1. I don't know about this... Did I use too much?
  2. Hmm.
  3. I don't not like it, but I'm also not sure it [cdb]smells...good, exactly?
  4. Hey, Leonie. What are you... Wait.
  5. Ooh! You wore the oil! You smell so good. Mm!
  6. It's amazing you noticed so quickly.
  7. Still, it smells different from the one you were [cdb]wearing the other day.
  8. Did I...do it right?
  9. Oh, for sure! And yeah, that's a scent I whipped up [cdb]specifically for you.
  10. I mean, I could've just given you one of mine...
  11. But I knew there was a scent out there that would [cdb]suit you perfectly, so I tried all sorts of different [cdb]things to make the perfect Eau de Leonie.
  12. That's for you, and only you. It's the only one like it [cdb]in the entire world!
  13. That feels so...fancy.
  14. And while I appreciate all the trouble you went [cdb]through to make it, I still don't think it's for me. I'm sorry. I feel so bad about all of this.
  15. Aw, don't worry about it.
  16. I mean, sure, it's the only one like it in the world, [cdb]but it's not actually valuable or anything.
  17. I just wanted to put my heart into making something [cdb]specifically for you.
  18. I think you're really special, so I wanted you to have [cdb]something special, um...
  19. Uh...
  20. Haha! Oh my gosh, it sounds like I'm proposing [cdb]to you or something. Anyway, you get the idea, right?
  21. Well, in that case, maybe I'll just wear it on... special occasions?
  22. Er, that would be great!
  23. Oh, hey! There's actually something I've been [cdb]wanting to try with my oils. Think you could help [cdb]me out?
  24. I can't very well say no after all that...
  25. Yes! OK, so here's the plan—first, you and I each [cdb]wear a different scent at the same time...
  26. Then when we're out together, they'll mix and create [cdb]an even better scent!
  27. Huh. That's actually a pretty clever idea, Hilda.
  28. I know, right?
  29. Then again, I'm not sure how I feel about the idea of [cdb]our scents intermingling...
  30. Then just don't think about it!
  31. Too late. It's all I can think about now and it [cdb]definitely feels...weird. Yep, weird's the word.
  32. Well, now I feel weird!
  33. But you're still gonna help me out, right?
  34. You know what? Sure. I'm kind of curious to see how [cdb]all this plays out.