Metodey: I've got a bad feeling about all this.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Father...
Rufus: His voice sounds familiar.
Yuri: The Alliance front is calm for now.
Arval: We must protect our adherents.
Matthias: Sreng...
Anaximandros: For them, it's someone else's problem.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I don't like this.
Mage: I was exactly right.
Kostas: This may be a little tactless.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Sreng is the Kingdom's neighbor?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: He probably shouldn't have gone.
Jeritza: I'm honestly relieved.
Tomas: Why am I here?!
???: Whatcha looking for today?
???: Goddess, please watch over us.
Scholar: I'm concerned about them.
Merchant: The Sreng region...
???: There actually was an attack...
???: Commander Miklan...
???: I really don't get it.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I wanna head up there!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: That's our only recourse.
Metodey: It's just like His Majesty.
Rufus: I wonder if he's safe.
Yuri: She is truly vexing.
Arval: It must be dealt with promptly.
Matthias: Why can we not just get along?
Anaximandros: We're putting forth every effort.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Tch. What?
Mage: There is a dungeon beneath the royal castle.
Kostas: This may be a little tactless.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Sreng is the Kingdom's neighbor?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: He probably shouldn't have gone.
Jeritza: I'm honestly relieved.
Tomas: Why am I here?!
???: Whatcha looking for today?
???: Goddess, please watch over us.
Scholar: I'm concerned about them.
Merchant: The Sreng region...
???: There actually was an attack...
???: Commander Miklan...
???: I really don't get it.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I wanna head up there!
link Felix
Nothing left save hollow prayers for the dead, huh? Hmph.
link Felix
Whatever. Right now we have to prepare so the enemy doesn't catch on to what we're doing.
link Felix
If you spot anyone suspicious, apprehend them immediately. I'll be keeping an eye out as well.
link Felix
Though I have to say, being a commanding officer is a ton of work. Guess I'm learning the hard way what he has to deal with.
link Felix
There's no blaming Duke Ifan and Gustave. Cornelia just got the better of us this time.
link Felix
And if they use those strange weapons to hold the people of the city hostage, we'll be totally helpless.
link Felix
I just hope everyone who went back to the capital is all right.
link Felix
Most of our soldiers will stay behind in Arianrhod. This battle will be a display of skill, a fight between a small group of elite warriors.
link Shez
Agreed. We've gotta get back to Fhirdiad as soon as possible.
link Shez
Agreed. We've gotta get back to Fhirdiad as soon as possible.
link Felix
So long as Cornelia and the rest of them don't get in the way, we'll be able to head there soon. Ugh, how much more irritating can this get?
link Felix
Most of our soldiers will stay behind in Arianrhod. This battle will be a display of skill, a fight between a small group of elite warriors.
link Shez
Don't worry. I'm sure Rodrigue, Dimitri, Dedue, and the others are all OK.
link Shez
Don't worry. I'm sure Rodrigue, Dimitri, Dedue, and the others are all OK.
link Felix
Pretty annoying that those empty words are the only hope we have to cling to. I guess it's all we can do right now, though.
link Felix
Most of our soldiers will stay behind in Arianrhod. This battle will be a display of skill, a fight between a small group of elite warriors.
link Ashe
None of the invaders breached Gautier territory... Which means we received false information, right?
link Ashe
And then there's the matter of Count Rowe's escort getting attacked... I can't quite put my finger on it, but I've got a bad feeling about all of this.
link Ashe
I hope His Majesty and everyone else in Fhirdiad are safe.
link Ashe
It's just like His Majesty to let himself get captured to protect the people.
link Ashe
He never takes his own life into consideration when thinking things through.
link Shez
Yeah, I can see that. Why do you think Dimitri's like that?
link Shez
Yeah, I can see that. Why do you think Dimitri's like that?
link Ashe
Like most things with him, it all comes back to the Tragedy of Duscur.
