1. I'm sorry to drag you into this. It's my responsibility, [cdb]and I should be handling it myself.
  2. It's all good. You clearly needed the help.
  3. It's all good. You clearly needed the help.
  4. Still, I always figured you'd be better at keeping your [cdb]equipment in order.
  5. Still, I always figured you'd be better at keeping your [cdb]equipment in order.
  6. Oh no, I'm honestly terrible at this kind of thing. You should see the state my room is in.
  7. The more I try to get organized, the more chaos [cdb]seems to creep into my... Ahh!
  8. Marianne! Look out!
  9. Marianne! Look out!
  10. Ngh... Ow...
  11. Ow...
  12. Are you all right?! Oh, this is terrible. I never [cdb]should have dragged you into this...
  13. What, me? I'm fine. Let's keep going.
  14. What, me? I'm fine. Let's keep going.
  15. I'm serious. You shouldn't have any more to do with [cdb]me. It won't end well.
  16. Huh? What're you talking about?
  17. Huh? What are you talking about?
  18. Marianne, we're supposed to be leaving on our [cdb]scouting mission soon! What are you doing?
  19. Sorry! I was trying to organize my squad's provisions, [cdb]and things just sort of...spun out of control.
  20. Ugh. You always do this. Would you please just ask [cdb]me for help instead of trying to do it all yourself?
  21. Yes, I'm sorry. Why don't we just head out on that [cdb]mission? I can finish this later.
  22. You know what? Don't worry about it. I can handle [cdb]a little scouting mission on my own.
  23. But...
  24. I think cleaning up this mess is more important. You'll help her, right?
  25. Marianne really isn't good at this sort of thing.
  26. You don't say.
  27. You don't say.
  28. Just make sure you stay with her until it's done. Promise me, OK?
  29. Say you'll do it for Marianne.
  30. Say you do it for Hilda.
  31. For Marianne? Anything.
  32. For Marianne? Anything.
  33. Good, because I'm dead serious about not leaving her [cdb]alone with this.
  34. I'm so sorry...
  35. For you, Hilda? Anything.
  36. For you, Hilda? Anything.
  37. Great. I'll make it up to you later, I promise!
  38. Anyway, I've got some scouting to do. Good luck!
  39. All right, let's get this stuff sorted. Our first job [cdb]should be organizing everything by type.
  40. All right, let's get this stuff sorted. Our first job [cdb]should be organizing everything by type.
  41. OK...
  42. Whoa, hold on! I thought we were grouping all of the [cdb]timbers by length.
  43. Whoa, hold on! I thought we were grouping all of the [cdb]timbers by length.
  44. Yes, I was doing that—but then I noticed some of [cdb]yours weren't exactly the same, so I divided them up [cdb]further.
  45. Look, just try to keep everything simple. Three piles—one for long stuff, one for short stuff, [cdb]and one for all the medium-ish stuff in between.
  46. Look, just try to keep everything simple. Three piles—one for long stuff, one for short stuff, [cdb]and one for all the medium-ish stuff in between.
  47. I see. In that case, I'll set this right... Ahh!
  48. You've gotta be kidding me.
  49. You've gotta be kidding me.
  50. Ow... Again. Looks like we're back to square one.
  51. Ow... Again. Looks like we're back to square one.
  52. Oh no! I'm so sorry! Please, you should just go and [cdb]let me handle the rest myself.
  53. No can do—I promised Hilda I'd stay here until the [cdb]job was done.
  54. No can do—I promised Hilda I'd stay here until the [cdb]job was done.
  55. Speaking of which, where is she?
  56. Speaking of which, where is she?
  57. Yes, it has been a while, hasn't it?
  58. Hm...
  59. You worried about her?
  60. You worried about her?
  61. I am, actually. Would it be all right to leave this for [cdb]the moment and go check on her?
  62. Yeah, sure. This pile of stuff isn't going anywhere.
  63. Yeah, sure. This pile of stuff isn't going anywhere.
  64. And besides, Hilda is far more important!
  65. Hey, when you're right, you're right. Let's go.
  66. Hey, when you're right, you're right. Let's go.