link Shez volume_up
So, what did you want to talk about, Hubert?
link Shez volume_up
So what did you want to talk about, Hubert?
link Hubert volume_up
I thought we might discuss you, actually. You wish to know more about those eldritch powers of yours, yes?
link Shez volume_up
Ah, right.
link Shez volume_up
Ah, right.
link Shez volume_up
Edelgard said I might have a chance to get to the bottom of that.
link Shez volume_up
Edelgard said I might have a chance to get to the bottom of that.
link Shez volume_up
Kinda figured she'd forgotten, since it's been two years now.
link Shez volume_up
Kinda figured she'd forgotten, since it's been two years now.
link Hubert volume_up
Pray accept my apology on her behalf. It has been more trying to find answers than we originally expected.
link Hubert volume_up
With Lord Arundel lost to the winds, it has been a trial combing through what little evidence he left behind.
link Hubert volume_up
And of course, we are undertaking all of this in the midst of painstaking preparations for war.
link Shez volume_up
Lord Arundel is the guy who could shape-shift like Tomas, right? The one who escaped?
link Shez volume_up
Lord Arundel is the guy who could shape-shift like Tomas, right? The one who escaped?
link Hubert volume_up
Correct. However, we have recently learned that he goes by another name—Thales.
link Shez volume_up
Did you figure out if my powers are the same as his?
link Shez volume_up
Did you figure out if my powers are the same as his?
link Shez volume_up
Sorry, who's Lord Arundel again?
link Shez volume_up
Sorry, who's Lord Arundel again?
link Hubert volume_up
Short memory, I see. Arundel was the man we fought at the palace two years ago. Just like Tomas, he shape-shifted and managed to elude capture.
link Hubert volume_up
Since then, we have learned he also goes by another name—Thales.
link Shez volume_up
Oh yeah, that guy. So did you figure out if my powers are the same as his?
link Shez volume_up
Oh yeah, that guy. So, did you figure out if my powers are the same as his?
link Shez volume_up
And what are my powers, anyway? Not some kinda curse, I hope.
link Shez volume_up
And what are my powers, anyway? Not some kinda curse, I hope.
link Hubert volume_up
A fine question. I think it is safe to assume that you possess some form of magic.
link Hubert volume_up
However, it is not the same ilk as the white and black magic we are familiar with.
link Hubert volume_up
Yours is, shall we say, dark magic—heathen craft that is structured differently from conventional spells.
link Shez volume_up
link Shez volume_up
link Hubert volume_up
You are familiar with those who slither in the dark, yes? People like Tomas, Kronya, and Thales?
link Hubert volume_up
We believe they possess the same power as you.
link Shez volume_up
No. I'm not like them at all.
link Shez volume_up
No. I'm not like them at all.
link Shez volume_up
That's tough to accept, but the similarities are too great for it to be anything else.
link Shez volume_up
That's tough to accept, but the similarities are too great for it to be anything else.
link Hubert volume_up
Still, what you think does not matter in the end, because my mind is already made up.
link Shez volume_up
So, what? Are you gonna banish me someplace far away because I'm too dangerous?
link Shez volume_up
So, what? Are you gonna banish me someplace far away because I'm too dangerous?
link Shez volume_up
It's fine if you do. I'm used to being cut loose— that's just how life as a sellsword goes.
link Shez volume_up
It's fine if you do. I'm used to being cut loose— that's just how life as a sellsword goes.
link Hubert volume_up
Do not be absurd. If we were done with you, we would kill you, not banish you.
link Hubert volume_up
Fortunately, you are exceedingly talented, and Her Majesty trusts you implicitly.
link Hubert volume_up
The way I see it, we stand to profit best by keeping you in our service.
link Shez volume_up
So you trust me, too? Uh, thanks, I guess.
link Shez volume_up
So you trust me, too? Um, thanks, I guess.
link Hubert volume_up
But now, we have a more important question to answer—namely, how you came by your powers.
link Edelgard volume_up
I thought I heard someone talking in here.
link Hubert volume_up
We were just finishing up. Do you have business with our mercenary friend, Your Majesty?
link Edelgard volume_up
I do, and I suspect it's related to what you were just talking about.
link Hubert volume_up
Then I will leave you to it. Pray excuse me.
link Edelgard volume_up
Ah, you should see the look on your face! Did Hubert threaten you?
link Edelgard volume_up
Don't let it get to you. Yes, he's quite good at that kind of thing, but it comes from a place of caution.
link Shez volume_up
I wish that was all that was bothering me.
link Shez volume_up
I wish that was all that was bothering me.
link Edelgard volume_up
I want to transform the world into a place where no one has to feel trapped by where they came from.
link Edelgard volume_up
When I am done, it won't matter where you are born, whose blood you have, or what powers course through you—everyone will be treated as equals.
link Edelgard volume_up
That's what we're fighting for, and that is what this war is going to achieve.
link Edelgard volume_up
So believe me when I say this—I don't care who you are.
link Edelgard volume_up
I only care about what you have done and what you have yet to do.
link Shez volume_up
Well...thanks, Edelgard. I feel a little better now.
link Shez volume_up
Well...thanks, Edelgard. I feel a little better now.