Dimitri: The Sreng army...
Metodey: Did you know?
Kostas: They've risen to the occasion.
Rufus: Hmm.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It's been so long!
Yuri: We must remain vigilant.
Miklan: What are they thinking?
Tomas: The Valley of Torment...
Jeritza: I wonder...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I am returned to Ailell.
Constance: We appreciate your continued cooperation.
Shez: I wonder what's going on with them now.
: It's truly extraordinary.
Chilon: It's nice to have a friend.
Dominic General: It's only a matter of time.
Charon General: Claude, huh?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Ahahaha!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Garreg Mach...
Arval: I shall act as our guide.
Matthias: We will finally be able to return!
Anaximandros: No need to worry.
Viscount Fenja: All right.
Count Rowe: I am counting on you.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'm not worried about it.
Byleth: Though it pains me...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I am relieved you are safe.
Dorothea: ...
Sylvain: ...
Viscount Hymir: If you don't mind...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It sure feels strange.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Greetings, Commander!
???: We're finally on our way.
Artisan: They had their share of struggles.
???: We may finally be able to return.
???: Is this a good idea?
???: Never in a million years...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'm a little reluctant to leave.
???: My blood's boilin'!
???: We've come so far together.
???: Nice to meetcha!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: The Death Knight...
Leonie: We were fortunate.
Leonie: Let us move out.
???: He was a good man.
???: Our captain died.
link Dedue
The Sreng army would have invaded by now if we didn't have the margrave keeping watch.
link Dedue
After one particularly fierce conflict long ago, it was agreed that Sreng and its people would be subject to Faerghus's will.
link Dedue
However, they still attack in hopes of claiming our fertile lands.
link Dedue
On the other hand, Duscur and Faerghus had a tumultuous relationship decades ago...
link Dedue
And yet you can count the number of conflicts between them on one hand.
link Dedue
That could be due to Duscur's lands being more fertile than the ones in Faerghus.
link Felix
What Mercedes said about the Death Knight has been bothering me.
link Felix
I also talked with some people in the Alliance army, and they haven't seen him either.
link Felix
A monster like him can't live without fighting, so it's hard to believe he's just gone.
link Felix
You know, I haven't heard any rumors about the Death Knight lately.
link Felix
I also talked with some people in the Alliance army, and they haven't seen him either.
link Felix
A monster like him can't live without fighting, so it's hard to believe he's just gone.
link Shez
Maybe he died in battle somewhere? I know he's strong, but I can't imagine he could defy death forever.
link Shez
Maybe he died in battle somewhere? I know he's strong, but I can't imagine he could defy death forever.
link Felix
Yeah, maybe.
link Felix
Still, it's all fine with me if it means we don't have to face him again.
link Shez
Maybe he left the military. Life pulls you in all sorts of directions, y'know?
link Shez
Maybe he left the military. Life pulls you in all sorts of directions, y'know?
link Felix
You really think he'd do that? Doesn't sound likely to me.
link Felix
Still, it's all fine with me if it means we don't have to face him again.
link Ashe
They say that long ago, this area wasn't a valley, but a lush, vast forest.
link Ashe
But when the goddess saw how thoroughly corrupt humans had become, she flew into a rage.
link Ashe
She unleashed divine judgment from the heavens, reducing the entire region of Ailell to ash.
link Ashe
Do you think the flames are still burning under the ground after all this time?
link Sylvain
His Majesty and Felix have really risen to the occasion.
link Sylvain
10 years ago they were squabbling over who broke whose sword.
link Sylvain
Now look at them. One's a king and the other's a duke. They're fighting at each other's side, issuing orders to other lords.
link Sylvain
I won't lie, it's still hard to believe. Maybe it's time I get my act together too.
link Mercedes
Where we are now isn't unbearable, but I'm sure it will get hotter once we enter the valley.
link Mercedes
Many people from Faerghus don't do well in the heat, so I can't help but be concerned for them.
link Shez
There's gotta be a way to stay cool, even in the valley. Maybe we can ask someone who knows ice magic?
link Shez
There's gotta be a way to stay cool, even in the valley. Maybe we can ask someone who knows ice magic?
link Mercedes
Oh yes, that might work. We could consult with the scholars.
link Mercedes
We won't be in any condition to fight if we're all exhausted when we reach the monastery.
