1. ...
  2. You have something to say, or do you just like staring [cdb]at me?
  3. Merely thinking about your brother, that's all.
  4. I only caught a glimpse of him at Arianrhod, but he [cdb]was nothing like what the rumors suggested.
  5. You mean the ones about the eldest son of a noble [cdb]family falling from grace? Taking up a life of banditry [cdb]and wanton destruction?
  6. The very same! They say he was a foul knave who [cdb]stole not to survive, but because he took such great [cdb]pleasure from the act.
  7. Still, I suppose one shouldn't take such rumors at face [cdb]value.
  8. Actually, there's a fair amount of truth to what they [cdb]say. At least there was, up until two years ago.
  9. Yet still His Majesty thought it was wise to recruit [cdb]him to our side, and somehow managed to do just [cdb]that.
  10. Yes, I hear he wooed your brother with the chance [cdb]to demonstrate how the Crestless can still make [cdb]something of themselves.
  11. His honeyed words drew him in, at which point he [cdb]began to play the man's inferiority complex like a [cdb]mandolin.
  12. Seems like you're more cunning than I realized. You really have eyes and ears everywhere, huh?
  13. You're one to talk of cunning, springing as you do [cdb]from the loins of Margrave Gautier himself.
  14. I know you've been keeping tabs on my every move.
  15. What?
  16. In my line of work, one learns to pick up on hostile [cdb]presences rather quickly.
  17. From the day we met, you've been waiting for me to [cdb]take one wrong step so you can cut me down.
  18. I'd heard the heir of House Gautier was nothing more [cdb]than a base philanderer, but it seems that rumor isn't [cdb]completely true, either.
  19. Just look at you, having the gall to call me out while [cdb]you hide behind the murderous grin plastered on [cdb]your face. I know you've killed without hesitation.
  20. Hey, we've all made mistakes. There's no need to [cdb]rehash the past.
  21. And what's this murderous grin you're talking about? What would that even look like?
  22. The fact you aren't conscious of it makes you all the [cdb]more dangerous—unless that pained grimace just [cdb]now was also part of your act.
  23. Regardless, that "Crest-bearing fool" nickname you [cdb]picked up seems woefully inappropriate for one of [cdb]your caliber.
  24. It's clear you inherited your father's cunning and [cdb]then some.
  25. I'm not sure whether to take that as a compliment or [cdb]just start sobbing.
  26. The former. There aren't many in Fódlan capable of [cdb]winning my true respect.
  27. For my part, I'll watch where I step...lest I end up [cdb]with one of your blades lodged in my back.