A register of prominent noble houses of the Leicester Alliance. This document is expressly for official use by the Church of Seiros. Students are forbidden to remove or peruse this documentation. 1179 edition.
House Riegan The leading house of the Leicester Alliance and descendants of one of the Ten Elites. In the Crescent Moon War of 881, they spearheaded the move toward independence from the Kingdom, as well as the establishment of a republic by its former vassals. House Riegan (continued) They have held the esteemed responsibility of leading the Alliance roundtable ever since.
House Riegan (continued) The position of this house of dukes relies on the noble rank bestowed upon it by the Kingdom, well before the Alliance's founding. House Riegan (continued) The current Duke Riegan's heir, Godfrey, died in an accident while on duty. While he did leave behind a surviving daughter, she is presently unaccounted for.
House Goneril Descendants of one of the Ten Elites, it is a military house that is chiefly tasked with military strikes and defense against the Almyran army, mostly due to its territory's position in the east. Lord Holst, the next head of the house, is widely renowned as the Alliance's bravest general.
House Ordelia A house of counts with land in the east of Leicester territory. In 1167 it was involved in House Hrym's rebellion, and the Empire retaliated by repeatedly meddling in the house's internal affairs, leading to a sharp decline in its noble standing.
House Gloucester Descendants of one of the Ten Elites, this house of counts hails from southern Leicester territory. House Gloucester (continued) The current head of house is ambitious, excels at public relations, and has an influential voice among the five noble families with voting rights at the Leicester Alliance Roundtable, second only to House Riegan.
House Edmund A house of margraves with land in the north of Leicester territory. House Edmund (continued) Its beneficial trade policies, emphasizing fair use of its personal harbors, have awarded the house a great deal of clout, to such a degree that it was eventually accepted into the ranks of the Five Great Lords of the Alliance. Their current head of house is a renowned orator.
House Daphnel Descendants of one of the Ten Elites and formerly among the Five Great Lords of the Alliance, it lost much power due to internal discord. For the last several generations, no head of House Daphnel has borne a Crest. In spite of this, it still maintains its status as a noble family.