1. Set up a training dummy that can be used by a variety of [cdb]classes. Increases training slots to [g]four[/].
  2. Set up a training dummy that can be used by a variety of [cdb]classes. Increases training slots to [g]five[/].
  3. Set up a training dummy that can be used by a variety of [cdb]classes. Increases training slots to [g]six[/].
  4. Set up a training dummy that can be used by a variety of [cdb]classes. Increases training slots to [g]seven[/].
  5. Set up a training dummy that can be used by a variety of [cdb]classes. Increases training slots to [g]eight[/].
  6. Procure swords to make training easier. Slightly increases [cdb]the effects of training for [g]classes that use swords[/].
  7. Special-order swords that can endure intense training [cdb]sessions. Further increases training effects for [g]classes that [cdb]use swords[/].
  8. Procure lances to make training easier. Slightly increases [cdb]the effects of training for [g]classes that use lances[/].
  9. Special-order lances that can endure intense training [cdb]sessions. Further increases the effects of training for [g]classes [cdb]that use lances[/].
  10. Procure bows to make training easier. Slightly increases [cdb]the effects of training for [g]classes that use bows[/].
  11. Special-order bows that can endure intense training [cdb]sessions. Further increases the effects of training for [g]classes [cdb]that use bows[/].
  12. Procure axes to make training easier. Slightly increases [cdb]the effects of training for [g]classes that use axes[/].
  13. Special-order axes that can endure intense training [cdb]sessions. Further increases the effects of training for [g]classes [cdb]that use axes[/].
  14. Procure gauntlets to make training easier. Slightly [cdb]increases the effects of training for [g]classes that use [cdb]gauntlets[/].
  15. Special-order gauntlets that can endure intense training [cdb]sessions. Further increases the effects of training for [g]classes [cdb]that use gauntlets[/].
  16. Procure tomes to make training easier. Slightly increases [cdb]the effects of training for [g]classes that use tomes[/].
  17. Special-order tomes that can endure intense training [cdb]sessions. Further increases the effects of training for [g]classes [cdb]that use tomes[/].
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. <<<EMPTY>>>
  20. Take a highly difficult certification exam. Unlocks [cdb]an [g]advanced class[/].
  21. Take a seemingly impossible certification exam. Unlocks a [g]master class[/].
  22. Procure higher quality training weapons, reducing [cdb]maintenance costs. Slightly reduces the cost of leveling up.
  23. Procure finer quality training equipment, reducing [cdb]maintenance costs. Reduces the cost of leveling up.
  24. Whip the training personnel into shape, reducing [cdb]maintenance costs. Greatly reduces the cost of leveling up.
  25. Research tactics that facilitate taking on a great number [cdb]of enemies at once. Allows a unit to gain a [g]second[/] Warrior Gauge at the tactics academy.
  26. Research tactics that facilitate taking on an army of [cdb]enemies at once. Allows a unit to gain a [g]third[/] Warrior Gauge at the tactics academy.
  27. Research a way to surpass one's natural thresholds. Allows stats to be increased beyond their limit at the [cdb]tactics academy.
  28. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  30. <<<EMPTY>>>
  31. Research the fundamentals of the medicinal arts. Allows a unit to unlock the use of concoctions at the [cdb]tactics academy.
  32. Research advanced techniques of the medicinal arts. Allows a unit to unlock the use of elixirs at the tactics [cdb]academy.
  33. Research the fundamentals of battlefield first aid. Allows a [cdb]unit to increase recovery item uses at the tactics academy.
  34. Research the applications of battlefield first aid. Allows a [cdb]unit to further increase recovery item uses at the tactics [cdb]academy.
  35. Research the advanced uses of battlefield first aid. Allows a [cdb]unit to even further increase recovery item uses at the [cdb]tactics academy.
  36. Research practical combat techniques. Allows a unit to [cdb]increase ability slots to [g]6[/] at the tactics academy.
  37. Research more advanced combat techniques. Allows a [cdb]unit to increase ability slots to [g]8[/] at the tactics academy.
