1. You will not fall in vain.
  2. I will crush all obstacles in my way.
  3. The only acceptable outcome.
  4. Follow me, everyone!
  5. Now you know the strength of the Adrestian Emperor!
  6. Position secured!
  7. Unfurl the flag!
  8. We'll make good use of this.
  9. Looks like I win. Perhaps you'd consider [cdb]joining our side now?
  10. Battling with you is exhausting, Dimitri. Can't we settle this over chess instead?
  11. You're not paying attention, Claude—and that [cdb]is a surefire recipe for failure.
  12. There will be consequences, Hubert.
  13. I hope that is enough to deter you.
  14. You make a blood-chilling enemy, Jeritza.
  15. How strange. I rarely feel as proud as this [cdb]when besting a foe.
  16. I will never stop so long as you resist, Rhea!
  17. I don't think it's healthy for a person to enjoy [cdb]her defeat quite so much, Monica.
  18. It was my way forward or yours, Constance.
  19. That power belongs to the Empire!
  20. If there's nothing more to say, I will end this.
  21. I suppose I should thank you for making [cdb]me strong enough to destroy you.
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. You made this bed. Now lie in it.
  25. Don't make me remove you from my path. I will do so without hesitation.
  26. You are all pebbles by the wayside of Emperor Edelgard von Hresvelg!
  27. The people's future will be built on merit, [cdb]not privilege—and I will wade through an [cdb]ocean of blood to see it made so!
  28. I must tread more carefully...
  29. I can't fall here...
  30. A great help.
  31. Well done.
  32. Thank you.
  33. My thanks.
  34. Your spirit is admirable.
  35. You provide a shining example for all.
  36. That's the spirit!
  37. I fear we've no time for accolades.
  38. Show me what you're capable of!
  39. You're making me feel bad for the enemy, Dimitri.
  40. Very sharp, Claude—as usual.
  41. I always feel more at ease with you on the [cdb]battlefield, Hubert.
  42. Where did that come from? Not to imply I [cdb]expected any less.
  43. Once you start fighting, it is difficult to [cdb]look away.
  44. I knew I could count on you, Monica.
  45. Yes, let them taste the Empire's might!
  46. I like you better when you're on my side.
  47. So much sorrow, and yet you carry on!
  48. Excellent! Now when might I see the real [cdb]sparks fly?
  49. A fine feat, Bernadetta! But don't overextend [cdb]yourself, all right?
  50. Well done, my Twin Jewels! You never disappoint!
  51. Saving you truly was one of my finer moments, Monica. Thank you.
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. Your deeds will be remembered throughout Fódlan!
  54. With you on our side, we'll never know defeat!
  55. You're worth a thousand soldiers!
  56. A shame you weren't born into the Empire.
  57. No wonder they call you a Demon!
  58. Your valor will be remembered by friend and [cdb]foe alike. All of Adrestia will sing your name!
  59. Such strength! Your reputation has clearly [cdb]been earned.
  60. The mark you've left on history deserves an [cdb]epithet. "The Swifting Shadow," perhaps?
  61. Bernadetta! You've made such great strides, I don't even know what to say!
  62. Only my Twin Jewels could dominate the [cdb]battlefield with such ease!
  63. I've never been more certain that I need you [cdb]at my side, Monica.
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. This one stings...
  66. Be wary! They have someone dangerous on [cdb]their side!
  67. I'll wipe that smirk off your face.
  68. You've had your fun, but no more!
  69. This could be a challenge...
  70. I'm bringing it down!
  71. None will pass on my watch!
  72. We must do something!
  73. We've been breached? Then there's no hope...
  74. Whatever your intent, you've already lost.
  75. You face the emperor of Adrestia!
  76. Make ready, for I won't hold back.
  77. I'd sooner not fight you, but so be it!
  78. As you wish. I will test your worth!
  79. I don't have time for this, but you leave me [cdb]with no choice!
  80. I won't give you the chance to talk your way [cdb]out of this, Claude!
  81. I don't know what you're scheming, Hubert, [cdb]but don't expect me to hold back.
  82. You surprise me, Bernadetta. I did not take [cdb]you for one who would bare her fangs at me.
  83. Don't worry—I'll spare your life.
  84. You know I can be reasonable, Monica. Tell me why you're doing this.
  85. If you truly wish to fight me, then I will [cdb]answer with all my might!
  86. If your convictions won't bend, then don't [cdb]expect mine to.
  87. I see you're still fighting for that dream of [cdb]yours, Constance.
  88. It worked!
  89. To think I was chased from the battlefield like [cdb]a coward...
  90. This is a disaster...
  91. I'll redeem myself later!
  92. I will return!
  93. Steel your hearts so we might crush our [cdb]enemy together!
  94. I will deal with this!
  95. I've returned to repay the slight!
  96. I return! Now let's end this!
  97. I cannot let death claim me... The rest... is in your hands...
  98. Imperial forces, attack!
  99. None will stand between us and the bright [cdb]new future I envision!
  100. Victory awaits! Now show me your courage!
  101. Conduct a rescue, quickly! We can ill afford [cdb]any losses!
  102. We must hold at all costs!
  103. All troops, withdraw! We must live to fight [cdb]another day!
  104. Our conquest hinges on victory!
  105. United, we are unbeatable!
  106. We will surmount this challenge together!
  107. You'll not succeed on my watch!
  108. Nothing will stop us from prevailing!
  109. Rejoice! Victory is ours!
  110. Onward and upward!
  111. That takes care of the rescue—and not a [cdb]moment too soon.
  112. You held strong—lift your heads high!
  113. We escaped only by the skin of our teeth. Now we need to regroup...
  114. If you stand in the Empire's path, you will [cdb]be conquered!
  115. Is this truly where our path ends?
  116. Carry on for me... Unite Fódlan...
  117. Now! Tear into them!
  118. Hold strong and watch for an opportunity to [cdb]strike back!
  119. That takes care of the obstruction. Advance!
  120. Wonderful. Look for a way forward!
  121. Everyone to me! Advance!
  122. I'll provide some protection.
  123. It seems you could use some help.
  124. Now! Advance!
  125. Go! Provide protection!
  126. Conduct a rescue!
  127. Hold that position with your life!
  128. Could someone please wrest me from this [cdb]predicament?
  129. Just who I was looking for. I need your help.
  130. I'm short-handed. Can you help?
  131. You're just in time.
  132. Might I trouble you for some help?
  133. I am Edelgard von Hresvelg, and I will not [cdb]yield to any of you!
  134. What's this? I'd best be careful...
  135. Here I go—no mistakes!
  136. They must learn who they're up against!
  137. How does that please you?
  138. Success was to be expected.
  139. I'll make up for this in no time.
  140. I read the situation incorrectly.
  141. There is no quarter in war!
  142. I didn't expect to fail.
  143. Let's begin!
  144. It worked!
  145. Not all days go the way you hope...
  146. No! We have to do something!