link Shez
They'll be fine. It's not like this is everyone's first time in the Valley of Torment.
link Shez
They'll be fine. It's not like this is everyone's first time in the Valley of Torment.
link Mercedes
Hmm. Even if they're able to tolerate the heat, it cannot be good for morale.
link Mercedes
Also, we won't be in any condition to fight if we're all exhausted when we reach the monastery.
link Ingrid
Garreg Mach lies before us at last. The final piece of our strategy.
link Ingrid
The enemy could be lurking anywhere though, so we need to keep our wits about us.
link Ingrid
Ailell's harsh environment and unusual terrain make it unsuitable for large armies...
link Ingrid
But it is perfect for guerrilla tactics. The enemy's not the only one who'll be taking advantage of that.
link Ingrid
Losing Lord Rodrigue was terrible, but we cannot afford to mourn him indefinitely.
link Ingrid
Right now, we need to remain vigilant. The enemy could still try to take us by surprise.
link Ingrid
Ailell's harsh environment and unusual terrain make it unsuitable for large armies...
link Ingrid
But it is perfect for guerrilla tactics. The enemy's not the only one who'll be taking advantage of that.
link Petra
I have returned to Ailell. Last time, I was defeated and surrendered.
link Petra
At that time, I was chasing the archbishop. She is here now also. Is this what is called fate?
link Petra
It feels like a bad omen for battle. Perhaps that is why my heart is racing.
link Shez
Yeah, definitely seems like a twist of fate. But this time you're fighting on the same side.
link Shez
Yeah, definitely seems like a twist of fate. But this time you're fighting on the same side.
link Petra
Yes, we were enemies then. Now, we are allies. We will not be losing.
link Shez
Eh, it's just the way things shook out. Is it really bothering you that much?
link Shez
Eh, it's just the way things shook out. Is it really bothering you that much?
link Petra
No, it is not. But I cannot help but have worry.
link Dorothea
There haven't been any sightings of Ferdie or Hubie in months.
link Dorothea
I hope they've been merely stripped of their station and not...something worse.
link Dorothea
I know they're our enemies, but I wonder if we'll see them at Garreg Mach.
link Bernadetta
The Valley of Torment... The name alone sends chills down my spine.
link Bernadetta
The Valley of Torment... The name alone sends chills down my spine.
link Bernadetta
And even if I survive, my father's going to be waiting at Garreg Mach on the other side!
link Bernadetta
And even if I survive, my father's going to be waiting at Garreg Mach on the other side!
link Bernadetta
Now I'm doubly terrified! You all go on ahead, I'm going to just burrow under a blanket forever.
link Bernadetta
Now I'm doubly terrified! You all go on ahead, I'm going to just burrow under a blanket forever.
link Shez
Hang in there, Bernadetta. You can do this. We're gonna need all our best fighters to win this thing.
link Shez
Hang in there, Bernadetta. You can do this. We're gonna need all our best fighters to win this thing.
link Bernadetta
I'm one of your best fighters? Oh...in that case...
link Bernadetta
Yeah, you're right! Maybe I can do this!
link Shez
All right, you can hold things down here. Should I let Dimitri know, or do you wanna do it yourself?
link Shez
All right, you can hold things down here. Should I let Dimitri know, or do you wanna do it yourself?
link Bernadetta
Oh! Um... What I meant was, I'll give it my best!
link Bernadetta
Oh! Um... What I meant was, I'll give it my best!
link Linhardt
What are these people thinking, approaching Garreg Mach through that insufferable valley?
link Linhardt
It is unbearably hot, the paths are precarious, and danger lurks around every corner.
link Linhardt
Ugh, what misery. It's so depressing, in fact, that I want to go back to bed.
link Lorenz
Now that the Alliance forces have joined us, we should be returning to Claude's command.
link Lorenz
However, we will continue to work with you all until we have reclaimed the monastery.
link Lorenz
The order comes from Claude, but it was never our intention to leave partway through.
link Lorenz
We are proof of the friendship between the Kingdom and the Alliance, so to speak. We appreciate your continued cooperation.
link Shez
Glad to hear it. I was worried you all would cut out of here as soon as you could.
link Shez
Glad to hear it. I was worried you all would cut out of here as soon as you could.
