1. I'm still here!
  2. I'll do what I have to, no matter what.
  3. Bernie's unstoppable!
  4. That was good...um, but I'm not patting [cdb]myself on the back for the win or anything.
  5. No one's gonna call me Bernie-bear again!
  6. Pretty good, huh?
  7. All this work makes me want to take a break...
  8. Wait, it's ours? I did it, everybody!
  9. I know I managed to win, but you're still [cdb]really tough!
  10. I know I managed to win, but you're still [cdb]really tough!
  11. I beat Lady Edelgard? Eep!
  12. Please forgive me, Mr. Scary Man!
  13. Oh gosh... I'm really sorry, Alois!
  14. This is making me think of all that sad stuff [cdb]from the past...
  15. I knew Lady Rhea was gonna be terrifying!
  16. This all feels like a bad dream. It's hard to [cdb]breathe...
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. Please don't come get revenge on me!
  20. Hey... Cheer up, OK?
  21. Augh! Church people are terrifying!
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. I didn't have a choice! I had to fight you!
  25. I have to win to survive, no matter who I'm fighting!
  26. I have no idea what I'm doing, but...I guess I'm doing it right? Maybe?
  27. Did you see that? Bernadetta the Invincible [cdb]has seized the day!
  28. Hey, so this is kinda bad, right?
  29. You better help me, 'cause if I die here, I'm [cdb]gonna become a ghost and haunt you forever!
  30. Thanks.
  31. I needed that.
  32. Thanks so much.
  33. That helped a ton. Thanks.
  34. Whoa...
  35. You make me want to do my best, too!
  36. Wow...
  37. Make sure to, um...keep that momentum!
  38. Since you're doing so well, maybe it's OK for [cdb]me to take it easy a little bit?
  39. You're the best, Edelgard!
  40. Eek! Please don't do the creepy smile!
  41. You're working so hard, Linhardt! It makes [cdb]me want to do the same.
  42. You're always so cool under fire, Petra.
  43. You look amazing even when you're fighting [cdb]people, Dorothea.
  44. You're amazing, Marianne!
  45. I'm rooting for you, Yuri!
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. Everybody's really proud of you!
  49. Everybody's really proud of you!
  50. You're so strong, Edelgard. I hope I can be [cdb]even ten percent that useful someday...
  51. Let's fight with all we've got, Linhardt. No tragedies allowed!
  52. You've made so much progress, Marianne! I'm really impressed.
  53. Wow... That's amazing! Just watching you [cdb]tires me out!
  54. Wow... That's amazing! Just watching you [cdb]tires me out!
  55. I'm sure glad you're on my side—I bet you [cdb]could take someone like me down in no time.
  56. I always knew you were a scary— Uh, I mean [cdb]amazing! An amazing person!
  57. I had no idea you could do that, Hubert! I need to be more careful around you...
  58. This can't be the Linhardt I know... Are you [cdb]some kind of fake...or maybe a doppelganger?!
  59. Remind me to stay on your good side, Yuri.
  60. I can't help but watch when you're going like [cdb]this. I almost forgot to fight! Whoa...
  61. Go get them, Edelgard! Me and the others are [cdb]right behind you!
  62. Wow, Linhardt! Does this mean you actually [cdb]care? It's a miracle!
  63. You're so strong now, Marianne... You're like [cdb]the main character in a fairy tale!
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. No! They got one of our friends!
  66. This is a catastrophe!
  67. Ugh, this is who I have to fight?
  68. They're gonna come for me next! Nooo!
  69. Eek! I can't do this!
  70. Please let us take this place down—I need [cdb]somewhere to hide!
  71. This is my safe space, and they can't have it!
  72. Things are going to be bad if someone doesn't [cdb]do something fast!
  73. Wait, we lost? No...
  74. I'm not gonna lose, so please just give up and [cdb]don't hurt me!
  75. Stay back! I'll totally beat you up if you come [cdb]any closer!
  76. Aw, why do we have to fight each other?
  77. Oh, why do we have to fight each other?
  78. No way... I have to fight you?!
  79. No way... I have to fight you?!
  80. Wait, I have to fight Edelgard?! Ughhh!
  81. Ack! No, no, no, please don't hurt me!
  82. Sorry, Alois, but there are times when even I [cdb]can't surrender!
  83. Huh? Why are you giving me that look? Do I know you?
  84. Father?
  85. I wish we could've been friends.
  86. No! The church people are here!
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Even I can do stuff sometimes!
  89. Why do you hate me?!
  90. That's it, I'm out of here.
  91. Wait, I still can't go home yet? Ugh...
  92. See you later, battlefield!
  93. Guess I have to chip in sometime, huh?
  94. Bet you didn't think I'd leave my room, huh?
  95. Wait, I have to keep fighting? Noo!
  96. To be honest, I really just want to go home, [cdb]but... Well, I'll do my best.
  97. I thought...I'd be able to do more...
  98. I don't want to get left behind while I'm [cdb]stuck hiding in my room!
  99. I'm going to win, and I'm going to smile while [cdb]doing it!
  100. Looks like the fight's starting... Come on, Bernie, you can do this!
  101. You must really be down, huh? Well, I promise [cdb]to save you!
  102. This is my safe place, and I won't let it fall!
  103. Run away as fast as you can!
  104. Looks like it's time to show everyone what Bernie can do!
  105. Um...so I can't just sit this one out?
  106. Maybe we should just run away?
  107. That enemy just now wasn't looking at me, [cdb]right? Right?
  108. Do I have to fight them...
  109. I...won? Hey, I actually won!
  110. Whew! I'm alive, which means I can finally [cdb]go home.
  111. Yay! I rescued somebody!
  112. Pretty please just don't attack this place again.
  113. That's way more than enough of that...
  114. That was some battle—I thought I was [cdb]dead so many times...
  115. Wait, we lost? Oh...
  116. OK, this really hurts... Sorry everybody, [cdb]but I have to retreat!
  117. Now this is what I'm talking about!
  118. I think we might actually lose here!
  119. Oh, yay! We can advance now!
  120. Noo! Why can't we advance?
  121. All right, let's keep moving...
  122. You need some backup?
  123. I'm gonna help, OK?
  124. Onward!
  125. Go help! Um...please?
  126. They need to be rescued! There's no time [cdb]to lose!
  127. Defend, please!
  128. I'm here! Help me!
  129. I'd really love it if you could help me!
  131. Can you help me? Pretty please?
  132. Somebody help me right now!
  133. This is my chance to show you what I'm [cdb]made of!
  134. Don't lose hope! We still have a chance!
  135. It's Bernie's time to shine!
  136. Sure hope this goes OK...
  137. Tell me somebody saw that!
  138. I can't believe that worked!
  139. Why me...
  140. Bernie's no good...
  141. We did it! Yay!
  142. No! We didn't do it!
  143. Here I go!
  144. We did it!
  145. Oh, come on!