1. Can't believe I didn't catch anything... Guess it's just [cdb]that kind of day.
  2. Oh! Hello, Leonie.
  3. Heya, Marianne. Where are you off to?
  4. Nowhere. Um, I mean, I'm just on my way back from [cdb]the stables. And you?
  5. Coming back from the world's lousiest hunting trip.
  6. I didn't even find a single track.
  7. And it's the first time I'd been hunting in a while, too. Talk about a waste of time.
  8. Oh, that's too bad.
  9. Um, but what is that you're holding?
  10. Oh, this? Just some weeds. Felt bad coming back [cdb]completely empty-handed.
  11. I figured I could use some to fill out my meal, [cdb]so I went and gathered them. Also grabbed some [cdb]medicinal herbs while I was at it.
  12. Is that yellow flower edible, too?
  13. Haha, no, not at all. It's not poisonous, but it's really [cdb]bitter.
  14. It's one of my favorite flowers, though. They're so [cdb]pretty, don't you think? I saw some blooming and [cdb]just had to pick one.
  15. Yes, it's beautiful. All those tiny blossoms blooming [cdb]from it...
  16. It seems almost heroic. Merely looking at it gives [cdb]me the strength to continue living for another day, [cdb]no matter what obstacles may come.
  17. Can't say I've ever given it quite that much thought.
  18. Tell you what—why don't you take it?
  19. Are you sure? After you went and picked it?
  20. Hey, it's just a flower. It's yours.
  21. Thank you.
  22. Oh, I'll feel bad keeping this lovely flower all to [cdb]myself. Maybe I can put it in a bouquet and place it [cdb]in the mess hall for everyone to enjoy.
  23. You're always so thoughtful, Marianne.
  24. Oh, no. It's nothing.
  25. It's something all right. But speaking of flowers, [cdb]are there any you want me to keep an eye out for?
  26. I can pick whatever you like next time I go hunting.
  27. Hmm... Well, perhaps some mountain gooseberry?
  28. The little green berries, right? Oh man, I love those! You can boil them up into jam, but I usually just eat [cdb]the suckers by the handful wherever I find 'em.
  29. Yes, I was thinking they'd be perfect to feed [cdb]the birds.
  30. Wait, you're giving them to birds?!
  31. I'll eat them too, together with the birds. But there's something you have to watch out for.
  32. You mean the thorns, right? You're pretty [cdb]knowledgeable about those little guys—have you [cdb]picked them before yourself?
  33. No. But the birds told me all about them.
  34. The birds...told you. Ha!
  35. Marianne, you actually made a joke! I love it!
  36. No, it's not... Um, well, I'm glad it made you happy.