Raphael: Do you find this life inconvenient?
Jeralt: I am troubled by Lord Lonato.
Thales: War has its inevitabilities.
Miklan: What a bother.
Rodrigue: First the church, now the Kingdom?
Jeritza: It still doesn't feel real.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I hear the Kingdom is cold.
Tomas: Is my father chasing me?!
Ordelia General: The last two years have seen many purges.
Myson: Ah, welcome.
Viscount Enid: That fight bored me.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I have returned to the Empire.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Beats dying out there.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: You were most impressive.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Have you seen my brother?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Welcome to my shop!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'm praying for your safe return!
???: I am Baron Barnabas.
???: Can he be trusted...
???: Do you know Magdred Way?
???: Have you ever spoken to Count Bergliez?
???: Between you and me...
???: Can't help but get my hopes up.
???: Ohoho...
???: Pleasure doin' business.
link Edelgard
Do you have a moment?
link Edelgard
I apologize for the inconvenience, but I suspect our life here at the front will continue for some time.
link Edelgard
Though I suppose you're used to this sort of thing?
link Edelgard
I had some additional facilities built in anticipation of the war stretching on.
link Edelgard
Please take a little time to check and see if they could be of use. They may better prepare you for the battles to come.
link Shez
Yeah, this is all old hat for me. Not a problem.
link Shez
Yeah, this is all old hat for me. Not a problem.
link Edelgard
I'm relieved people like you exist. Please do alert me if anything of interest crops up.
link Shez
Are you kidding? This place is a palace compared to the dumps I usually call a forward base.
link Shez
Are you kidding? This place is a palace compared to the dumps I usually call a forward base.
link Shez
Sure, there's room for improvement considering we threw it together at the last minute, but it's still pretty nice, all things considered.
link Shez
Sure, there's room for improvement considering we threw it together at the last minute, but it's still pretty nice, all things considered.
link Edelgard
Interesting. The general environment for mercenaries must be even grimmer than I first imagined.
Raphael: I've taken steps to ensure our victory.
Raphael: Do you find this life inconvenient?
link Shez
Looks like we're making solid progress. I should get ready too.
link Shez
Looks like we're making solid progress. I should get ready too.
link Edelgard
I apologize for the inconvenience, but I suspect our life here at the front will continue for some time.
link Edelgard
Though I suppose you're used to this sort of thing?
link Hubert
This matter with Lord Lonato is most troubling. To think he would choose to act on his own...
link Hubert
I suspect he could not keep his resentment toward the church in check, seeing as they executed his son.
link Hubert
By the way, do you recall his adopted son who was a student at the Officers Academy?
link Shez
You mean Ashe, right?
link Shez
You mean Ashe, right?
link Hubert
Indeed. Perhaps he acts in concert with Lord Lonato.
link Shez
Yeah, sorry. Who was that again?
link Shez
Yeah, sorry. Who was that again?
link Hubert
His name is Ashe. I wonder if he now acts in concert with Lord Lonato.
link Hubert
Or perhaps he cooperates with the Kingdom army in order to subdue his adoptive father.
link Ferdinand
When it comes to war, it is more or less inevitable that the citizenry will eventually become involved.
link Ferdinand
However, I wonder if Lord Lonato amassed his army thinking he might win without the aid of the Empire.
link Ferdinand
It would be quite the gamble, considering how many will be caught up in the fight.
link Ferdinand
Is Lord Lonato so adored that people would truly follow him into such peril?
link Linhardt
I was hoping I might be able to relax a little at Garreg Mach, but that was clearly foolish of me.
link Linhardt
It appears the time of peaceful, lazy days are over.
link Shez
Truth is, most people never get to live those days.
link Shez
Truth is, most people never get to live those days.
link Shez
I can't even remember the last time I was able to take a load off and just relax.
link Shez
I can't even remember the last time I was able to take a load off and just relax.
link Linhardt
Yes, but weren't you doing all that because you wanted to? I swear, Her Majesty and my father are both always far busier than they need to be.
link Shez
You're right—but that just means we need to end this war as fast as possible.
link Shez
You're right—but that just means we need to end this war as fast as possible.
link Shez
There'll be plenty of time to lay around when the fighting's done with.
link Shez
There'll be plenty of time to lay around when the fighting's done with.
link Linhardt
A statement of much insight. I suppose now we must do whatever we can to ensure a brighter future.
link Caspar
First the church and now the Kingdom army? We sure aren't messing around when it comes to picking our enemies.
link Caspar
'Course, this latest fight might not be so bad.
link Caspar
Sure! I mean, the Kingdom's not as big as the Empire, but it's still got a wide range of fighting power.
link Caspar
Which means they've got plenty of lords whose armies you could call "weak." And that's if you're being nice.
link Dorothea
No matter what I do, I just can't force myself to accept the goddess or her teachings.
link Dorothea
Still, seeing the Central and Southern Churches fighting just doesn't feel real to me yet.
link Dorothea
Though I did realize just how incompatible they were during our battle at Garreg Mach.
link Dorothea
They probably view each other the same way I look at the nobility, I guess.
link Shez
Yeah, I'm not sure that's the same thing.
