1. This is my favorite.
  2. Sharing meals is exhausting.
  3. If I must.
  4. You're inviting me? Why?
  5. Where are we going?
  6. This landscape is somehow...nostalgic.
  7. The forest beasts are watching. Shall we hunt?
  8. I don't care for sightseeing.
  9. I'm restless.
  10. Interesting. I accept.
  11. Hmph.
  12. All right.
  13. Interesting. Why don't they flee?
  14. Your concern is unnecessary.
  15. My wants are of little importance. Do as you please.
  16. Fish? They are...fine.
  17. Likely dropped by a small child on a passing vessel. Not worth our time.
  18. I fight as I see fit. Nothing more.
  19. That sword of yours... Perhaps it can excise the evil [cdb]inside me.
  20. Hmph. I can sense that you and those maggots are [cdb]of the same ilk.
  21. My mother and sister remain in good health. That is all I... No. Enough.
  22. The evil inside me and I are one and the same— [cdb]cursed swordsmen for whom there is no salvation.
  23. Don't bother inviting me to victory parties. I won't go.
  24. This bores me. I only find delight in battle.
  25. Fights to the death. Also...sweets.
  26. I detest alcohol. And parties.
  27. A dream of the future? Hmph! I could never have [cdb]such a thing.
  28. When the war ends and there is no one left to kill, [cdb]what will become of the evil inside me?
  29. I love my mother and sister. But even they are not [cdb]safe from the evil within.
  30. The long-ago days I spent with my mother and sister [cdb]were hard. And yet, I was happy.
  31. There are skilled fighters in our ranks, yet none [cdb]who will fight me to the death. How frustrating.
  32. There is no style to my swordplay. I merely hack the [cdb]enemy into pieces.
  33. I am as wary of you as the maggots are. But I don't [cdb]sense that you intend me harm.
  34. Fight me! Perhaps you will be the one to do it.
  35. I remembered how to make one kind of confection.
  36. Some of the recruits show potential. With the proper [cdb]training, perhaps... Hm.
  37. This is uncomfortable.
  38. I'm blessed with the same hair color as my mother [cdb]and sister, yet am unworthy of it.
  39. Yes? What is it?
  40. My face looks just like his did. I find it repulsive.
  41. Well? Out with it!
  42. The armor of the Death Knight was born of that [cdb]demon's whim.
  43. I will take my leave.
  44. Next time, we will cross blades—not words.
  45. My sword is yours.