link Shez
We've fought so many battles together at this point, it's like you belong here anyway.
link Shez
We've fought so many battles together at this point, it's like you belong here anyway.
link Shez
I thought you all would cut out of here as soon as you could. Is this part of Claude's master plan?
link Shez
I thought you all would cut out of here as soon as you could. Is this part of Claude's master plan?
link Shez
Though I'm glad if it means we can keep fighting together. At this point, it feels like you belong here.
link Shez
Though I'm glad if it means we can keep fighting together. At this point, it feels like you belong here.
link Raphael
We're gonna take back the monastery next, aren't we? It's been ages. I miss the Officers Academy.
link Raphael
I was never good at book learning, but it was fun hanging out with everyone from our classes.
link Raphael
What do you remember most?
link Raphael
I wonder what's going on at the monastery right now. Is anyone from the old days still there?
link Shez
Probably the dining hall. I hadn't experienced sharing a meal with friends in such a peaceful place before.
link Shez
Probably the dining hall. I hadn't experienced sharing a meal with friends in such a peaceful place before.
link Raphael
The food was great too. That one dining hall lady was always so nice to us.
link Shez
Probably the mock battle. Though I wouldn't say it's exactly a good memory.
link Shez
Probably the mock battle. Though I wouldn't say it's exactly a good memory.
link Raphael
Oh yeah, you got yourself into a real mess back there. We had a great party afterwards though.
link Ignatz
Since joining the Kingdom army, I've been to a myriad of places and seen all variety of landscapes.
link Ignatz
But Ailell is truly extraordinary. I don't think there's anywhere else like it in all of Fódlan.
link Ignatz
Have you heard the story of how it came to be? That this is all the work of the goddess?
link Ignatz
It's just a folktale, but think how terrifying it would be if it were true.
link Ignatz
If the goddess saw our current state of affairs and got angry again, then we would all be in grave danger.
link Marianne
I was recently reunited with Hilda after a terribly long time apart. She had been very worried about me.
link Marianne
She's always spoken so kindly to me, even at the Officers Academy.
link Marianne
I had thought it best to keep others at arm's length, and never even so much as said thank you to them.
link Marianne
But when we were separated, I found myself missing Hilda dearly.
link Marianne
I guess what I'm saying is...it's nice to have a friend. She makes me feel stronger and more courageous.
link Yuri
It's only a matter of time before the enemy gets wind of what we're after. In fact, they might've already.
link Yuri
We'd be wise to consider the possibility of a massive battle in the Valley of Torment.
link Yuri
That being said, we're also deploying a small raiding party of our most elite in anticipation of that.
link Yuri
Not to mention we'll be doing battle in Ailell, where larger numbers aren't particularly at an advantage. I don't think it'll be impossible to win.
link Shez
Why do you think that? Even if they know where we are, how could they figure out where we're headed?
link Shez
Why do you think that? Even if they know where we are, how could they figure out where we're headed?
link Yuri
Once we capture Mozghuz in Hevring territory, then we'll have a straight shot to the Imperial capital.
link Yuri
We're set up for the perfect opportunity, yet we're pulling our main forces out of the region. They're going to start guessing where we really are headed.
link Yuri
If they've figured out we're bound for Garreg Mach, it doesn't take a genius to work out how we'll get there.
link Yuri
We could cross the impassable Oghma mountains, go through Alliance territory...
link Yuri
Or we could pass through Ailell. If you consider the time each takes, the most feasible answer presents itself, wouldn't you say?
link Shez
You're right. We should be catching the enemy off guard, but they might have enough time to deploy a small, elite force.
link Shez
You're right. We should be catching the enemy off guard, but they might have enough time to deploy a small, elite force.
link Yuri
That probably depends on Count Hevring, since he's defending the west, and how quickly the emperor will react.
link Yuri
The sooner she does, the more likely they'll send a larger army.
link Balthus
The previous leader of the Alliance looked gentle as a kitten, but was a tough-as-nails old man who kept his cards close to his chest.
link Balthus
What do you think of the new guy, Claude? I've been doing some digging into him.
link Shez
Not sure yet. I've only talked with him a little, but he came off a bit conniving.
link Shez
Not sure yet. I've only talked with him a little, but he came off a bit conniving.
