1. Perform a powerful sword attack.
  2. Absorb a portion of inflicted damage [cdb]as HP. Damage dealt will increase [cdb]with Mag.
  3. Generate a cyclone.
  4. Generate a fiery cyclone.
  5. Lash at foes with a dark magic-based [cdb]sword attack. Deals damage based [cdb]on Mag.
  6. Lash at foes with an ice magic-based [cdb]sword attack. Deals damage based [cdb]on Mag.
  7. Absorb a portion of inflicted damage [cdb]as HP. Deals damage based on Mag.
  8. Strike swiftly with a trio of slashes.
  9. Strike with a trio of [cdb]lightning-charged slashes. Deals damage based on Mag.
  10. Strike the surrounding area with [cdb]blades. Damage dealt will increase [cdb]with Dex.
  11. Strike the surrounding area with [cdb]magical blades. Deals damage based [cdb]on Mag.
  12. Unleash a single, powerful slash [cdb]imbued with lightning.
  13. Unleash a single, powerful slash.
  14. Slash while charging forward. Has a chance to instantly defeat [cdb]non-commander units.
  15. Slash while charging forward.
  16. Perform a series of five slashes while [cdb]moving swiftly.
  17. <<<EMPTY>>>
  18. Strike a wide area ahead with a series [cdb]of slashes. Damage dealt will increase [cdb]with Spd.
  19. Strike a wide area ahead with a series [cdb]of slashes.
  20. Sacrifice Prt, reducing the user's defense, to make the Stun Gauge display with all attacks.
  21. Slice apart the surrounding area with [cdb]a flurry of strikes. Damage dealt will [cdb]increase with Mag.
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. <<<EMPTY>>>
  25. <<<EMPTY>>>
  26. <<<EMPTY>>>
  27. <<<EMPTY>>>
  28. <<<EMPTY>>>
  29. <<<EMPTY>>>
  30. <<<EMPTY>>>
  31. Perform a thrusting attack that often [cdb]yields critical hits. Damage dealt will [cdb]increase with Spd.
  32. Absorb a portion of inflicted damage [cdb]as HP. Damage dealt will increase [cdb]with Mag.
  33. Perform an air-to-ground plunging [cdb]thrust.
  34. Summon forth pillars of flame.
  35. Hurl a fiery lance straight ahead. Damage dealt will increase with Def.
  36. Hurl a magical lance straight ahead [cdb]that bursts when it reaches its target.
  37. Conjure up a whirlwind with an [cdb]overhead spin of the lance.
  38. Whip up a storm that ravages the [cdb]surrounding area with blades of wind.
  39. Perform a powerful lance thrust.
  40. Perform a powerful thrust that [cdb]produces a shockwave.
  41. Launch columns of ice at foes. Damage dealt will increase with Mag.
  42. Send dark hexes flying at foes. Damage dealt will increase with Mag.
  43. An attack that increases in Mt in [cdb]relation to the user's missing HP.
  44. Launch a wide swath of foes into the [cdb]air.
  45. Perform a series of lance strikes that [cdb]temporarily reduce enemy Def.
  46. Perform a series of lance strikes [cdb]imbued with lightning.
  47. Strike a wide area with a sweeping [cdb]attack. Has a chance to instantly [cdb]defeat non-commander units.
  48. Strike a wide area with a sweeping [cdb]attack that also produces a [cdb]shockwave.
  49. Temporarily increase Str.
  50. <<<EMPTY>>>
  51. <<<EMPTY>>>
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. <<<EMPTY>>>
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. <<<EMPTY>>>
  56. <<<EMPTY>>>
  57. <<<EMPTY>>>
  58. <<<EMPTY>>>
  59. <<<EMPTY>>>
  60. <<<EMPTY>>>
  61. Perform a consecutive series of axe [cdb]swings.
  62. Rip through foes with axe swings.
  63. Hit foes hard with a single, powerful axe blow. Damage dealt will increase with Def.
  64. Hit foes hard with a single, powerful axe blow that temporarily reduces enemy Def.
  65. Cut enemies to shreds with a [cdb]spinning axe attack.
  66. Conjure up a whirlwind of fire [cdb]straight ahead.
  67. Bring an axe down to cut through [cdb]the foes ahead.
  68. Bring an axe down so fiercely it [cdb]sunders the ground and sends [cdb]enemies flying into the air.
  69. Break the enemy's stance, then hurl [cdb]an axe at the ground.
  70. Hurl a flaming axe at the ground that [cdb]creates a pillar of fire.
  71. Launch the foes ahead into the air, [cdb]then swat them away with a swing of [cdb]the axe.
  72. Launch the foes ahead into the air, [cdb]then smash the earth to hit them with [cdb]the rubble.
  73. Smash the foes ahead with a powerful [cdb]overhead strike.
  74. Smash the ground so hard it displaces [cdb]the earth.
  75. Strike a wide area with a hurl of the [cdb]axe.
  76. Hurl a lightning-charged axe. Deals damage based on Mag.
  77. Pummel a wide area ahead. Often [cdb]yields critical hits.
  78. Smash the ground and generate [cdb]pillars of ice.
  79. Temporarily increase Str.
  80. <<<EMPTY>>>
  81. <<<EMPTY>>>
  82. <<<EMPTY>>>
  83. <<<EMPTY>>>
  84. <<<EMPTY>>>
  85. <<<EMPTY>>>
  86. <<<EMPTY>>>
  87. <<<EMPTY>>>
  88. <<<EMPTY>>>
  89. <<<EMPTY>>>
