1. Your interest flatters me, but I'm afraid I find myself [cdb]unsure of where to begin.
  2. Perhaps I'll have thought of a topic when next we [cdb]speak...but, ah. You're leaving for that village soon, [cdb]aren't you?
  3. <<<EMPTY>>>
  4. Dedue hails from the land of Duscur. Perhaps you've [cdb]heard of it?
  5. He tends to keep to himself, but he possesses one of [cdb]the kindest hearts of anyone I know. I'm proud to call [cdb]him my...vassal. Speak to him and you'll see why.
  6. <<<EMPTY>>>
  7. Felix is the son of Duke Fraldarius. He has a sharp wit [cdb]and even sharper tongue, but he's a good person at his [cdb]core. I can attest to that.
  8. He has always admired strength above all else [cdb]in a fighter. I imagine the two of you will make [cdb]fast friends.
  9. <<<EMPTY>>>
  10. I only first met her here at the academy. She seems a [cdb]gentle soul, with great inner strength.
  11. From what I understand, she has traveled far and [cdb]wide throughout both the Empire and the Kingdom. Perhaps that explains her demeanor.
  12. <<<EMPTY>>>
  13. In the far south of Faerghus lies a manor by the name [cdb]of Castle Gaspard. Ashe is the adopted son of that [cdb]castle's lord, Lonato.
  14. He's an honest boy, well-deserving of our trust. I'd like to get to know him better someday, should [cdb]the opportunity arise.
  15. <<<EMPTY>>>
  16. Annette is the hardest worker in the entirety of the Blue Lion House. She is truly brilliant.
  17. I could stand to learn from her single-minded [cdb]devotion, if only a little.
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. Sylvain is the son of Margrave Gautier. You may have [cdb]already noticed, but he's something of a womanizer. That...may be putting it lightly, in fact.
  20. But despite his apparent indifference, he possesses [cdb]great cunning—and is quicker on his feet than anyone [cdb]else here. I've known him long, so I'm well aware.
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. Ingrid is the daughter of Count Galatea—and she is [cdb]far more gallant than your run-of-the-mill knight.
  23. She has ever been straight-laced and diligent, even [cdb]when we were but children. It is not an uncommon [cdb]sight to find her scolding Sylvain for his indiscretions.
  24. <<<EMPTY>>>