link Felix volume_up
This was a long time coming—and a fine result, seeing as we suffered no needless casualties.
link Ingrid volume_up
I guess so...
link Ingrid volume_up
Still, I wonder why our target chose to take part in the Tragedy of Duscur in the first place.
link Shez volume_up
Probably bought off by somebody higher up the food chain. That's usually how these things go.
link Shez volume_up
Probably bought off by somebody higher up the food chain. That's usually how these things go.
link Dedue volume_up
Then we must find who paid him.
link Ingrid volume_up
Right. We're sure to discover something if we follow the money.
link Shez volume_up
Could be he held a grudge against Faerghus.
link Shez volume_up
Could be he held a grudge against Faerghus.
link Felix volume_up
Then we'd best figure out the reason for said grudge.
link Shez volume_up
That kinda decision's not arrived at lightly. There must be some reason we haven't considered yet.
link Shez volume_up
That kinda decision's not arrived at lightly. There must be some reason we haven't considered yet.
link Shez volume_up
I mean, maybe he honestly thought he was fighting for Duscur's future.
link Shez volume_up
I mean, maybe he honestly thought he was fighting for Duscur's future.
link Dedue volume_up
Then he went about it the wrong way.
link Felix volume_up
Whatever the reason, there's no need to speculate.
link Dedue volume_up
Agreed. His Majesty will suss it out.
link Ingrid volume_up
Yes, let's put our faith in him.
link Ingrid volume_up
But for now, we should tell the citizens of Duscur about what transpired today.
link Dedue volume_up
Wait. I must make a brief stop.
link Ingrid volume_up
Oh? Where?
link Dedue volume_up
A lake deep in the forest where a field of flowers once grew.
link Dedue volume_up
The area was trampled by the Kingdom's army some time back.
link Dedue volume_up
I want to see if it has recovered.
link Ingrid volume_up
I could use some flowers in my life right about now— and who knows the next time we'll be coming this way again. Mind if I join you?
link Dedue volume_up
Please do.
link Shez volume_up
Count me in too. Felix?
link Shez volume_up
Count me in too. Felix?
link Felix volume_up
I don't really care about that stuff, but...sure. Still, we've got a lot to do, so let's make it quick.
link Ingrid volume_up
Oh, how lovely... I can't believe a place like this is hidden away in the forest.
link Dedue volume_up
I often came here with my sister. I am glad to see it somewhat recovered.
link Ingrid volume_up
Somewhat? You mean it used to be even more beautiful than this?
link Dedue volume_up
link Ingrid volume_up
Wow. I'd love to see it in all its glory someday.
link Ingrid volume_up
King Lambert died near this spot, right? I wonder if Glenn ever saw this place...
link Dedue volume_up
I think it likely.
link Dedue volume_up
When things settle in Duscur, this field should also return to form.
link Dedue volume_up
We should come back then. To see the field as he did.
link Ingrid volume_up
Yes, we should.
link Felix
link Shez volume_up
You sure you just wanna hang back, Felix? This is really something.
link Shez volume_up
You sure you just wanna hang back, Felix? This is really something.
link Shez volume_up
Might be good know. Take in the scenery. Maybe think about your brother.
link Shez volume_up
Might be good know. Take in the scenery. Maybe think about your brother.
link Felix volume_up
No thanks.
link Felix volume_up
Remembering the past is important, but the present gives me all the direction I need.
link Felix volume_up
Namely, the duty to protect the same things Glenn did before me.
link Shez volume_up
You mean Fraldarius territory itself?
link Shez volume_up
You mean Fraldarius territory itself?
link Felix volume_up
No. Well, yes. Obviously I have a duty to protect my home, but my brother didn't really do that.
link Felix volume_up
I mean the future of the Kingdom itself.
link Shez volume_up
You mean Dimitri?
link Shez volume_up
You mean Dimitri?
link Felix volume_up
More or less. My brother gave everything to protect him, but only because he was protecting the future of Faerghus itself.
link Felix volume_up
Which that fool will probably try to shoulder all on his own, so I guess they're pretty much the same thing at this point.
link Felix volume_up
Anyway, keep that to yourself—and don't you dare tell the boar.
link Shez volume_up
Sure thing.
link Shez volume_up
Sure thing.
link Felix volume_up
Hmph. Good.
link Shez volume_up
C'mon, why'd you have to say that? Now all I wanna do is run around telling everyone!
link Shez volume_up
C'mon, why'd you have to say that? Now all I wanna do is run around telling everyone!
link Felix volume_up
I'd prefer if you didn't mock me.
link Felix volume_up
link Felix volume_up
You know, I don't really care much for flowers, but this? This isn't so bad.