1. We'll reach the Great Bridge of Myrddin soon.
  2. Houses Phlegethon and Gloucester are defending it, [cdb]just as we anticipated.
  3. But Ladislava has done her job and broken through [cdb]the enemy line for us.
  4. I intend to claim a swift victory and return her to [cdb]us whole.
  5. If possible, the members of House Gloucester are to [cdb]be taken alive.
  6. As we discussed previously, killing them will [cdb]jeopardize Her Majesty's ability to rule effectively.
  7. If any enemy commanders appear open to persuasion, [cdb]try to convince them to surrender.
  8. Our goal here is not to utterly annihilate our foes. The fewer casualties, the better.
  9. That said, anyone who refuses to submit must be [cdb]struck down without mercy.
  10. I know when to catch and when to kill. I am often [cdb]being faced with such decisions on the hunt.
  11. Y-you expect me to make that kind of decision in the [cdb]heat of battle?
  12. You just do what you always do, Bernadetta.
  13. If it's all right with you, I'd prefer to focus on the [cdb]diplomacy part. I'm not much for bloodshed.
  14. Then you may leave that part to me. I will happily [cdb]deal with any soldiers you cannot.
  15. It should be a simple enough matter to determine [cdb]which of our enemies wishes to live and which will [cdb]choose the way of death.
  16. We'd better not misjudge anyone, or else our lives [cdb]will be the ones in danger.
  17. Then we should fight first and ask questions later. When in doubt, take 'em out! Am I right?
  18. We can sweat the small stuff when the battle's over. Until then, I'll do what I do best!
  19. I believe we should all do what we do best.
  20. If we do, I feel confident we will emerge on top when [cdb]the dust settles.
  21. Victory is the most important thing, so leave the [cdb]vanguard to me.
  22. Victory is the most important thing, so leave the [cdb]vanguard to me.
  23. Then if everyone is prepared, let us show them the [cdb]might of the Empire!