1. So it's just "no"? Not under any circumstances?
  2. It is not up for debate. This is for your own [cdb]good, Flayn.
  3. ...
  4. Hey, you OK, Flayn? Why the long face?
  5. My brother has seen fit to forbid me from going out [cdb]entirely.
  6. That doesn't sound unusual for him. But as long as he [cdb]doesn't know, what's the harm, right?
  7. A fair point, but my brother truly is concerned for my [cdb]safety. Perhaps...
  8. It does seem like the church has enemies all over the [cdb]place these days. So I dunno, I think I get where he's [cdb]coming from.
  9. As you know, my brother and I have lived in remote [cdb]and secluded places for a very long time. All we had [cdb]was each other.
  10. Then we went to Garreg Mach and suddenly we were [cdb]surrounded by all these people.
  11. I had hoped to make many friends and listen to their [cdb]countless tales of all the places I hadn't been.
  12. But before I got to really know the people at the Officers Academy...
  13. Everything went all topsy-turvy, and the academy had [cdb]to shut down.
  14. Do you remember when we went into town together, [cdb]to look at the latest fashions?
  15. That was so much fun.
  16. I was looking forward to going shopping together [cdb]again, but...
  17. Perhaps I should just let the whole thing go.
  18. Aw, Flayn...
  19. Don't give up.
  20. That's probably for the best.
  21. Don't give up so easily. We're just talking about [cdb]a little outing here.
  22. Even that would prove tremendously difficult for me.
  23. We don't know where the church's enemies will pop [cdb]up next, so it's probably for the best. I'm sorry.
  24. I know. I must face the facts.
  25. With the church thrown into such chaos, my brother [cdb]is in a near-constant state of agitation.
  26. I must not trouble him further by making him worry [cdb]about me as well.
  27. You're very kind to your brother, Flayn. Just remember, it won't always be like this.
  28. You think so?
  29. Absolutely. Wars can't last forever, right?
  30. When this war ends and peace returns to Fódlan, [cdb]taking a shopping trip will be no big deal.
  31. If that is so, then would you be willing to go into [cdb]town with me again when that day comes?
  32. Of course. I'd be happy to keep you company. Or were you keeping me company? I forgot.
  33. With that to look forward to, it should be no trouble [cdb]to summon a little patience!
  34. Although...
  35. What is it?
  36. I am not sure my brother will permit me to go [cdb]somewhere with a man, even when the war is over.
  37. If you tried to hide it and he found out later, [cdb]it would be...
  38. Disastrous, that is correct. Are you ready for that?
  39. No problem.
  40. Not sure...
  41. Nope.
  42. Looks like I'll have to be. After all, it's a little late [cdb]to start worrying about that now.
  43. Y'know, I'm not really sure if I am. But I'll make sure [cdb]to find my courage by the time the war is over.
  44. Uh, no I am not. This is Seteth we're talking about.
  45. Er, wait! Don't be sad! I'll think about it, OK?