1. You're a lifesaver, Mercedes! Could you help me [cdb]tend to this soldier's wounds next?
  2. Lady Mercedes! Where would you like me to [cdb]put this?
  3. Oh, um! Yes, just a moment please!
  4. You really have your hands full, Mercedes. Anything I can pitch in on?
  5. Oh, goodness. I appreciate your offer, but I couldn't [cdb]possibly ask you to take time out of your day to assist [cdb]me in these tasks.
  6. Hey, don't be like that. Anyone who's still got the legs [cdb]to stand on after a battle needs to do whatever they [cdb]can to help.
  7. I'm no physician, but I can at least help get some of [cdb]this stuff organized.
  8. But you only just returned from combat yourself. Aren't you exhausted?
  9. Shrug it off.
  10. Ask the same of her.
  11. Nah, not really. We weren't on the front lines or [cdb]anything, so I'm still good to go.
  12. And I'm not buried in paperwork afterwards, [cdb]unlike the others.
  13. Well, if you insist. I guess a little help wouldn't hurt.
  14. Hey, I could turn that question right back on you. You were there fighting with us that whole time.
  15. I suppose that's true, but are you sure you don't [cdb]mind lending a hand?
  16. Sure as anything. Just tell me what to do and I'll be [cdb]on it before you can even blink.
  17. In that case, there's a box over at the training [cdb]grounds. Would you mind getting it?
  18. There should be bandages and medicine inside, [cdb]so you'll be able to tell which one it is just by opening [cdb]the lid.
  19. Got it. Be right back!
  20. Hm? Oh my! Wait just a minute.
  21. What's up?
  22. Give me your right hand.
  23. OK...
  24. I knew it—you're injured. Here, I can patch this up [cdb]in a jiffy with my healing magic.
  25. Whoa, it's all better. Thanks, Mercedes.
  26. You need to speak up from now on if you're hurt, [cdb]all right? Don't be so nonchalant about your health.
  27. Hey, I could say the same thing about... Actually, [cdb]never mind.
  28. Anyway, it should be easier to carry that box now. Thanks again, Mercedes.
  29. No, thank you for offering to help. Oh, and take all [cdb]the time you need—there's no rush.