  38. Research developmental combat techniques. Allows a unit [cdb]to increase ability slots to [g]10[/] at the tactics academy.
  39. Research the fundamentals of Crestology. Allows Crest level to be increased one tier at the tactics academy.
  40. Research advanced Crestology. Allows Crest level to be increased further at the tactics academy.
  41. <<<EMPTY>>>
  42. <<<EMPTY>>>
  43. Hire an apprentice blacksmith to teach a blacksmithing [cdb]class. Allows level D weapons to be repaired.
  44. Hire a popular blacksmith to teach a blacksmithing class. Allows level C weapons to be repaired.
  45. Hire a seasoned blacksmith to teach a blacksmithing class. Allows level B weapons to be repaired.
  46. Hire a legendary master blacksmith to teach a [cdb]blacksmithing class. Allows level A weapons to be [cdb]repaired.
  47. Forge a heavier blacksmithing hammer. Slightly increases the might gained by forging weapons.
  48. Forge a bigger blacksmithing hammer. Increases the might gained by forging weapons.
  49. Forge a sturdier blacksmithing hammer. Greatly increases the might gained by forging weapons.
  50. Forge a sturdier blacksmithing anvil. Slightly increases the durability gained by forging [cdb]weapons.
  51. Forge a smoother blacksmithing anvil. Increases the durability gained by forging weapons.
  52. Forge a new anvil from higher quality materials. Greatly increases the durability gained by forging [cdb]weapons.
  53. <<<EMPTY>>>
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. <<<EMPTY>>>
  56. <<<EMPTY>>>
  57. <<<EMPTY>>>
  58. <<<EMPTY>>>
  59. Provide better smithing equipment to increase efficiency. Slightly reduces the cost of using the blacksmith.
  60. Review the smithing process to further increase efficiency. Reduces the cost of using the blacksmith.
  61. Improve the fuel used for smithing to drastically increase [cdb]efficiency. Greatly reduces the cost of using the [cdb]blacksmith.
  62. Research a new smithing technique that utilizes the power [cdb]of Crests. Allows for the usage of unique weapons' effects.
  63. Buy new cooking utensils to use in the kitchen. Slightly [cdb]expands the number of dishes you can [g]cook[/].
  64. Buy specialty cooking utensils to use in the kitchen. Expands the number of dishes you can [g]cook[/].
  65. Hire an apprentice chef to teach a cooking class. Slightly [cdb]increases the chances of successfully [g]cooking[/] a meal.
  66. Hire a reputable town chef to teach a cooking class. Increases the chances of successfully [g]cooking[/] a meal.
  67. Hire a nobles' chef to teach a cooking class. Further [cdb]increases the chances of successfully [g]cooking[/] a meal.
  68. Send out a survey team to explore the wooded areas [cdb]around camp. Allows you to visit the [g]forest[/] on [g]expeditions[/].
  69. Send out a survey team to explore the wetter areas around [cdb]camp. Allows you to visit the [g]waterfront[/] on [g]expeditions[/].
  70. Send out a survey team to explore the high-elevation areas [cdb]around camp. Allows you to visit the [g]mountains[/] on [g]expeditions[/].
  71. <<<EMPTY>>>
  72. <<<EMPTY>>>
  73. <<<EMPTY>>>
  74. <<<EMPTY>>>
  75. <<<EMPTY>>>
  76. <<<EMPTY>>>
  77. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  79. <<<EMPTY>>>
  80. <<<EMPTY>>>
  81. Invite a run-of-the-mill weapons dealer to do business. Slightly increases the types of weapons that can be bought.
  82. Invite a relatively well-known weapons dealer to do [cdb]business. Increases the types of weapons that can be [cdb]bought.
  83. Invite one of Fódlan's most prominent weapons dealers to [cdb]do business. Greatly increases the types of weapons that [cdb]can be bought.
  84. <<<EMPTY>>>
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. Invite a run-of-the-mill traveling merchant to do business. Slightly increases the types of resources and ingredients [cdb]that can be bought.
  89. Invite a relatively well-known traveling merchant to do [cdb]business. Increases the types of resources and ingredients [cdb]that can be bought.
