1. Ahh.
  2. Hmm.
  3. Oh hey, Ignatz. Whatcha reading?
  4. Wow...
  5. Yeah, he definitely didn't hear me. HEY, IGNATZ!
  6. Ahh! What?! Oh, it's you. Can you please try to not [cdb]sneak up on me like that?
  7. Sorry about that. I was trying to talk to you, but it [cdb]didn't seem like anything was getting through.
  8. I wonder what he's reading.
  9. Those noises were...something.
  10. Looks like you're really into that book, whatever it is. What's it about? Doesn't look like battle tactics, [cdb]at the very least.
  11. You're right. This is the Traveler's Journal. It chronicles places that lie beyond Fódlan's borders.
  12. You were making all kinds of weird noises while you [cdb]were reading. You eat something bad?
  13. No, nothing like that! It's just that this Traveler's Journal is full of such vivid imagery and wonderful [cdb]surprises that I can't help but...react.
  14. You've seriously been lugging books around with you? Though I admit, that does sound like a good one.
  15. Yes, it's fascinating! The author's unknown, [cdb]but whoever it was really traveled to all these places [cdb]and documented everything.
  16. It's amazing how vastly things can differ depending on [cdb]where you are! Like the plants, or the animals, [cdb]or even the ore in the ground!
  17. And of course, the way people live in those areas is so [cdb]diverse too. Like their food and their clothes...
  18. But what's most interesting to me is the architecture.
  19. Ruins in Fódlan contain ancient architectural styles [cdb]that are, for some reason, also found on faraway [cdb]islands...
  20. All right, all right, I get the picture. You talk like [cdb]you've seen it all firsthand.
  21. Heh, well, I really try to place myself in the author's [cdb]shoes when I read. So I guess in a way, I have.
  22. I'd love to visit all those places myself, but that's [cdb]easier said than done.
  23. Especially since I became a knight.
  24. Ask if he's unhappy being a knight.
  25. Sidestep the issue.
  26. The way you say that makes me think you never [cdb]wanted to be a knight in the first place.
  27. Oh, no! No, no. Of course I did!
  28. Mm.
  29. I mean, it's not like I regret becoming a knight or [cdb]anything!
  30. I wasn't gonna ask, but...all right. As long as you're [cdb]happy.
  31. At any rate, both my father and my brother are [cdb]pleased that it's official.
  32. Sounds to me like you became a knight for them.
  33. That's not it at all. I'm very happy with my decision, [cdb]honest!
  34. Even though you can't go off traveling?
  35. Yeah. Getting sent out to different locations for [cdb]battle is kind of the same thing.
  36. Oh, but of course the mission always comes first! It's not like I go off wandering whenever I feel [cdb]the urge.
  37. Uh-huh. But you would if you could, right?
  38. Why do you keep asking me about this? All these [cdb]leading questions, they're—they're uncalled for.
  39. I might not be able to travel of my own volition, [cdb]but I can read books and go wherever I want [cdb]in my imagination.
  40. And that's good enough for me.