1. I know this is for Her Majesty, but I wouldn't mind if [cdb]it turned into a chance to outshine you.
  2. Well, what better way to get results than a little [cdb]healthy competition?
  3. You are such a fountain of competence these days. If I am not careful, you might just usurp my place at [cdb]the emperor's side.
  4. I know you don't believe that. Now enough talk— [cdb]help me with this already!
  5. I am amazed we managed to get along well enough [cdb]for our work to pass muster.
  6. Indeed! I wouldn't be able to face Her Majesty with [cdb]pride in my chest if we botched this task.
  7. What in Fódlan possessed you to invite the two of us? It's fine, but why?
  8. Yes, whatever nefarious scheme you are up to here, [cdb]spit it out. Not that I mind, of course.
  9. Her Majesty says she never knows what will emerge [cdb]from our mouths when the three of us are together.
  10. Speak for yourself. I am incredibly restrained...except [cdb]when I'm not.
  11. So I am to train with you, hm? My, will I even [cdb]survive this encounter?
  12. You don't have to patronize me. I am not the [cdb]blood-crazed lunatic you are!