link Shez
Yeah, I'm not sure that's the same thing.
link Shez
When it comes to the church, both sides are willing to die for their beliefs. I don't think you're like that.
link Shez
When it comes to the church, both sides are willing to die for their beliefs. I don't think you're like that.
link Dorothea
Oh, absolutely not. I'd much rather live than die, even if it meant groveling before some horrible noble.
link Shez
Hey, I understand. Everyone has something they're not willing to back down on.
link Shez
Hey, I understand. Everyone has something they're not willing to back down on.
link Dorothea
If so, that hits pretty close to home.
link Petra
I hear the Kingdom is cold.
link Petra
But the season of spring is warmer than now, which I am finding to be a relief.
link Petra
Which do you more dislike? Hot or cold?
link Shez
Oh, heat for sure. It makes my armor humid and sticky, and I can't keep a grip on my weapon because of all the sweat. It's gross.
link Shez
Oh, heat for sure. It makes my armor humid and sticky, and I can't keep a grip on my weapon because of all the sweat. It's gross.
link Petra
I have understanding of your reasons, but I am still not liking the cold.
link Shez
Oh, definitely the cold. There's nothing worse than fighting for your life when you can't even feel your fingers.
link Shez
Oh, definitely the cold. There's nothing worse than fighting for your life when you can't even feel your fingers.
link Petra
I have agreement. The cold is the worst.
link Petra
I am thinking the reason is that Brigid is quite warm.
link Bernadetta
Did you hear, [HERO_MF]? My father's at Garreg Mach!
link Bernadetta
Did you hear, [HERO_MF]? My father's at Garreg Mach!
link Bernadetta
I heard it had something to do with him serving as the bishop for Edelgard, maybe?
link Bernadetta
I heard it had something to do with him serving as the bishop for Edelgard, maybe?
link Bernadetta
You don't think he's chasing me, right? Please say no!
link Bernadetta
You don't think he's chasing me, right? Please say no!
link Shez
I seriously doubt it. He'll probably stay put in Garreg Mach for a while, if I had to guess.
link Shez
I seriously doubt it. He'll probably stay put in Garreg Mach for a while, if I had to guess.
link Bernadetta
OK, that's a relief. Maybe he'll just never return to Enbarr and I won't have to see him ever again!
link Bernadetta
OK, that's a relief. Maybe he'll just never return to Enbarr and I won't have to see him ever again!
link Shez
Sorry, Bernadetta, but I have no idea.
link Shez
Sorry, Bernadetta, but I have no idea.
link Shez
But I mean, he doesn't seem like the kinda guy to show up on the front lines. Can he even fight?
link Shez
But I mean, he doesn't seem like the kinda guy to show up on the front lines. Can he even fight?
link Bernadetta
Yeah, fighting is, um...not his thing. So maybe that means he's not coming for me after all!
link Bernadetta
Yeah, fighting is, um...not his thing. So maybe that means he's not coming for me after all!
link Monica
A storm of political purges has raged over the last two years in the Kingdom.
link Monica
The king himself judged a number of nobles as having been involved in the Tragedy of Duscur.
link Monica
But even if he removed them for legitimate reasons, it's naturally given rise to a number of grudges.
link Monica
This may give us an opening to wrest control of the Central Church from the Kingdom.
link Jeritza
The church's main force did not appear in our last battle.
link Jeritza
How boring.
link Jeritza
All I desire is a battle to the death with the strongest warriors. I hope the Kingdom army proves worthy.
link Manuela
Hey, you! Do you need something?
link Manuela
You don't look hurt... Don't tell me you came here just to talk to little old me?
link Manuela
You know, even a place as quiet as this could become a battlefield at any time.
link Manuela
So it's best for us to enjoy these little conversations while we still can.
link Shez
Yeah, well, you know.
link Shez
Yeah, well, you know.
link Manuela
Well, how delightful! Please, sit down.
link Manuela
You know, even a place as quiet as this could become a battlefield at any time.
link Manuela
So it's best for us to enjoy these little conversations while we still can.
link Shez
Actually, that's not what I—
link Shez
Actually, that's not what I—
link Manuela
Oh, it's fine. Come! Sit down!
link Manuela
You know, even a place as quiet as this could become a battlefield at any time.
link Manuela
So it's best for us to enjoy these little conversations while we still can.
link Constance
Oh dear. It seems I've found myself living in the Empire once more.
link Constance
Though I was once hostile to the idea, it may be the fastest and most assured way for me to finally see my house restored.
link Constance
Still, it's a move awash in calculated self-interest... I wonder if everyone will still accept me afterward.
link Shez
Hey, everyone fights for themselves to some degree.
link Shez
Hey, everyone fights for themselves to some degree.
link Shez
I'm just grateful to have someone with your kind of talent watching my back.
link Shez
I'm just grateful to have someone with your kind of talent watching my back.
link Constance
I fear you do me far too much credit, though I cannot say I dislike it. Thank you.
link Shez
That all comes down to what you do next.
link Shez
That all comes down to what you do next.
link Shez
But I'll say this much—there's not a person in this army who could deny your tenacity.