link Ashe
His Majesty might not care about his own life...
link Ashe
But we have to make sure he knows we can't afford to lose him.
link Shez
You might be right, but...I wonder. I don't really get what's going on inside his head.
link Shez
You might be right, but...I wonder. I don't really get what's going on inside his head.
link Ashe
That's fair. I was just guessing, anyway.
link Ashe
His Majesty might not care about his own life...
link Ashe
But we have to make sure he knows we can't afford to lose him.
link Sylvain
Hey, so... I know this might sound a little tactless, but let's suppose for a moment that His Majesty dies in an enemy trap.
link Sylvain
Can you imagine what would happen to Faerghus then?
link Sylvain
Can you imagine what would happen to Faerghus then?
link Shez
I think so. I'm guessing the war would drag on, and there'd be a struggle over who takes the throne.
link Shez
I think so. I'm guessing the war would drag on, and there'd be a struggle over who takes the throne.
link Sylvain
Bingo. Now, His Majesty has entrusted his affairs to Felix and Duke Ifan in the event of his death, and he goes to the front lines safe in that knowledge.
link Sylvain
But the problem is that right now, nobody else possesses the Crest of Blaiddyd.
link Sylvain
So there'll be disputes no matter who takes the throne. Unless an illegitimate child of royal blood conveniently pops up, of course.
link Sylvain
It'd be simple if we were only fighting the Empire or the west, but throw a war of succession into the mix, and things'll get messy real quick.
link Shez
Not really. And I don't want to have to think about it either.
link Shez
Not really. And I don't want to have to think about it either.
link Sylvain
Hah, I don't blame you. In the event of his death, His Majesty has entrusted his affairs to Felix and Duke Ifan.
link Sylvain
But the problem is that right now, nobody else possesses the Crest of Blaiddyd.
link Sylvain
So there'll be disputes no matter who takes the throne. Unless an illegitimate child of royal blood conveniently pops up, of course.
link Sylvain
It'd be simple if we were only fighting the Empire or the west, but throw a war of succession into the mix, and things'll get messy real quick.
link Sylvain
That's why I want to get to Fhirdiad before something truly terrible happens.
link Sylvain
We're one step away from the worst-case scenario. We've got to rescue the king—and fast.
link Sylvain
Hah! Looks like I'll be lecturing him for once.
link Sylvain
That's why I want to get to Fhirdiad before something truly terrible happens.
link Sylvain
We're one step away from the worst-case scenario. We've got to rescue the king—and fast.
link Sylvain
Hah! Looks like I'll be lecturing him for once.
link Mercedes
When we were fighting in Arundel territory, there was a knight in black armor among the enemy.
link Mercedes
The Death Knight... I feel as though I've heard his voice somewhere before.
link Mercedes
It sounded so familiar. Maybe from a few years ago... or no, further back than that.
link Shez
Well, he does cover his face. He could be someone you know, Mercedes.
link Shez
Well, he does cover his face. He could be someone you know, Mercedes.
link Shez
You're from the Empire, right? It's not a stretch that you could've run into him somewhere.
link Shez
You're from the Empire, right? It's not a stretch that you could've run into him somewhere.
link Mercedes
Hehe, not everyone who was born in the Empire knows each other.
link Mercedes
If we come across him again, I would like to talk with him to know for sure.
link Shez
You think you know that creep? Haha, there's no way. It's gotta be your imagination.
link Shez
You think you know that creep? Haha, there's no way. It's gotta be your imagination.
link Mercedes
Hm, I wonder if that's the case. Of course, that's what I hope it is.
link Mercedes
If we come across him again, I would like to talk with him to know for sure.
link Mercedes
I wonder if Dimitri is safe. And all the people of the city as well.
link Mercedes
It would be just terrible if someone ended up injured, or worse.
link Mercedes
And...what in the world are those strange weapons we heard about?
link Annette
I wonder if my father is safe. Duke Ifan is in Fhirdiad too, so he has to be OK, right?
