1. Hey, Dedue, I've been thinking. Faerghus has really [cdb]changed lately.
  2. How do you mean?
  3. I don't know, that's just the feeling I get when I see [cdb]what goes on in this town. Don't you agree?
  4. It's like everyone here trusts you unconditionally, [cdb]even though you serve the king of Faerghus, [cdb]someone they should hate with all their hearts.
  5. It must have taken a lot of hard work to rebuild that [cdb]trust. I'm honestly impressed.
  6. The achievement is not my own. His Majesty has [cdb]been striving towards this for some time now.
  7. Huh. When you put it that way, makes me think [cdb]he must've been planning it all along.
  8. I mean, people used to say he wasn't right in the head [cdb]when he first chose you as his retainer. But he clearly [cdb]had reason for doing so.
  9. Yes, I can still hear the echoes of their gossip in [cdb]my ears. The castle was full of it.
  10. It led me to ask His Majesty why he saved my life.
  11. He replied that neither faith nor birth are of import [cdb]when a person's life is in danger.
  12. Ha! Lady Rhea has told me the same thing.
  13. She saved me once a long time ago, just like Dimitri [cdb]did for you.
  14. Twice, actually. Even though I don't have a religious [cdb]bone in my body.
  15. It's got to be in their blood to never abandon [cdb]someone in need.
  16. Perhaps His Majesty and the archbishop aren't as [cdb]dissimilar as I thought.
  17. True. Neither of them seem to let their lofty positions [cdb]go to their head. They have that in common too.
  18. I'm not sure I follow.
  19. Well, despite her role as archbishop, it's not too [cdb]uncommon to find Lady Rhea at an orphanage, [cdb]playing with the children.
  20. And Dimitri's the same way, right? I heard he was [cdb]off teaching some village kids how to fight just the [cdb]other day.
  21. Heh. Yes, that is true.
  22. Though I'd prefer he spend his free time at rest [cdb]instead.
  23. Hey, helping people is calming in its own way, right?
  24. So if making sure he's well-rested is part of your job, I say you let him do that however he sees fit.
  25. Hm, that's one way of viewing things. I'll think on it.
  26. I suppose we probably understand each other better [cdb]than most, serving such similar leaders.
  27. You're suggesting that you and I have much in [cdb]common as well?
  28. Maybe. Either way, it's been a real joy talking to you.
  29. We've probably been through a lot of the same ups [cdb]and downs in life, if I had to guess.
  30. In time, I bet we could even become friends. So long [cdb]as our bosses stay in each other's good graces.
  31. Agreed. Though if they were to part ways...
  32. Whoa, no need to go there. I think we both know [cdb]what would happen if they ever chose to cross swords.
  33. We'd kill each other without hesitation. I'm sure we have that in common, too.