link Ferdinand volume_up
Hubert, did you hear? My father has—
link Hubert volume_up
Vanished, yes. We should have killed the dastard when we had the chance.
link Hubert volume_up
What happened to your solemn vow to not let him stage a comeback? Pah! I told you this would happen.
link Hubert volume_up
I think you knew he would try and scrabble his way out of his predicament. Such is the nature of a noble. Until you finally squash them, that is.
link Ferdinand volume_up
I have no way to refute that point.
link Ferdinand volume_up
All I can say is that I wished my father to be tried fairly, as is his noble right.
link Ferdinand volume_up
But now, it is clear that will never happen.
link Hubert volume_up
I could excoriate you further but we lack the time. We must get to the bottom of this, and quickly.
link Hubert volume_up
The Knights of Seiros descended on us with a fury I have rarely seen.
link Hubert volume_up
In all that confusion, even a bear could have slipped away without raising an alarm.
link Ferdinand volume_up
I would not go so far as to call them conspirators, but my father had many old friends in the palace.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Some may have turned a blind eye. They should be found and questioned.
link Hubert volume_up
I agree, that is one possibility. Though there is another...
link Hubert volume_up
Yes, well, now that we have a fugitive on our hands, I intend to make full use of it.
link Hubert volume_up
This situation affords us a chance to remedy another.
link Ferdinand volume_up
If that is the beginning of a scheme, Hubert, you do a terribly poor job of veiling it.
link Hubert volume_up
It is no concern of yours. Not yet, at any rate.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Right. Lovely.
link Ferdinand volume_up
Well, so long as whatever you are planning has Edelgard's blessing and will be of aid to the Empire, I will brook no complaint.
link Hubert volume_up
All will be revealed in time. Heh.