link Balthus
I guess that means he can use his head, which is good for a leader. Unless he's the kinda guy who'd jerk you around. That'd be a problem.
link Shez
Not sure yet. I've only talked with him a little, but he seemed like a real charmer.
link Shez
Not sure yet. I've only talked with him a little, but he seemed like a real charmer.
link Balthus
Ah yeah, he probably gets that from his mom. I guess that's better than having some jerk for a leader.
link Shez
I'm not sure yet. Why're you looking into the guy?
link Shez
I'm not sure yet. Why're you looking into the guy?
link Balthus
I've got my reasons. Nothing worth talking about though.
link Constance
Ahahaha! I have finally returned to my old self!
link Constance
Now my name shall be known throughout all of Faerghus as well!
link Constance
I swear, one day I shall restore House Nuvelle to its former glory!
link Shez
Did you say, "as well"? So you're already known in other places?
link Shez
Did you say, "as well"? So you're already known in other places?
link Constance
Well, that is certainly my intention! And I will thank you not to split hairs!
link Shez
Good luck with that. How are you gonna make a name for yourself?
link Shez
Good luck with that. How are you gonna make a name for yourself?
link Constance
Through magic, of course! My aim is to master the magical arts.
link Hapi
Garreg Mach's smack dab in the middle of Fódlan, right?
link Hapi
I know it's got historical significance, but is it really worth sacrificing so many lives over?
link Shez
It's a huge building, probably with some crazy catacombs underneath. Who knows what kind of secrets might be hiding down there.
link Shez
It's a huge building, probably with some crazy catacombs underneath. Who knows what kind of secrets might be hiding down there.
link Hapi
You think so too, huh? There definitely were some suspicious passages beneath the monastery.
link Shez
It's a holy site, and the church has their believers to consider. They can't afford to lose it.
link Shez
It's a holy site, and the church has their believers to consider. They can't afford to lose it.
link Hapi
Couldn't they just give up and build a monastery somewhere else? Though I guess that's easier said than done.
link Seteth
I know the terrain from Garreg Mach to Ailell well. I shall act as our guide.
link Seteth
Of course the archbishop will be leading us in battle, and is prepared to employ the full might of the Knights of Seiros.
link Seteth
If we squander this opportunity, so too goes our chance to retake Garreg Mach. We must succeed at all costs!
link Seteth
The goddess's protection is on our side. Let us fight together to claim victory.
link Flayn
At long last, it seems we will be able to return to Garreg Mach!
link Flayn
The monastery is like home to me. It is the only place I can imagine going back to.
link Flayn
I vow to do my very best, so I hope you all will lend me your strength.
link Flayn
Once we are safely behind Garreg Mach's walls again, I hope we can reopen the Officers Academy as well.
link Catherine
So tell me, are you one of the people worried about Lady Rhea's ability to command on the front lines?
link Catherine
I wanted to fight by her side, but Lady Rhea insisted I aid the Kingdom army.
link Shez
Yeah... Is it really a good idea? She doesn't exactly seem like a fighter or general.
link Shez
Yeah... Is it really a good idea? She doesn't exactly seem like a fighter or general.
link Catherine
Don't let her looks fool you. Lady Rhea's adept in martial combat and military strategy.
link Catherine
When the monastery was taken, she personally took command and kept casualties to a minimum.
link Shez
Nah, not really. She used to deploy the knights to settle conflicts, didn't she? And to good effect, from what I've heard.
link Shez
Nah, not really. She used to deploy the knights to settle conflicts, didn't she? And to good effect, from what I've heard.
link Shez
It's not hard to imagine she would make a great commander.
link Shez
It's not hard to imagine she would make a great commander.
link Catherine
That's right. She's got more experience leading armies than most of our generals combined.
link Shamir
If this plan works and we retake Garreg Mach...
link Shamir
Then the war will be over. As long as the Empire isn't run by fools, that is.
link Shez
Yeah, it'd be nearly impossible for the Empire to make a comeback after losing Garreg Mach.
link Shez
Yeah, it'd be nearly impossible for the Empire to make a comeback after losing Garreg Mach.
link Shez
All that's left is to see if they're capable of admitting defeat, right?
link Shez
All that's left is to see if they're capable of admitting defeat, right?
link Shamir
Pretty much. And if they don't...then we'll have to keep taking them out till there's no one left.