link Annette
Ugh, my stomach is in knots.
link Annette
I wanna rush back to the capital, but there are an unusual number of bandits in Geraint and Enid territories.
link Annette
It's almost like someone's trying to stop our journey north.
link Annette
Oh! Sorry about that. I was just thinking about my father.
link Annette
They just have to be safe! I know it!
link Shez
It's OK, Annette. It's only natural you'd be worried in a situation like this.
link Shez
It's OK, Annette. It's only natural you'd be worried in a situation like this.
link Annette
Thanks for saying so. I'm sorry to make you stop and comfort me like this.
link Shez
Yeah, I'm worried about Gustave. We've gotta get over there and help him.
link Shez
Yeah, I'm worried about Gustave. We've gotta get over there and help him.
link Annette
Yes. And of course, there's also His Majesty, Dedue, Rodrigue, Duke Ifan, and all the people in the capital.
link Ingrid
I was just thinking about the eastern front. The fighting between the Empire and the Alliance seems to have calmed for the time being.
link Ingrid
In that case, we'll have to pay close attention to the Empire's movements.
link Ingrid
If they discover we've left Arianrhod and are making our way to the capital...
link Ingrid
They would surely mount an attack straight away. We must all work together to keep the enemy in the dark.
link Ingrid
It seems we were correct to suspect Cornelia and her ilk for Count Rowe's abduction.
link Ingrid
Manipulating him as the intermediary for the western lords, stirring them up to oppose His Majesty...
link Ingrid
She is truly a vexatious adversary. I certainly hope we're able to strike her down in Fhirdiad.
link Seteth
Reports say that all is quiet in Camulus, where the archbishop currently resides.
link Seteth
However, we cannot keep the Knights of Seiros stationed in Arianrhod.
link Seteth
If something is happening in Fhirdiad, we must move to protect our adherents.
link Seteth
It appears Cornelia has led the western nobles in a surprise attack on royal territory.
link Seteth
Moreover, she is in possession of some strange weapons. How terribly concerning...
link Seteth
In any event, this matter is much more than a civil war. If we do not deal with it promptly, the Kingdom will fall into ruin.
link Shez
Why does this Cornelia person hate the royal family so much?
link Shez
Why does this Cornelia person hate the royal family so much?
link Seteth
Who knows? What is certain is that she has greatly changed from the times when she was called a saint.
link Seteth
In any event, this matter is much more than a civil war. If we do not deal with it promptly, the Kingdom will fall into ruin.
link Shez
Those weapons... Who could've made such things?
link Shez
Those weapons... Who could've made such things?
link Seteth
I could not say for certain unless I saw one in person, but perhaps it was... Ah, but no. I will leave it there for now.
link Seteth
In any event, this matter is much more than a civil war. If we do not deal with it promptly, the Kingdom will fall into ruin.
link Flayn
There has been much talk about the Sreng region as of late.
link Flayn
For some reason, every time I hear it, the word sticks in my brain.
link Flayn
I end up repeating it so many times the word ceases to have any meaning. Sreng... Sreng... Sreeeng. See! There I go again.
link Flayn
Cornelia was the one who attacked the royal capital. I heard that she fled westward.
link Flayn
The Western Church wields great influence in Western Faerghus, so it is difficult to ascertain the situation.
link Flayn
The people of the Western Church have always been uncooperative with Lady Rhea...
link Flayn
But their recalcitrance has become all the more pronounced since the beginning of the war.
link Flayn
Why can we not just get along? Lady Rhea is surely sad about this state of affairs as well.
link Catherine
Any attack from the Sreng region is an attack on Faerghus, but people in the south feel pretty removed from it all. Like it's someone else's problem.
link Catherine
But it's a matter of life and death for the houses in the north.
link Catherine
So even if we receive suspect information, if there was the slightest possibility it's true...
