1. I can't believe the Almyran army is invading!
  2. And with the biggest army since Fódlan's Locket was [cdb]completed!
  3. My brother's preparing to intercept them, but he's [cdb]outnumbered big time and needs all the help he [cdb]can get.
  4. House Riegan stands ready, but we can't expect my [cdb]grandfather to lead an army, so I guess it falls to me.
  5. I wish I knew what the other Alliance lords will do, [cdb]but there's no time to call a roundtable.
  6. I have no doubt my father has already leapt into [cdb]action, though I will likely be the one who ends up on [cdb]the front lines.
  7. House Ordelia is close, so I like to think we've already [cdb]sent reinforcements.
  8. Sadly, I expect little help to come from my adoptive [cdb]father. I'm sorry.
  9. That's fine. I actually have a different favor to ask Margrave Edmund, but we can chat about it later.
  10. I don't understand the reason for this sudden act of [cdb]aggression.
  11. If this really is the biggest army since Fódlan's Locket [cdb]was completed, that's a century's worth of battles.
  12. Maybe the Almyrans figured it's now or never, [cdb]since the Empire and Kingdom are wrapped up [cdb]in their own problems.
  13. I mean, we're pretty much the only students left [cdb]around here now.
  14. Yeah, I heard something about a coup in Enbarr and [cdb]a revolt in Fhirdiad?
  15. Both serious problems that don't directly affect the Alliance.
  16. And even if word of Fódlan's troubles has reached the Almyrans, it doesn't follow that they'd start a war.
  17. Well, that's assuming they have all the information— [cdb]which seems unlikely.
  18. If all they heard was something vague like "war in the [cdb]capitals," it might make them more likely to invade.
  19. Do you truly think so?
  20. Offer to fight with them.
  21. Propose asking the knights for help.
  22. Let me go with you. Maybe I can help.
  23. Let me go with you. Maybe I can help.
  24. Hey, we need every sword hand we can get. Welcome aboard!
  25. And you'll have me.
  26. Maybe we could ask the knights to provide some [cdb]troops. Their strength would be invaluable.
  27. Maybe we could ask the knights to provide some [cdb]troops. Their strength would be invaluable.
  28. Wishful thinking. But you do get one knight—me.
  29. The name's Shamir. I'm a Knight of Seiros.
  30. The bulk of the knights were dispatched earlier to [cdb]track down Tomas.
  31. And the rest of us fanned out to the Kingdom and Imperial capitals.
  32. Yeah, I was worried they might've been deployed [cdb]already. How did we end up with you?
  33. The church may not be able to lend you an army, [cdb]but they won't turn a blind eye.
  34. I'm here because I'm the best woman for the job— [cdb]my arrows will make short work of Almyran wyvern [cdb]riders.
  35. So we get to see what the knights' best archer can do [cdb]with a bow? I won't say no to that!
  36. I'll be counting on you as well.
  37. Hope we can count on you as well?
  38. It certainly sounds more interesting than staying here [cdb]and twiddling our thumbs—and besides, who knows [cdb]what will become of the academy in the meantime?
  39. Sure thing. I'm in.
  40. Sure thing. I'm in.