  90. Invite one of Fódlan's most prominent traveling merchants [cdb]to do business. Greatly increases the types of resources and [cdb]ingredients that can be bought.
  91. Establish a distribution channel in order to stock cheaper [cdb]materials. Slightly reduces the cost of resources and [cdb]ingredients.
  92. Establish another distribution channel in order to stock [cdb]cheaper materials. Reduces the cost of resources and [cdb]ingredients.
  93. Establish a vast distribution network in order to stock [cdb]cheaper materials. Greatly reduces the cost of resources [cdb]and ingredients.
  94. <<<EMPTY>>>
  95. Command the merchants to expand the distribution [cdb]network around the camp. Slightly increases the types of [cdb]gifts that can be bought.
  96. Command the merchants to expand the distribution [cdb]network in adjacent regions. Increases the types of gifts [cdb]that can be bought.
  97. Command the merchants to expand the distribution [cdb]network in all captured regions. Greatly increases the [cdb]types of gifts that can be bought.
  98. Establish a luxury goods distribution channel in order to [cdb]save on restocking costs. Slightly reduces the cost of gifts.
  99. Establish a luxury goods distribution channel in order to [cdb]save on restocking costs for rarities. Reduces the cost of [cdb]gifts.
  100. Establish a luxury goods distribution channel in order to [cdb]stabilize item prices. Greatly reduces the cost of gifts.
  101. Order some goods to bolster your stockpile. Increases the types of goods sold by the item shop.
  102. Refurbish the wheels of the war chest cart, increasing its [cdb]capacity. Slightly increases the gold gained when winning [cdb]a battle.
  103. Expand the bed of the war chest cart, increasing its [cdb]capacity. Increases the gold gained when winning a battle.
  104. Increase the number of horses pulling the war chest cart, [cdb]increasing its capacity. Greatly increases the gold gained [cdb]when winning a battle.
  105. <<<EMPTY>>>
  106. <<<EMPTY>>>
  107. <<<EMPTY>>>
  108. <<<EMPTY>>>
  109. Order a vast amount of goods to bolster your stockpile. Further increases the types of goods sold by the item shop.
  110. <<<EMPTY>>>
  111. Hold a simple qualification test to improve battalion [cdb]operations. Allows authority level D battalions to be hired.
  112. Hold a middling qualification test to improve battalion [cdb]operations. Allows authority level C battalions to be hired.
  113. Hold a specialized qualification test to improve battalion [cdb]operations. Allows authority level B battalions to be hired.
  114. Hold a far-too-detailed qualification test to improve [cdb]battalion operations. Allows authority level A battalions to [cdb]be hired.
  115. Loan out basic equipment to the battalions. Slightly [cdb]increases the endurance of hired battalions.
  116. Loan out general-use equipment to the battalions. Increases the endurance of hired battalions.
  117. Loan out high-quality equipment to the battalions. Greatly increases the endurance of hired battalions.
  118. <<<EMPTY>>>
  119. <<<EMPTY>>>
  120. <<<EMPTY>>>
  121. Renovate the encampment, increasing the number of [cdb]troops that are able to stay there. Slightly increases the [cdb]number of battalions you can hire.
  122. Build additional housing in the encampment, increasing [cdb]the number of troops that are able to stay there. Increases [cdb]the number of battalions you can hire.
  123. Expand the encampment, increasing the number of troops [cdb]that are able to stay there. Greatly increases the number [cdb]of battalions you can hire.
  124. Conduct unskilled negotiations to review your contracts [cdb]and reduce maintenance costs. Slightly reduces the cost of [cdb]hiring battalions.
  125. Conduct competent negotiations to review your contracts [cdb]and reduce maintenance costs. Reduces the cost of hiring [cdb]battalions.
  126. Conduct skilled negotiations to review your contracts and [cdb]reduce maintenance costs. Greatly reduces the cost of [cdb]hiring battalions.