link Catherine
The king would have to return to the capital. The enemy likely knew that when they set their trap.
link Catherine
Strife has broken out in the capital, but it seems like Camulus is safe.
link Catherine
Even so, if Dimitri is killed, the church folks under his protection will likely be in danger too.
link Catherine
So we're putting forth every effort right now... Oh, speaking of which, I put the word out to a powerful merc I know.
link Shez
They must be a serious fighter to impress a knight of your caliber. I'm expecting great things.
link Shez
They must be a serious fighter to impress a knight of your caliber. I'm expecting great things.
link Catherine
Oh yeah, expect away. I'm sure you two will be thick as thieves.
link Catherine
She was my old partner in the knights. Her name's Shamir.
link Shez
A powerful merc, you say? Who is it? Do I know them?
link Shez
A powerful merc, you say? Who is it? Do I know them?
link Catherine
Doubt it.
link Catherine
She was my old partner in the knights. Her name's Shamir.
link Miklan
I don't like any of this.
link Miklan
We got no idea what's happening in royal territory, and no insight into what the Empire's up to.
link Miklan
If we're not careful, they could deal a serious blow to us while we're caught up fighting each other.
link Miklan
But the situation with the war in the east is... What? You look like a pigeon caught in some wind magic.
link Miklan
Tch, what? If you don't need anything, quit slacking and get to work.
link Miklan
I'm gonna be staying in Arianrhod. No need to worry about things here.
link Miklan
You all just hurry up and rescue the king.
link Petra
Sreng is being the Kingdom's neighbor, yes? Why are they having a violent relationship?
link Petra
Brigid is being the Empire's neighbor, but we are having peace between us.
link Petra
Is Sreng being too powerful for the Kingdom?
link Shez
Sorry, I have no idea. I don't know much about them either.
link Shez
Sorry, I have no idea. I don't know much about them either.
link Petra
I am thinking of reasons. Maybe there is no point in demanding allegiance from Sreng.
link Petra
There may be an alternative. I will be thinking it over.
link Hapi
I don't know for sure, but couldn't this be a trap? My gut's telling me something's off.
link Hapi
Dimitri probably shouldn't have gone out there.
link Hapi
Though I guess I don't have any room to talk on that front.
link Hapi
So it was a trap after all. I knew something was off.
link Hapi
Dimitri probably shouldn't have gone out there.
link Hapi
Though I guess I don't have any room to talk on that front.
link Dorothea
I'm honestly relieved we're going to fight people who aren't the Empire.
link Dorothea
I just wanted to flee the entire time we were marching toward Imperial territory.
link Dorothea
I'm honestly relieved we're going to fight people who aren't the Empire.
link Dorothea
I just wanted to flee the entire time we were marching toward Imperial territory.
link Dorothea
And what's worse, we ended up taking Bern's life...
link Shez
Hey, I know you're feeling down, but there's still so much to fight for. You think you'll be OK to keep going?
link Shez
Hey, I know you're feeling down, but there's still so much to fight for. You think you'll be OK to keep going?
link Dorothea
Yes... I think so.
link Shez
It's tough fighting old friends. There were times I had to do the same thing when I was a mercenary.
link Shez
It's tough fighting old friends. There were times I had to do the same thing when I was a mercenary.
link Dorothea
You too, huh? Yes. I suppose as long as we have to keep fighting, it's just a reality we have to accept.
link Dorothea
You too, huh? Yes. I suppose as long as we have to keep fighting, it's just a reality we have to accept.
link Bernadetta
Why am I suddenly part of the Kingdom army?!
link Bernadetta
I'm not supposed to be here! You can't force me to fight! No way, no how!
link Bernadetta
I'm not supposed to be here! You can't force me to fight! No way, no how!
link Shez
Yeah, you got the short end of the stick there. I guess you looked like you could be convinced to join us.
link Shez
Yeah, you got the short end of the stick there. I guess you looked like you could be convinced to join us.
link Bernadetta
What's that supposed to mean?! I was fighting for dear life out there too, you know!
link Bernadetta
What's that supposed to mean?! I'm fighting for dear life out there too, you know!
link Shez
Why not fight to put an end to the war? Then you won't get dragged into battles anymore.
link Shez
Why not fight to put an end to the war? Then you won't get dragged into battles anymore.
link Bernadetta
Wait? Would that work? Hmmm...
link ???