link Shez
You think so? We might drive the Empire back, but who knows how long the Alliance will play nice.
link Shez
You think so? We might drive the Empire back, but who knows how long the Alliance will play nice.
link Shamir
Ah, the Alliance.
link Shamir
That possibility hadn't crossed my mind. You're sharper than you look.
link Rhea
I have heard tell of your exploits. You have been working rather hard despite your station as a mercenary.
link Rhea
Though it may not have been for the church, you saved our lives nonetheless.
link Rhea
As the archbishop of the Church of Seiros, allow me to express my sincere gratitude.
link Rhea
You have earned the goddess's favor, regardless of your beliefs.
link Rhea
The Empire, on the other hand, must face severe punishment for inciting such a foolish conflict.
link Rhea
I ask that you continue to wield your magnificent power with righteousness.
link Rhea
For Fódlan and all who reside here...I am counting on you.
link Shez
Oh, it was nothing. No need to thank me personally or anything.
link Shez
Oh, it was nothing. No need to thank me personally or anything.
link Shez
I'm just doing my job. No need to thank me.
link Shez
I'm just doing my job. No need to thank me.
link Cyril
A lot of people in the church are wound up about that power of yours.
link Cyril
Some of them even suspect you're in league with Tomas.
link Cyril
But I don't think that's true. We can trust you, right?
link Cyril
Gotcha. You know, I was told to keep you away from Lady Rhea.
link Cyril
But she seems to trust you, so I'm not gonna worry about it.
link Shez
Of course. I'm not good at putting one over on people anyway.
link Shez
Of course. I'm not good at putting one over on people anyway.
link Shez
I'm honestly not sure myself. But I know that right now, I just want us to win this thing.
link Shez
I'm honestly not sure myself. But I know that right now, I just want us to win this thing.
link Byleth
link Shez
You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
link Shez
You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
link Byleth
I just feel strange. Everyone's been much more welcoming than I thought they'd be.
link Byleth
No one's all that terrified of me.
link Byleth
link Shez
You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
link Shez
You look puzzled. Is something wrong?
link Byleth
I just feel strange. Everyone's been much more welcoming than I thought they'd be.
link Byleth
No one's all that terrified of me.
link Jeralt
I had our formations adjusted so that I could avoid the knights...well, Lady Rhea, specifically.
link Jeralt
But I didn't expect that she'd come to this camp herself. I doubt the Kingdom army expected it either.
link Jeralt
I don't mind if you talk to Lady Rhea, but just keep us out of it.
link Jeralt
And especially don't mention Byleth. The two of them have a bit of a complicated history.
link Alois
Hmm, it sure feels strange fraternizing with our arch-enemies...
link Alois
But bridging the gap is all part of the fun!
link Alois
I suppose you didn't get the pun. You see, it's a play on "arch" enemies and "bridging" the gap.
link Alois
Hahaha! What do you think? I've been really sharpening my joke skills these past two years!
link ???
We're finally on our way to Garreg Mach. Heh, even I'm all fired up.
link ???
That place is special to me. Do everything you can to get it back, OK?
link ???
Oh, and I'm all stocked up on what you need to get the job done. You've got this!
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
Now that we've got the Alliance and church on our side, I'm starting to think we can win this thing.
link Gatekeeper
You have a real humdinger of a battle coming, so I'll be cheering you on from here!
link Arval
You must harness your emotions and continue working toward our goal.
link Arval
This sorrow and regret will undoubtedly make you stronger.
link Arval
That is how humans work, at least as far as I'm aware.
link Arval
Hm... What must we do to attain victory over such a fierce opponent?
link Arval
I speak of your next goal. I wish to be of as much use to you as I can, seeing as we're partners in destiny.
