1. Thank you very much! It's a pleasure to be treated [cdb]to my favorite food!
  2. It's a tremendous joy to share this meal with you.
  3. Ah... No, it's fine! We all have to face our food fears [cdb]eventually.
  4. Me? Are you sure? In that case, I'd be glad to [cdb]join you!
  5. <<<EMPTY>>>
  6. An ancient battlefield, maybe? No, I'm sure it's [cdb]nothing that exciting.
  7. What a peaceful place... Oh, and listen to that! Birdsong!
  8. What a splendid view! It reminds me of the lovely [cdb]scenery around Garreg Mach.
  9. Ah, the sound of water is so soothing.
  10. Can I sing with you? I know some great hymns!
  11. Oh, I'm hungry too! Just one big whiff of the gorgeous [cdb]air out here is enough to stoke my appetite.
  12. Yes, and with so few people around, I feel like I can [cdb]finally let my guard down.
  13. Oh no! How will we ever find our way back?!
  14. So you're a skilled field medic as well? So versatile!
  15. Oh, but my armor is so heavy... Should I take it off [cdb]first?
  16. Very much so—especially when grilled!
  17. A fine idea! First, we should try to identify what sort [cdb]of person would own such a thing. Now, from the way [cdb]it's carved...
  18. A lot of soldiers have impressive nicknames, [cdb]don't they? What would mine be? Keeper of the Gate [cdb]is too boring... How about the Eternal Watchman?
  19. I'm honored to man my post day and night to scare [cdb]off any hooligans who think about wandering in.
  20. I really feel like gatekeeping is my true calling.
  21. I talk with the merchants all the time. Anna's the best [cdb]of the bunch, in my humble opinion.
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. <<<EMPTY>>>
  25. Well, I love seeing you all grow and develop, [cdb]and I also love cheering you on!
  26. I hate it when people die...but that's war for you. Let's all do our best to make sure that doesn't happen!
  27. When the war is over, I'm planning to get back to my [cdb]music. Did you know I was in the church band?
  28. Well, I worry about not being taken seriously. Sometimes I wonder if anyone even knows my name.
  29. My parents are in good health. And while I have a lot [cdb]of younger brothers, I'm easily the most devout [cdb]of the bunch.
  30. I ran away from home with nothing but the shirt on [cdb]my back and took a post at Garreg Mach.
  31. Each day at the gate, I pray you'll all return safely.
  32. I do have some training with a lance, but I doubt I [cdb]could match you in combat.
  33. Everyone trusts you, so you must be pretty great!
  34. <<<EMPTY>>>
  35. Nothing to report! How about yourself?
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. I'd take my helmet off, but I just don't feel safe [cdb]without it!
  38. <<<EMPTY>>>
  39. Is my face really that interesting?
  40. <<<EMPTY>>>
  41. I wonder if I'd get my own custom armor like the rest [cdb]of you if I got promoted. That is how it works, right?
  42. <<<EMPTY>>>
  43. Thanks for inviting me! I have to get back to my post!
  44. <<<EMPTY>>>
  45. Reporting for duty!