link Shez
But I'll say this much—there's not a person in this army who could deny your tenacity.
link Constance
I am unworthy of such warm words, but will do my best to live up to them.
link Hapi
Wasn't really expecting to end up here with you, but oh well! Beats dying out there, I guess.
link Hapi
Still, I guess we're headed to the Kingdom next?
link Hapi
Eddy, the Bert, and Monica all care for me.
link Hapi
It makes me hope they all see something in me that maybe I don't.
link Hapi
I wish Coco were with me...
link Randolph
You were quite impressive in our recent battle. I see now why Her Majesty places her faith in you.
link Randolph
While I come from an esteemed noble family, that is no guarantee of future success.
link Randolph
Still, I wish to make a difference in this battle and help make my family's life just a little easier.
link Randolph
It's why I find myself jealous of you and... Ah, no. Forgive me. Let us speak of it no more.
link Fleche
Have you seen my brother? He has been working far too hard of late.
link Shez
Nope, sorry. But I'll check up on him if we happen to cross paths.
link Shez
Nope, sorry. But I'll check up on him if we happen to cross paths.
link Fleche
Thank you. I appreciate it.
link Shez
Yeah, I saw him at the training grounds. He seemed a little worn down, now that you mention it.
link Shez
Yeah, I saw him at the training grounds. He seemed a little worn down, now that you mention it.
link Fleche
The training grounds, is it? Thank you.
link Fleche
I just hope he doesn't push himself too far and do lasting damage to his health.
link Anna
Welcome to my shop! Er, or what's going to be my shop if I ever open the darn thing.
link Anna
Anyway, hiya! I'm Anna. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
link Anna
If I find anything good out there, I'll add it to my stock—so keep checking back.
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
Seems like the chief folks of Garreg Mach—that is, the Central Church—have fled to the Kingdom.
link Gatekeeper
And the Imperial army is now invading the Kingdom? We've sure got some fierce battles ahead.
link Gatekeeper
In any event, I pray you return safely!
link Arval
I believe you got lost once in a forest near here. Do you remember?
link Shez
'Course I do. Remire Village is just over that way... Or was it this way?
link Shez
'Course I do. Remire Village is just over that way... Or was it this way?
link Arval
Clueless as ever, I see. Recognizing your shortcomings is the first step towards growth, you know.
link Shez
Nope. Maybe that's why I get lost so often.
link Shez
Nope. Maybe that's why I get lost so often.
link Arval
At least you recognize how terrible your sense of direction is. How very surprising. I wish you'd strive to amend that shortcoming, though.
link Baron Barnabas
I am Baron Barnabas, and my territory is on the west side of Garreg Mach.
link Baron Barnabas
This is how I came to serve as a keeper of the monastery.
link Baron Barnabas
I came here only to offer greetings to Her Majesty, and will be leaving ere long.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Lord Lonato is a castellan under Count Rowe, but I hear he is a worthy man.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Conversely, I hear naught but ill about Count Rowe himself.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He is a man who safeguards his own person above all, and one who would happily sell out his very kin for the sake of his own health and happiness.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And though he was among the first to declare allegiance to the Empire, I wonder if it is wise to trust him in this matter.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Are you familiar with Magdred Way? It is a highway that runs through the forest west of Garreg Mach.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Castle Gaspard, home to Lord Lonato, is located along said highway.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
In certain seasons, the place is blanketed by a dense and eerie fog, though it should be fine this time of year. Er...probably. One can hope.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Have you ever spoken to Count Bergliez, the Minister of Military Affairs?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He is a great and honorable man in terms of both courage and personality.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He currently leads an army stationed in Alliance territory, and their generals would be wise to stay far away if they value their lives!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Just between us, it seems Lord Arundel was involved in the Tragedy of Duscur.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We must take care not to be lumped in with any of their ilk.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
From the Kingdom's perspective, it could be equated to saying it was the Empire's fault.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We mercs normally don't give a second thought for what some haughty taughty ruler thinks about this thing or the other.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But when someone comes along sayin' they want to change this cesspit of a world? Well, I can't help but get my hopes up.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I just hope the changed world ain't more of a sewer than this one! Bahaha!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Ohoho! I'll have you know I was summoned here from the Imperial capital.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I have something I must know, so pray lend me your wisdom if you would.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Among our enemies, is there anyone who wields dark magic?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Pleasure doin' business... Oh, Commander! It's you!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
His Excellency Hubert said we may have enemy rats sneaking in with the merchants.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He asked me to look into it, since I used to be a merchant myself, you see.
link ???
We're currently reconsidering our battle formations. Sorry, but you'll have to wait a while longer.
link ???
You can reflect on your previous battles here.
link ???
The past has much to teach us. Come here whenever you wish to ponder your previous actions.
link ???
Hand over your weapons and I'll forge 'em good.
link ???
Remember, the only thing standing between you and death is the weapon in your hand.
link ???
We collect any unneeded armaments and resources here.
link ???
Supplies are the lifeblood of any army. Nothing can go to waste!
link ???
Ah, welcome. I can recommend battalions to you.
link ???
I'm certain having experienced troops on your side will be of great help.