1. Bring your company over to the western wall. I'll [cdb]defend the interior myself.
  2. Yes, Lady Catherine!
  3. Been a while since I've had the pleasure of watching [cdb]you work, Catherine.
  4. I could say the same of you.
  5. It's been, what, two years now since you left [cdb]the knights?
  6. You picked some time for a reunion.
  7. The Kingdom called, and I answered. That's it. Besides...
  8. What? If you got words for me, then spit 'em out.
  9. Words, huh? You know, I wasn't sure what to expect [cdb]when I heard there was an ex-bandit playing general [cdb]over here.
  10. But your orders are precise, and you have some [cdb]serious tactical know-how. If I didn't know any [cdb]better, I'd think you were a trained leader.
  11. Sometimes even bandits have great commanders. Not often, but I've seen it happen.
  12. Hmph. Our lands were always under siege by Sreng [cdb]forces. Got defense strategies practically beaten into [cdb]me when I was a little kid.
  13. You really are the former heir to House Gautier, then. I heard a lot about you when I was a kid myself.
  14. I'd always hoped to spar with you one day. Never thought you'd end up disowned.
  15. Cram it. I'm the one who cut ties with that rotten [cdb]house of mine.
  16. You've done well to stay alive since.
  17. Yeah, because I've got a purpose now.
  18. I'm gonna show the world that if I act all proper, [cdb]even a Crestless loser like me can accomplish [cdb]whatever he wants.
  19. Ugh, made me sick to my stomach hearing that [cdb]drivel. Even sicker coming from some weak-willed [cdb]king with a Crest who's been spoon-fed his whole life.
  20. Yet here you are fighting in his army. And well, [cdb]at that.
  21. Yeah. Turns out the king's not the only weak-willed [cdb]one around here.
  22. You know what they said to me? That I wasn't gonna [cdb]be held back by Crests anymore. That the only thing [cdb]tying me down now was my own past mistakes.
  23. Now look at me. Square at the top of a squad full of Crest-bearers and non alike.
  24. But ridiculous as it sounds...part of me's actually [cdb]come to like it.
  25. Lady Catherine, our enemies are within the fortress! But...all of the gates were sealed!
  26. This is Arianrhod we're talking about. There's [cdb]probably more than a few hidden passageways [cdb]we're not aware of in here.
  27. The former lord of this fortress, Count Rowe, fell [cdb]in battle. But I doubt he was the only one familiar [cdb]with the secrets of its construction.
  28. Then we'll have to fight them off until reinforcements [cdb]arrive. I will cut these trespassers down in one fell [cdb]swoop!
  29. We don't even know how many of them there are yet. Looks like I'm finally settling my debts.
  30. Such a bleak outlook will only consign you and your [cdb]soldiers to defeat.
  31. Why you! Forget it. Look, if you wanna make it out [cdb]of this alive, you'll listen close.
  32. A fortress like this has always got a secret passage, [cdb]and there's only a few places it could be...
  33. The fighting has reached Arianrhod's inner walls.
  34. The enemy must have entered through some [cdb]unknown route.
  35. Eh, I'm glad they're already in. Just means more [cdb]chances to show what I can do.
  36. Eh, I'm glad they're already in. Just means more [cdb]chances to show what I can do.
  37. I appreciate your confidence. Is everyone prepared? Today we will deal a decisive blow not only to the [cdb]vile emperor, but to all of Adrestia.
  38. And I will be depending on each and every one of you [cdb]to do it. Now, with me!