1. Do I wanna know what you two are talking about?
  2. Do I wanna know what you two are talking about?
  3. Is it not obvious? We are debating who might be [cdb]behind the recent disturbance in the peace.
  4. Ask for specifics.
  5. Venture a guess.
  6. And what's your answer?
  7. And what's your answer?
  8. Lord Arundel. Tomas. Kronya. Those who slither in [cdb]the dark.
  9. We may have ousted them from power in Enbarr, [cdb]but we knew it was not the end of their vile schemes.
  10. The slithery people, right?
  11. The slithery people, right?
  12. Correct. Absurdly phrased, but correct.
  13. We may have ousted Lord Arundel and the others [cdb]from power in Enbarr, but we knew it was not the end [cdb]of their vile schemes.
  14. Which is why we have been preparing for the day [cdb]they bared their fangs once more.
  15. Granted, we lack solid proof they are behind this.
  16. But it is the most likely explanation considering the [cdb]scale of the revolts, as well as where and when they [cdb]all occurred.
  17. I'll keep that in mind on the battlefield.
  18. I'll keep that in mind on the battlefield.
  19. Oh, and for the record, I like this part where you all [cdb]trust me enough to tell me what's going on.
  20. Oh, and for the record, I like this part where you all [cdb]trust me enough to tell me what's going on.
  21. A strategy I strongly oppose...but Her Majesty [cdb]insisted we keep you in the loop.
  22. Must you always antagonize, Hubert?
  23. I merely state fact. Though I will admit you saved [cdb]the emperor's life—once.
  24. Still, I would not be shocked in the slightest if you [cdb]suddenly changed your colors and tried to kill her.
  25. Yet sharing such knowledge with you achieves a [cdb]dual purpose.
  26. It helps prevent those who slither in the dark from [cdb]using you, and it gives ample justification to [cdb]dispose of you should you betray us.
  27. Accept his calculating nature.
  28. Vent your frustration.
  29. You never change, Hubert. At this point, I dunno [cdb]how I'd react if you did.
  30. You never change, Hubert. At this point, I dunno [cdb]how I'd react if you did.
  31. You still don't trust me after all this time? What exactly is it gonna take?
  32. You still don't trust me after all this time? What exactly is it gonna take?
  33. You may not have Hubert's trust, but you have [cdb]mine. I'll be counting on you as always in the [cdb]battles to come.
  34. If those who slither in the dark appear, we must strike [cdb]them down!