1. The Imperial army has fled south with the emperor in [cdb]tow. They appear to be headed for Garreg Mach.
  2. The Imperial army has fled south to Garreg Mach, [cdb]along with the emperor.
  3. And just as planned, the archbishop and her squadron [cdb]are en route there as well.
  4. And as arranged, the archbishop and her squadron [cdb]are on their way there as well.
  5. But we have also received word of suspicious [cdb]behavior from the fugitive Duke Aegir.
  6. But we've also gotten reports of suspicious behavior [cdb]by the fugitive Duke Aegir.
  7. Meaning what?
  8. Rather than retreat to the monastery, he remains [cdb]roaming in the vicinity of this very battlefield.
  9. He isn't retreating to the monastery with the rest of [cdb]the army, but staying here near the battlefield.
  10. Maybe he's looking for something?
  11. Or perhaps it is a trap, or a diversion of some kind. We still do not know what our enemy is planning.
  12. It's hard to say—we still don't know what the enemy's [cdb]after. It might even be a trap, or a diversion.
  13. But we do know that Count Bergliez has stationed [cdb]units at various key points in the hopes of slowing [cdb]us down.
  14. Reports say the Ashen Demon is among them as well.
  15. That fiend has already taken Rodrigue from us. If we do not wish to suffer further losses, we cannot [cdb]underestimate them.
  16. So they're back. I'll get them this time.
  17. So they're back. I'll get them this time.
  18. Well, now what? Duke Aegir might not be rushing to [cdb]reach Garreg Mach...
  19. But we should be. We don't want to lose our [cdb]advantage.
  20. Of course not, but if we charge in too hastily, we'll be [cdb]swarmed by Bergliez and his soldiers.
  21. Hmm, maybe we could try and find a weak spot in [cdb]their defenses and break through there?
  22. That would all be fine and well on regular terrain. We don't really have the luxury of choosing our [cdb]route here in the valley.
  23. What about the shortcut Lady Rhea used?
  24. We would have to break into smaller units to get our [cdb]whole army through, but it might just work.
  25. It is too dangerous. Splitting up would just make us [cdb]easier targets for whatever traps the enemy's laid.
  26. I fear I must agree. Such a plan could play straight [cdb]into the Empire's hands.
  27. Attempting to traverse that route without the proper [cdb]preparations would only result in needless loss.
  28. Hm.
  29. Hm.
  30. Looks like you need my guidance. Hear me out.
  31. With an army as big as ours, there's no point trying to [cdb]get clever with it.
  32. Our only real concern is the possibility of getting [cdb]surrounded. Therefore, what I propose is...
  33. We'll push our way through—strike everywhere all at [cdb]once. Whatever traps Duke Aegir's got for us, [cdb]we'll blow straight through 'em.
  34. We'll push our way through—strike everywhere all at [cdb]once. Whatever traps Duke Aegir's got for us, [cdb]we'll blow straight through them.
  35. This isn't a thinking person's fight, not now. We've [cdb]got the stronger army, so let's start acting like it.
  36. This isn't a thinking person's fight, not now. We've [cdb]got the stronger army, so let's start acting like it.
  37. I didn't realize we had two boars on our side. Though I can't say I disagree.
  38. We have the numbers. It is a good plan.
  39. I hold no objections. Our combined might would [cdb]overwhelm even the greatest ambush.
  40. Now...the Empire will learn what the legions of Faerghus are capable of.
  41. Hey, Arval.
  42. Hey, Arval.
  43. Now that we've fought Myson again, I think I get it. This power...it's the same one they have.
  44. Now that we've fought Myson again, I think I get it. This power, it's...the same one they have.
  45. You felt it too, right? The guy he mentioned before, Epimenides. He's...
  46. You felt it too, right? The guy he mentioned before, Epimenides. He's...
  47. Me. At least, all signs point to that.
  48. Say, do you detest me? Detest the fact that I share [cdb]their power?
  49. How could I? After all you've done for me, it doesn't [cdb]matter who you are.
  50. How could I? After all you've done for me, it doesn't [cdb]matter who you are.
  51. You'll always be my partner in destiny, Arval.
  52. You'll always be my partner in destiny, Arval.
  53. Whatever the truth is about us...
  54. Whatever the truth is about us...
  55. Ah, there you are. Would you care to assist me in [cdb]questioning the commander we captured?
  56. It's said they have some vital information, and I will [cdb]stop at nothing to know what it is.
  57. Is everything all right?
  58. Oh, yep! Sorry, I'll be right there!
  59. Oh, yep! Sorry, I'll be right there!
  60. I'm me, and you're you. Nothing's ever gonna [cdb]change that.
  61. I'm me, and you're you. Nothing's ever gonna [cdb]change that.
  62. And what if you lose control and have to be slain by [cdb]the very friends you hold dear?
  63. We can cross that bridge when we come to it. But if that's what they've gotta do, so be it.
  64. We can cross that bridge when we come to it. But if that's what they've gotta do, so be it.
  65. Until then, I'm gonna keep doing everything I can to [cdb]help. I'll defeat that demon...and protect my friends.
  66. Until then, I'm gonna keep doing everything I can to [cdb]help. I'll defeat that demon...and protect my friends.
  67. <<<EMPTY>>>
  68. <<<EMPTY>>>