doubted your utility, Sylvain. Do not be so quick to belittle yourself.
  1. Sylvain: Urgh, I have to train with His Majesty today? Can't I just pretend I did and take a nap instead?
  2. Dimitri: Come now, I won't hurt you. Much.


  1. Rodrigue: You shouldn't be troubled by such menial tasks as these, Your Majesty. I suggest you rest instead.
  2. Dimitri: Work like this will help me stay sharp when I need it most. Besides, you're here to help lighten my burden.
  1. Dimitri: A fine effort. I couldn't have done it without you by my side, Rodrigue.
  2. Rodrigue: There's no need for flattery, Your Majesty. We both know you helped me more than the reverse.
  1. Rodrigue: Strange. It feels as though I'm facing off against Lambert himself.
  2. Dimitri: I'm not sure I can live up to my father's prowess in the art, but I will do my best.