1. I want to see the full extent of your abilities, Hilda. I hope you put forth every effort today.
  2. But even if I did, Lorenz, I could never keep up with [cdb]you. So you just give it your all, OK?
  3. I'm so glad you're here, Lorenz. This'll be easy for [cdb]you, right?
  4. But of course. You shall see for yourself how reliable I am.
  5. That went better than expected, but it also proved far [cdb]more exhausting.
  6. You really went all in, Lorenz! I'm impressed.
  7. The way you pick at your food makes it seem so [cdb]unappetizing.
  8. How rude! This is how nobles are taught to eat. You could do with some proper table manners [cdb]yourself.
  9. I can tell our friend poured tons of love for me [cdb]into this.
  10. Love, hm? In that case, I will have to seize the next [cdb]opportunity to make something even better.
  11. We must make the most of this training and surpass [cdb]our limits. I expect you to participate as well, Hilda.
  12. Are you saying you think I'll slack off? Rude! Training's the one thing I never push off to others!