  90. <<<EMPTY>>>
  91. Loose arrows at a wide surrounding [cdb]area.
  92. Conjure a cyclone that launches [cdb]enemies into the air.
  93. Unleash a volley of arrows that [cdb]travels in a straight line.
  94. Rain down arrows of light on foes. Deals damage based on Mag.
  95. Attack a wide forward area with [cdb]three consecutive shots.
  96. Attack a wide forward area with [cdb]three consecutive shots that [cdb]temporarily reduce enemy Str.
  97. Perform a long-distance attack that [cdb]yields critical hits.
  98. Perform a long-distance attack that [cdb]hits multiple times. Deals damage [cdb]based on Dex.
  99. Send a series of arrows toward the [cdb]locked-on target.
  100. Fire a barrage of electrified arrows.
  101. Attack enemies launched into the air [cdb]with three consecutive shots. Often [cdb]yields critical hits.
  102. Attack enemies launched into the air [cdb]with three consecutive shots that [cdb]temporarily reduce their Mag.
  103. Send an exploding arrow toward [cdb]enemies that temporarily reduces [cdb]their Def.
  104. Attack a wide area with a volley of [cdb]fire arrows.
  105. Attack with a wind-imbued arrow [cdb]that draws foes in and lands multiple [cdb]hits.
  106. Skewer foes with a blindingly fast [cdb]arrow that temporarily reduces their Def.
  107. Temporarily increase Str and Lck.
  108. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  111. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  115. <<<EMPTY>>>
  116. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  118. <<<EMPTY>>>
  119. <<<EMPTY>>>
  120. <<<EMPTY>>>
  121. Charge forward with fists flying.
  122. Charge forward with fists of ice. Deals damage based on Mag.
  123. Generate a cyclone in front of the [cdb]unit that draws enemies in and [cdb]launches them into the air.
  124. Generate a fiery cyclone in front of [cdb]the unit that launches enemies into [cdb]the air.
  125. Temporarily deal damage based on Mag.
  126. Absorb a portion of inflicted damage [cdb]as HP.
  127. Channel force into a perfectly [cdb]executed punch.
  128. Deals damage based on the higher of Str or Mag.
  129. Strike down at foes from midair. Damage dealt will increase with Spd.
  130. Launch foes into the air with an [cdb]electrified punch, then create a [cdb]shockwave on landing that sends [cdb]them flying.
  131. Pummel the enemy with both fists. Deals damage to enemy Stun Gauges.
  132. Pummel the enemy with both fists. Often yields critical hits.
  133. Temporarily increase Str.
  134. Temporarily make it easier to fill the Warrior and Awakening Gauges.
  135. <<<EMPTY>>>
  136. <<<EMPTY>>>
  137. <<<EMPTY>>>
  138. <<<EMPTY>>>
  139. <<<EMPTY>>>
  140. <<<EMPTY>>>
  141. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  143. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  146. <<<EMPTY>>>
  147. <<<EMPTY>>>
  148. <<<EMPTY>>>
  149. <<<EMPTY>>>
  150. <<<EMPTY>>>
  151. Basic fire magic.
  152. Advanced fire magic.
  153. The highest tier of fire magic.
  154. Basic lightning magic.
  155. Advanced lightning magic.
  156. The highest tier of lightning magic.
  157. Basic wind magic.
  158. Intermediate wind magic.
  159. The highest tier of wind magic.
  160. Basic ice magic.
  161. Advanced ice magic.
  162. Strike the enemy with magical [cdb]arrows.
  163. Summon a volley of meteors.
  164. The most powerful form of black [cdb]magic. A sweltering flame that [cdb]reduces all to ash.
  165. Basic dark magic.
  166. Basic dark magic. Lingers for a while [cdb]after casting.
  167. Basic dark magic. Attacks a wide [cdb]area.
  168. Intermediate dark magic.
  169. Intermediate dark magic. Has a [cdb]chance to instantly defeat [cdb]non-commander units.
  170. Intermediate dark magic. Ignores [cdb]enemy Res.
  171. Advanced dark magic.
  172. Advanced dark magic. Calls on the [cdb]morbid might of the underworld.
  173. <<<EMPTY>>>
  174. The highest tier of dark magic.
  175. Basic light magic. Heals surrounding [cdb]allies.
  176. Intermediate light magic. Greatly [cdb]heals surrounding allies.
  177. Intermediate light magic. Heals allies [cdb]across a wide area.
  178. Advanced light magic. Greatly heals [cdb]allies across a wide area.
  179. Basic light attack magic. Absorb a [cdb]portion of inflicted damage as HP.
  180. Intermediate light attack magic.
  181. Advanced light attack magic. Assail [cdb]foes with a column of light.
  182. Advanced light attack magic. Calls [cdb]light from the heavens down on foes.
  183. <<<EMPTY>>>
  184. Cure the caster and nearby allies of [cdb]any status effects.
  185. Magically protect the caster, [cdb]increasing Def and Res and [cdb]preventing knockback.
  186. Prevents an enemy from using magic.
  187. <<<EMPTY>>>
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