Somewhere in Empire Territory
link Fleche volume_up
Randolph! Why have you come back to me like this?!
link ??? volume_up
Lady Fleche, please! You must get a hold of yourself!
link Fleche volume_up
My brother... How did this happen?
link ??? volume_up
Lord Randolph fought bravely against Thunder Catherine.
link ??? volume_up
He managed to create an opening for the Federation army to swoop in and rout the church's forces. It was a crushing victory...for the Federation, that is.
link Fleche volume_up
What? You were there? But the Federation said there were no survivors from the Imperial army.
link ??? volume_up
When it became clear what transpired, Lord Randolph bid me, and only me, to escape with my life.
link ??? volume_up
He did this so I could tell you, Lady Fleche, how his death came to pass.
link Fleche volume_up
He did?
link ??? volume_up
The king of Leicester used us as decoys. He was able to seize victory by leaving us for slaughter.
link ??? volume_up
When I think of how tragic it is that Lord Randolph should be cut down in the prime of his life...
link Fleche volume_up
He was left to be slaughtered?! They must pay for what they've done! I swear to you, dear Brother, I will not let them get away with this!
link Fleche volume_up
Please, I implore you, gather what soldiers you can. Skilled mercenaries too. Anyone you can find!
link Fleche volume_up
I will empty our vaults, borrow money from the count... Whatever it takes to pay them!
link ??? volume_up
But Lady Fleche, whatever for?
link Fleche volume_up
For revenge, against the king of Leicester. I will have his head!
link ??? volume_up
Understood. I will make the arrangements at once.
link ??? volume_up
Heh. That was almost too easy.
link Jeralt volume_up
You feeling any better?
link Jeralt volume_up
I have to say, I'm still not used to this new look of yours.
link Byleth volume_up
That makes two of us—but it will bother me less once I'm on the battlefield.
link Byleth volume_up
That makes two of us—but it will bother me less once I'm on the battlefield.
link Jeralt volume_up
I sure hope that's the case, because we've already got our next job lined up.
link Jeralt volume_up
We're going up against the Alliance again. No, wait, they're called the Federation now. Well, you know who I mean.
link Jeralt volume_up
To be honest, I'm feeling a little uneasy about this one. It's probably just because they're paying an arm and a leg for us, careful, OK?
link Byleth volume_up
I will. You do the same.
link Byleth volume_up
I will. You do the same.
link Jeralt volume_up
Oh, right. I've been meaning to give you this...
link Jeralt volume_up
Never used to be without it. Cuts like a dream. I want you to have it.
link Jeralt volume_up
Swords like this are given to captains of the Knights of Seiros, and mine was just collecting dust in the band's convoy.
link Byleth volume_up
That's right. Alois mentioned you used to serve there.
link Byleth volume_up
That's right. Alois mentioned you used to serve there.
link Jeralt volume_up
That was a lifetime ago. I don't plan on swinging this sword ever again.
link Byleth volume_up
But are you sure you want to give it away? It must be quite special to you.
link Byleth volume_up
But are you sure you want to give it away? It must be quite special to you.
link Jeralt volume_up
I'd be happiest seeing you get some use out of it.
link Byleth volume_up
Thank you. I'll do that.
link Byleth volume_up
Thank you. I'll do that.
link Jeralt volume_up
Be good to it, all right?