  127. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  139. <<<EMPTY>>>
  140. <<<EMPTY>>>
  141. Expand your camp's supply line and stockpile materials. Slightly increases the types of tradable items.
  142. Further expand your camp's supply line and stockpile. Increases the types of tradable items.
  143. Even further expand your camp's supply line and [cdb]stockpile. Greatly increases the types of tradable items.
  144. Research the standard market prices of materials and [cdb]increase operational efficiency. Reduces the number of [cdb]smithing stones required to trade.
  145. Research the nonstandard market prices of materials and [cdb]increase operational efficiency. Greatly reduces the [cdb]number of smithing stones required to trade.
  146. Collect a few surplus goods and trade them for necessities. Gain more smithing stones when delivering goods.
  147. Collect many surplus goods and trade them for necessities. Gain even more smithing stones when delivering goods.
  148. Form a supply squad made up of novice soldiers and order [cdb]them to gather materials. Materials will be periodically [cdb]collected.
  149. Add more personnel to the supply squad. Increases the [cdb]amount of materials that are periodically collected.
  150. Add even more personnel to the supply squad. Greatly [cdb]increases the amount of materials that are periodically [cdb]collected.
  151. Gather information on the standard market prices of weapons and increase operational efficiency.[System:PageBreak ]Increases the number of resources gained for trading weapons.
  152. Research standard market prices of weapons and increase operational efficiency.[System:PageBreak ]Increases the number of resources gained for trading weapons.
  153. Establish a supply squad of new recruits and order them to gather resources.[System:PageBreak ]Periodically obtain Rank D resources.
  154. Establish a supply squad of professional soldiers and order them to gather resources.[System:PageBreak ]Periodically obtain Rank C resources.
  155. Establish a supply squad of veterans and order them to gather resources.[System:PageBreak ]Periodically obtain Rank B resources.
  156. Establish a supply squad of elite soldiers and order them to gather resources.[System:PageBreak ]Periodically obtain Rank A resources.
  157. Add more personnel to the supply squad.[System:PageBreak ]Increases the amount of materials that are automatically gathered.
  158. Add even more personnel to the supply squad.[System:PageBreak ]Greatly increases the amount of materials that are automatically gathered.
  159. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  202. Improve the forge's structure, allowing for higher [cdb]temperatures. Allows level D weapons to be reforged.
  203. Improve the materials used in the forge's construction, [cdb]allowing for even higher temperatures. Allows level C [cdb]weapons to be reforged.
  204. Improve the bellows at the forge, allowing for extremely [cdb]high temperatures. Allows level B weapons to be reforged.
  205. Improve the quality of fuel used in the forge, allowing for [cdb]the highest possible temperatures. Allows level A weapons [cdb]to be reforged.
  206. Research efficient personal training techniques. Allows for [cdb]a higher Unique Action Ability level, which can be raised [cdb]at the tactics academy.
  207. Research optimal personal training techniques. Allows for [cdb]an even higher Unique Action Ability level, which can be [cdb]raised at the tactics academy.
  208. Research efficient methods of personal enlightenment. Allows for a higher Unique Support Ability level, [cdb]which can be raised at the tactics academy.
  209. Research optimal methods of personal enlightenment. Allows for an even higher Unique Support Ability level, [cdb]which can be raised at the tactics academy.
  210. Research basic tactical thinking. Allows for a higher Unique Tactical Ability level, which can be raised at the [cdb]tactics academy.
  211. Research high-level tactical thinking. Allows for an even [cdb]higher Unique Tactical Ability level, which can be raised [cdb]at the tactics academy.
  212. Hire a servant to teach a class on efficient cleaning [cdb]techniques. Slightly increases the chances of succeeding [cdb]when [g]volunteering[/].
  213. Hire a merchant's servant to teach a class on [cdb]organizational techniques. Increases the chances of [cdb]succeeding when [g]volunteering[/].
  214. Hire a noble's servant to teach a class on tips for working [cdb]as a team. Greatly increases the chances of succeeding [cdb]when [g]volunteering[/].
  215. Buy the latest cooking utensils to use in the kitchen. Greatly expands the number of dishes you can [g]cook[/].
  216. <<<EMPTY>>>
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