1. Someone knows my weakness. Thanks.
  2. For me? You shouldn't have.
  3. Guess that's how this day is going to go... Never mind. Let's eat.
  4. This isn't a recon mission, then? That's fine. I'm up for anything.
  5. It's not like I have anything else going on.
  6. I feel like I can let my guard down here. It's a [cdb]nice change.
  7. Lots of bugs in the forest. Some are even poisonous.
  8. This would make a good vantage point... Oh, sorry. Old sniper habit.
  9. We should train our troops to breathe underwater. No better hiding spot.
  10. Should I take the shot? Nah.
  11. Is that a letter? If it's not yours, don't read it.
  12. What, now? All right. You take point. I'll follow.
  13. You want to capture them? Or are you just looking?
  14. What are you on the ground for? Spot something?
  15. We're seriously doing this? All right...
  16. Fishing? Sure, but you'll have to show me how.
  17. You want to go for a swim? Here? All right—but [cdb]don't get any crazy ideas.
  18. Yep. Nice and quiet.
  19. I don't feel like we have to talk. I'm good with silence.
  20. The constant battles make times like this precious.
  21. It'd be pretty great if you came from outside Fódlan, [cdb]too. Of course, there's no evidence of that.
  22. More and more people are making names for [cdb]themselves in this war. And the bigger the name, [cdb]the more their head is worth.
  23. I've spent seven years in Fódlan. Can't believe it's [cdb]been that long.
  24. We almost won the battle between Dagda and the Empire—but then one man changed everything.
  25. Tough one. How about the moment my arrow pierces [cdb]its target?
  26. I can't handle insects with too many legs. No thanks. Just squish them good and walk away.
  27. I'd like to find a place where I really belong. Here? Now? It doesn't feel right.
  28. How about all the people out there who love sweets, [cdb]and the way they always insist on sharing?
  29. Fódlan's a strange place. Of course, you'd probably [cdb]think Dagda was strange, too.
  30. I don't remember much. Feels like a lifetime ago.
  31. Considering how few of them have ever fought for a [cdb]living, I think they're handling themselves quite well.
  32. I'm guessing I don't need to explain to you why the [cdb]bow and dagger are my weapons of choice.
  33. You're pretty stoic. I like that about you.
  34. Since you're my junior, I'm tempted to spoil you. Only tempted, though.
  35. I've become a lot...softer than when I was in the [cdb]knights. I guess I'm fine with it.
  36. Never mind me, how are you? I see you staring off [cdb]into space all the time. I think you have a problem.
  37. I know a spy who used to hide daggers in her hair.
  38. Like what I did with my hair? Feel free to copy it. I don't mind.
  39. Dagda and Fódlan aren't so different. Looking at me [cdb]and you proves that.
  40. What's with that look? You trying to hit on me? All right, friend. Shoot your shot.
  41. Hmph. I'm not carrying a concealed weapon today. Let's just leave it at that.
  42. You wanna roll some dice? Because yeah, [cdb]that's where I keep 'em.
  43. I enjoyed that more than I thought I would. Maybe hit me up again sometime.
  44. Never a dull moment with you. Let's do this again.
  45. I always get the job done—and I'm thorough.