
You have naught to worry about with me on the job!


  1. Ferdinand: You are always one step ahead of me—but today is my time to shine!
  2. Edelgard: Go easy on yourself, Ferdinand. You've nothing more to prove to me.
  1. Edelgard: Are you sure you're up to this, Ferdinand? Why don't you let me take over for a bit?
  2. Ferdinand: Nonsense! My duty is to support you.
  1. Ferdinand: Just look at what we accomplished together! Let there be no question the Empire will flourish.
  2. Edelgard: I hope so, although I'm not certain how much one has to do with the other...
  1. Ferdinand: I am sure you could pick stronger opponents... but here goes everything!
  2. Edelgard: Stronger than you? Who do you expect me to call on, Count Bergliez?


  1. Ferdinand: Behold as I prove once again to be the superior worker in this most menial of tasks!
  2. Hubert: If you are that superior, perhaps I will simply let you do everything.
  1. Ferdinand: Once I decide to do something, watch out! Come on, keep up! Full effort, now!
  2. Hubert: Your decisiveness is truly a pain in the... I mean, it is painfully helpful.
  1. Hubert: I often hold reservations about our working together, but cannot deny it yields results.
  2. Ferdinand: Oh, stop muttering and just be proud of what we accomplished!
  1. Hubert: You are so very easy to train with, Ferdinand. I needn't hold myself back to avoid killing you.
  2. Ferdinand: Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Um, Hubert?


  1. Ferdinand: Dorothea, please hear me out. I suspect there is something you misunderstand about me.
  2. Dorothea: Ferdie, we're working, remember? And anyway, you should save that for when we're alone.
  1. Dorothea: All right, let's work together and get this done. No idle chit-chat today, Ferdie!
  2. Ferdinand: Er, right. I will just...focus on work.
  1. Dorothea: Well, I have things to do, so bye for now.
  2. Ferdinand: Oh, uh, Dorothea... Apologies, but would you mind handling the report?
  1. Dorothea: Go easy on me, Ferdie. All right?
  2. Ferdinand: I only hope my mind doesn't wander to other things while we train...


  1. Lorenz: So, Ferdinand. Shall we finish this elegantly, like the nobles we are?
  2. Ferdinand: Indeed, Lorenz. That is what people expect of us, after all.
  1. Ferdinand: Spectacular work—as should be expected when the nobility of Adrestia and Leicester act as one!
  2. Lorenz: There is nothing we cannot achieve! Ahaha!
  1. Ferdinand: The commoners would be so inspired to see two titans of the nobility working up a sweat.
  2. Lorenz: Indeed, we must set a shining example for our people!