1. Oh hey, looks like I'm not the first one to show up.
  2. Hello there. No need to pay me any mind. I'll just be absorbed in my book here.
  3. I assume you've come to meet someone? As they've [cdb]clearly not arrived yet, why don't you join me? Here.
  4. I, uh...thanks.
  5. Hey Linhardt, you're into all that spooky magic [cdb]stuff, right? Like sorcery and Crests and whatnot?
  6. Yes... Why? Is there something you'd like to ask me?
  7. Oh no, I was just thinking it's kinda weird that you've [cdb]never really been interested in my power.
  8. Do you want me to be?
  9. Answer sincerely.
  10. Brush the question off.
  11. Yeah, I mean, I don't even understand it myself.
  12. But with you helping me, I might actually learn [cdb]something.
  13. I mean, not really. But I would've at least expected [cdb]you to ask about it by now.
  14. That, and Hubert scared me half to death talking [cdb]about how you might experiment on me. Just so we're [cdb]clear, I'm not into that.
  15. Uh-huh. Well, not everything piques my interest. Your circumstances simply do not.
  16. If you're not interested, then so be it. But is there any [cdb]particular reason why?
  17. Hard to say. Perhaps because a sword is the only [cdb]thing you're able to manifest?
  18. Strictly speaking, I suppose your power does raise [cdb]some questions.
  19. But that sinister weapon of yours... It just doesn't [cdb]leave me all that interested in learning more.
  20. "Sinister," huh? That's one way to describe it.
  21. Tell me, have you ever beheld one of the Heroes' Relics? They also possess the most peculiar aura.
  22. And yet, there's something almost divine about the [cdb]terror they instill. But your sword...
  23. It's...cold. Maybe even inhuman.
  24. In more complex terms, it's little more than an [cdb]inorganic, dispassionate construct. Not a hint of the [cdb]goddess's divine guidance in its design.
  25. It's not as if you were able to choose what you [cdb]manifested, right? It just came to you.
  26. True, but what if I could turn it into something [cdb]else, and start manifesting different things?
  27. Would you be interested then?
  28. Is such a thing possible? I would like to see that for [cdb]myself, I must admit.
  29. In fact, I'd be quite excited by that! What a [cdb]fascinating topic to lay at my feet!
  30. Hedge a bit.
  31. Rein him in.
  32. Hey, it was just a suggestion. I have no idea if I can [cdb]actually do it.
  33. Hold your horses, there. I'm not really sure I've laid [cdb]anything anywhere just yet.
  34. But...aren't you the one who brought it up?