1. I thought for sure we'd find better info in this place— [cdb]and also that I'd be way more freaked out.
  2. Although it seems like it was a different experience for [cdb]you and Lys, eh, Eddy?
  3. I can't claim to be as disaffected as you, but...I'm fine.
  4. No need to put on a brave face, Edelgard.
  5. I feel terrible, and I'm certain you do as well.
  6. It's just that nothing ever bothers Hapi.
  7. In that case, I feel as if I've just gone digging through [cdb]an entire crate of old nightmares.
  8. And yes, this base seems mostly abandoned now.
  9. But who knows how many found themselves chained [cdb]to operating tables while Cornelia was still alive?
  10. Show concern for everyone.
  11. Quickly change the subject.
  12. That kinda thing happened to all of you, right?
  13. That kinda thing happened to all of you, right?
  14. Well, I'm glad you made it out the other side—and [cdb]that we got to fight together like this.
  15. Well, I'm glad you made it out the other side—and [cdb]that we got to fight together like this.
  16. We were lucky, that was all.
  17. Sometimes I wonder if we were the lucky ones.
  18. So, uh, was this Cornelia's only base?
  19. So, uh, was this Cornelia's only base?
  20. Because if she was a court mage, this is a long way [cdb]from the Kingdom's capital.
  21. Because if she was a court mage, this is a long way [cdb]from the Kingdom's capital.
  22. No, we located another hideout closer to Fhirdiad.
  23. We can't go there now, what with the war and all, [cdb]but maybe we can check it out once this is all over.
  24. Anyway, why don't we get out of here before more [cdb]jerks decide to crash the party?
  25. Good idea.
  26. Good idea.
  27. Nothing like a nice bed and a warm meal to lift [cdb]your spirits after something like this.
  28. Nothing like a nice bed and a warm meal to lift [cdb]your spirits after something like this.
  29. A meal with something sweet, I hope.
  30. So long as that meal contains something sweet.
  31. Wasn't necessarily planning on that, but sure, [cdb]why not?
  32. Sweet? Uh, sure, all right. Why not?
  33. Teatime it is, then, for all four of us. Let's hurry back!
  34. I mean, if that's all right with the two of you?
  35. Of course.
  36. I'm actually growing fond of our weird little band.
  37. Still, you sure you're OK with me crashing your tea [cdb]party with Eddy? Seems like you guys do that a lot.
  38. Actually, I believe Monica is the one who has tea with Edelgard most frequently.
  39. No, it's definitely you, Lysithea. And then Ferdinand.
  40. No, it's definitely you, Lysithea. And then Ferdinand.
  41. Don't forget about yourself! I've seen the two of you [cdb]hoisting cups on more than one occasion.
  42. I had no idea everyone was so interested in my habits.
  43. You make it sound like all I do is drink tea.
  44. Oh no. If anything, you don't drink enough.
  45. You're always working yourself too hard.
  46. But you could stand to work more, Hapi. And while [cdb]we're on the subject of change, let's talk about Lysithea and her sweets addiction.
  47. But you could stand to work more, Hapi. And while [cdb]we're on the subject of change, let's talk about Lysithea and her sweets addiction.
  48. I beg your pardon? Why, I barely have any interest in [cdb]sweet things at all!
  49. And it's hardly fair to compare my work ethic with... you know. An emperor.
  50. Apologize for your rash remarks.
  51. Double down on the snark.
  52. Uh, right. Sorry. Forget I said anything.
  53. Uh, right. Sorry. Forget I said anything.
  54. I'll forgive you so long as you'll help with my chores.
  55. And you can make it up to me by handing over your [cdb]daily ration of dessert going forward.
  56. I said what I said, and I stand by it.
  57. I said what I said, and I stand by it.
  58. How rude! As punishment, I demand you give me [cdb]your daily dessert ration from now on.
  59. Don't make me sigh at you, pal.
  60. Sigh? What would that do?
  61. Sigh? What would that do?
  62. Oh dear. You are all so very...odd.
  63. But I'm still delighted to count you all as allies.
  64. Well at least someone's enjoying herself.
  65. Well at least someone's enjoying herself.