Hello there, friend! What are you looking for today?
link ???
Looks like you're in a tight spot. I don't know if I have anything that'll be useful...
link ???
But I'd be in a real mess if I lost a valued customer like you, so take your time and look around!
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
Though actually, it seems like there are some strange goings-on in royal territory.
link Gatekeeper
I'm worried sick about the people in the capital and everyone from the church. I just wanna head up there right now!
link Gatekeeper
But I've been charged with protecting this gate. And I won't abandon my duty.
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
Though actually, it seems like there are some terrible goings-on in Fhirdiad.
link Gatekeeper
I'm worried sick about the people in the capital and everyone from the church. I just wanna head up there right now!
link Gatekeeper
But I've been charged with protecting this gate. And I won't abandon my duty.
link Arval
Solve one problem and another spawns in its place.
link Arval
It just never ends. And everyone has their own reservations about the situation as well.
link Arval
Isn't there something you can do to put an end to all this?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If something goes awry in royal territory, Her Grace could be at risk as well in Camulus.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
All is fine there at present, but I worry nonetheless. She is the shining light of Fódlan.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Goddess, please watch over Her Grace the Archbishop...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It appears Fhirdiad has fallen into turmoil.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And Cornelia is sending troops out here to Arianrhod.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I imagine she's trying to predict our movements. Or maybe she already knows exactly what they are.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Journeying north will be treacherous, so please, be careful. May the goddess bless you all.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I would have thought it impossible that the margrave, Fódlan's famed Wall of Ice, would let the Sreng army invade so easily...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And it turns out I was exactly right! Heh.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
That aside, just what in the goddess's name is happening in royal territory?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Beneath the royal castle in Fhirdiad lies a staunch, inescapable dungeon.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If Gustave and our allies were captured, that's where they'd be held.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
By the by, there are rumors that the prison connects to the capital's underground waterway.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I've never seen any evidence of that myself, but it could be cleverly hidden.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Members of the royal family have possessed superhuman strength for generations. They could break free from the sturdiest of prisons.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
A person has two options if they wish to capture a member of the royal family: lock them in an enchanted cell, or somehow sap their will to escape.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I am concerned about His Majesty's health and the safety of the capital's citizens. We must return to Fhirdiad posthaste.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The Sreng region sits on the northernmost edge of Fódlan. Their people are unusual folk, and we cannot even understand their tongue.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
There is a rocky desert in the southeast, but most of the peninsula is covered in snow.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
They have fought with Faerghus for a long time over their warmer lands.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
For my money, I think the Kingdom's lands are cold and poor, and not in the least bit worth stealing. But that's just my opinion.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
People from Sreng did attack, but the raid was small enough that our forces were enough to contain it.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Cornelia may have exaggerated the particulars so she could confuse our movements and cause chaos in the capital.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>'s even possible that she instigated the attack in the first place.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
That commander, Miklan or whatever. I hear he used to be a bandit.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It's wild that a guy like that could turn over a new leaf and become a respected commander. Though some folks are none too pleased about it.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Some stuff happened in my past that made me turn to thievery too. So in a way, his story gives me hope.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I wanna show folks from all over the Kingdom that people can change and start anew.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Answer me this. If we knew something fishy was going on, why'd the king and his people bother returning to the capital?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
OK, sure, even mercs sometimes go chargin' into battle knowin' full well they'll lose.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But it feels like the king and those guys are just a buncha fools. I really don't get it.