1. Aw, no! I scared away another one!
  2. I know I'm hidden. Why do they keep noticing me?
  3. Of course they will be noticing you, Raphael.
  4. Whoa, Petra! Wait, why did you say "of course"?
  5. Because you are moving like a giant bear when you [cdb]are hunting.
  6. Even animals without ears are hearing you approach. You must have subtleness.
  7. OK, but bears are really strong, right? So maybe I [cdb]should just channel a little more of that.
  8. Bear roar! Grrrrrrr!
  9. This roaring is only making you louder. Now the [cdb]animals are running even further away.
  10. You are hunting rabbits, yes? And foxes? These creatures are not wanting to be friends [cdb]with a bear.
  11. Oh. Yeah, I guess I'd run too if a bear was coming [cdb]after me like that.
  12. So how do I get more...subtle?
  13. I mean, how do bears hunt?
  14. Often, bears are not hunting.
  15. Seriously? But they're a couple thousand pounds [cdb]of muscle!
  16. You can't bulk up that much and not even flex. It's just not right.
  17. Do not be looking at me. I am not knowing the ways [cdb]of...bulk.
  18. Oh...right. Well, if the bear thing is off the table, [cdb]what do you suggest?
  19. I mean, how do people hunt in Brigid?
  20. Our hunters have much subtleness. They are hiding [cdb]themselves completely. For you, I am thinking this is [cdb]not a possibility.
  21. But, there are many in Fódlan who are hunting with [cdb]skill despite not hiding like the people of Brigid.
  22. Really? How?
  23. They are using hounds. Hounds do not have [cdb]subtleness.
  24. But I am not knowing the specifics. We do not use [cdb]dogs for hunting in Brigid.
  25. You know, I think I've heard of that before.
  26. I wonder why dogs are so good at—ooooh! Dogs are basically wolves, and wolves are [cdb]natural hunters! I get it now!
  27. So basically, I just need to channel my inner canine.
  28. I...do not have understanding.
  29. Oh yeah, my hunting luck's about to improve! Wolf howl! Awoooooo!