1. Wait, for me? Great! I love this stuff.
  2. Aw, thanks. That's sweet. Food tastes better when [cdb]you eat it with someone anyway.
  3. Yeah, that's not really my thing. How about I just sit [cdb]here and watch you eat?
  4. Ready to head out? Because I sure am.
  5. I've been looking forward to going on a ride with you, [cdb]so let's hoof it already.
  6. Hmm. Can't say I care for being smack-dab in the [cdb]middle of a giant field like this.
  7. I lived in a deep forest like this for a really long time. Probably explains why I feel so at home here.
  8. Is it cold up here, or is it just me? Also, not sure I'm [cdb]a fan of heights, now that I'm actually looking down.
  9. I like being near the water. Maybe we can find [cdb]some shiny rocks laying around.
  10. You like flowers too, huh? That's kind of, I dunno...weirdly cute of you?
  11. Please tell me that's not dinner.
  12. I'm sure you already know this, but we definitely [cdb]can't eat those raw—mainly because we'll die.
  13. We should pick a few different types and see which [cdb]one tastes best.
  14. Hey, thanks. Oh wow, that's warm...
  15. These clouds are starting to look a little ominous, [cdb]aren't they. But I think we'll be fine.
  16. I'm actually pretty great at catching fish, so if you [cdb]wanna have a contest, get ready to lose.
  17. Absolutely. Let's jump in at the same time. On three, [cdb]ready? I'm not joking!
  18. So I have a theory about you—that what you say and [cdb]what you're thinking are usually very different things.
  19. I can't imagine myself doing anything other than [cdb]what I'm doing now.
  20. I always sleep like a rock. That's pretty much the only [cdb]perk to, you know...being the way I am.
  21. Say, have you ever eaten the root of this plant here? It's sweet, but I also think it's poisonous.
  22. You ever eat fancy noble food? All the weird flavors [cdb]just end up leaving my taste buds confused.
  23. Honestly? I'm secretly rooting for you. That's it. That's all I've got.
  24. I really like singing, but I only know songs from my [cdb]village that no one else has even heard of.
  25. Well, I like looking at the night sky, but I usually go [cdb]to bed early, so I don't do it much.
  26. Feels like there are knight-type people everywhere I [cdb]go. I'm always worried they're going to talk down [cdb]to me.
  27. I think my dream right now is... Well, to figure out [cdb]what my dream is, I guess.
  28. I've given up on so many things, there's not much left [cdb]for me to worry about.
  29. I haven't seen a single person from my village in ages. Maybe I'll go back to visit someday.
  30. You wanna talk about the time I was kidnapped by [cdb]some lady? It wasn't just me. There were a bunch of us.
  31. They do leave me scratching my head sometimes, [cdb]but I think I get along with them well enough.
  32. Yeah, I'm pretty versatile. Sort of a jack-of-all- [cdb]trades, I guess.
  33. What do I think about you? Well, you're a fine [cdb]mercenary, I guess. Aw, I'm just kidding.
  34. I hope you find answers to your questions and can put [cdb]all of this behind you.
  35. They say there's no time to relax during war, [cdb]but since I've never been able to relax, it doesn't [cdb]really affect me one way or the other.
  36. I often think about what it means to be free. Really and truly free. What do you think?
  37. I like to go as natural as I can with my hair and face. I also don't care about fashion, but I guess that's [cdb]pretty obvious.
  38. Checking out my hair? You should see it when I'm in [cdb]a bad mood. The stuff has a life of its own.
  39. If I always look tired, it's only because I am.
  40. Don't worry, I'm not going to sigh. You don't have to [cdb]watch my every movement with bated breath.
  41. If I train too much, I'll end up with huge muscles. Not really my thing.
  42. Are you looking for scars from my experiments? I hate to disappoint, but I don't have any where [cdb]you'd be able to see them.
  43. I never get tired of being outdoors. Ask me again the [cdb]next time you go, all right?
  44. Did you have as much fun as I did? Good, because I'm already looking forward to next time.
  45. I sure hope it's something I can actually do.