1. And so I reach my end... Pray forgive me my [cdb]weakness, Your Majesty.
  2. Live, my little niece...for the both of us.
  3. Annette...Gustave... Forgive me...
  4. They deified him for being the descendant of a hero.
  5. And in return, he got a life he could never control [cdb]and a death he could never ordain.
  6. Yet surely the man was happy to die for his people. He must have felt as though he had fulfilled his set [cdb]purpose in life.
  7. That notion alone should tell you how warped the [cdb]world has become.
  8. Still, right and wrong are spoils to be handed out by [cdb]the victor of this war.
  9. Well said, Your Majesty. We must prevail if we are to [cdb]change the world.
  10. This war is only the first step.
  11. I get it now.
  12. I get it now.
  13. I beg your pardon?
  14. Everything's finally clicked for me. I understand what [cdb]we're really up against here.
  15. Everything's finally clicked for me. I understand what [cdb]we're really up against here.
  16. Oh?
  17. I told you before, I don't always get where you're [cdb]coming from.
  18. I told you before, I don't always get where you're [cdb]coming from.
  19. Still, you trusted me, and that was enough.
  20. Still, you trusted me, and that was enough.
  21. But what you said just then?
  22. But what you said just then?
  23. It made me realize we're not fighting the church or [cdb]the Kingdom.
  24. It made me realize we're not fighting the church or [cdb]the Kingdom.
  25. I mean, we are, of course—but what we're really up [cdb]against is the world itself.
  26. I mean, we are, of course—but what we're really up [cdb]against is the world itself.
  27. And even if we win, there's no guarantee we'll leave Fódlan in better shape than we found it.
  28. And even if we win, there's no guarantee we'll leave Fódlan better than we found it.
  29. All we can do is try our best and hope it works out. Pretty hard to wrap your brain around, honestly.
  30. All we can do is try our best and hope it works out. Pretty hard to wrap your brain around, honestly.
  31. I can't even begin to fathom how you can grapple [cdb]with something that heavy.
  32. I can't even begin to fathom how you can grapple [cdb]with something that heavy.
  33. Heh. Once again, you manage to find a most [cdb]surprising nugget of philosophy.
  34. I knew you'd understand. Even if I can't point to the [cdb]reason why I felt that way.
  35. But I'm glad to hear you say it. Thank you.