1. Hmm? What's this?
  2. A stack of pictures? Let's see here...
  3. Cat, cat, cat, scenery, cat... Sure are a lot of cats here.
  4. Oh, and a picture of me playing with a cat.
  5. Hapi?
  6. Heya, Iggy. What're you doing here?
  7. I, um, just had something to take care of! Nothing important, though.
  8. Hapi? What are you...holding?
  9. These? Oh, I just found them here. One of them is [cdb]actually a picture of me.
  10. I wonder who decided to draw me without bothering [cdb]to, you know? Tell me.
  11. Yeah, that's not very nice...
  12. You know a lot about art and stuff, right? Any idea [cdb]who might've done this?
  13. Well, it's not easy to determine an artist based [cdb]on pen strokes alone.
  14. Yeah, not that. I wanted to know if you knew anyone [cdb]else who drew stuff.
  15. Hmmm... Well, there's a lot of cat pictures, so... someone who likes animals, maybe?
  16. Maybe. I mean, it's a lot of cats...
  17. ...
  18. ...
  19. Um, sorry I wasn't much help. Anyway, I should go!
  20. Wait. Cats. I didn't mention the cats to you.
  21. Oh? Huh!
  22. You drew these, Iggy! There's no way you could [cdb]know about the cats otherwise.
  23. Um...
  24. You lied to me. I can't believe this.
  25. I'm sorry! I'm so sorry I drew you without your [cdb]permission!
  26. That's not what I'm mad about, Iggy. I'm just mad [cdb]you tried to lie to me.
  27. You're right. I did. I'm sorry.
  28. I looked really cute in the picture, so all I wanted to [cdb]do was say thanks.
  29. You...looked cute?
  30. Yeah. That's why I wanted to know who drew it.
  31. So you're not angry I drew you without asking?
  32. Pretty sure I just told you that.
  33. You're right. I suppose I misread the situation.
  34. It's fine. Can I have the picture?
  35. Sure! Keep as many as you want!