link Arval
Strength alone will be insufficient. We must be clever as well.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
While you were fighting in the west, we've been shuttling between the eastern and western fronts providing support.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The eastern front had their share of struggles as well. The Alliance's meager forces were up against the Minister of Military Affairs' army, after all.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Though the enemy was superior in number and more experienced, the Alliance was able to stave off the onslaught through a deft deployment of strategies.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Oh my, we may finally be able to return to Garreg Mach.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The monastery serves as a symbol of the Holy Church of Seiros. In the name of the goddess, we must stop at nothing to reclaim it.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Furthermore, if we do return, we shall no longer have to burden the Kingdom so.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Are we sure Her Grace the Archbishop should be commanding the front lines? It could get real hairy out there... Can she even fight?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Though I did hear she took command during the battle when the monastery fell.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
At any rate, we can't let anything happen to her. Gotta stay sharp out there.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Never in a million years did I think Jeralt's Mercenaries would become our allies.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
When you said you wanted them on our side, I thought you might've taken a hard hit on the head or something.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But you actually pulled it off. You really can do anything.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Lord Rodrigue was a good man. He went out for drinks with me on more than a few occasions.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We managed to slay the leader of Jeralt's Mercenaries, so in a way we settled the score.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But as long as the Ashen Demon's still out there, we're not gonna be able to rest easy.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Well, we've stayed a good while, but it's finally time to say goodbye to the Kingdom army base camp.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Once the battle at Garreg Mach is over, we'll be joining up with the Alliance.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I promised the gang here that we'd throw back a few drinks and celebrate once Garreg Mach is reclaimed.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
All right, this is it! We're finally stormin' Garreg Mach! My blood's boilin'!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But I gotta say, if we're gonna attack 'em anyway, there's no need to sweat our backsides off sneakin' through Ailell.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We should just kick down the doors and start knockin' Imperial skulls! Ahaha!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'd hoped for a swift return to my unit, but now that we've come so far together...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I must admit, I've grown very fond of the people in this army.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I used to feel such animosity toward Faerghus, but now I actually want them to win. I can't believe it.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Heya! I'm Jetz, the number one breadwinner in Jeralt's Mercenaries! Nice to meetcha!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Do I have a brother? I dunno. I've been alone my whole life.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Why are you lookin' like you've seen a ghost?! Was it something I said?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I used to be with Jeralt's Mercenaries. But then our captain died, remember?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I didn't think they had much of a future after that, so I got hired here.
link Dimitri
Let us move out, [HERO_MF]. The course of the war will be determined by whether or not we can retake Garreg Mach.
link Dimitri
The time has come to put an end to this painfully long conflict, as well as avenge those who have fallen.
link Felix
link Dimitri
I will do my best to cut a path forward for all. I am sure we will accomplish great things.
link Dimitri
Is something the matter, Felix? You are more reticent than usual.
link Felix
Hmph. I just thought you might've fallen back into your old bad habits after coming here.
link Dimitri
Let us move out, [HERO_MF]. The course of the war will be determined by whether or not we can retake Garreg Mach.
link Dimitri
The time has come to put an end to this painfully long conflict, as well as avenge those who have fallen.
link Felix
link Dimitri
I will do my best to cut a path forward for all. I am sure we will accomplish great things.
link Dimitri
Is something the matter, Felix? You are more reticent than usual.
link Felix
I'm fine. I just have something on my mind.
link Felix
Join me for some sparring later, boar. I want to make sure all this politicking hasn't dulled your spear.
link Dimitri
It is quite fortunate we were able to convince Jeralt's Mercenaries to join our cause.
link Rodrigue
Indeed. I have no doubt they will play a key role in recapturing Garreg Mach.
link Rodrigue
Though it pains me to send them into battle when they wished to avoid the church...
link Rodrigue
Fódlan's fate hangs in the balance. We have no choice but to rely on their strength.
link Dimitri
Yes. We must join forces now and end this conflict as swiftly as possible.
link Annette
It's been so long, Father! How have you been faring in the Alliance?
link Gustave
Just fine, Annette. I am relieved to see no harm has come to you.
link Annette
Yeah, the others do a good job looking out for me. Are you gonna be joining us in the fight for Garreg Mach?
link Gustave
I would like to, but I have been charged with managing our reserve troops.
link Gustave
Once I have finished here, I am to return to the capital to gather Duke Ifan and Margrave Gautier.
link Annette
Working yourself to the bone, as usual. Not that I want you fighting on the front lines.
link Annette
But isn't running around doing all those errands exhausting?
link Gustave
Indeed it is, but you must forgive me. These duties bear great importance as well.
link Annette
Working yourself to the bone, as usual. Not that I want you fighting on the front lines.
link Annette
But isn't running around doing all those errands exhausting?
link Gustave
Indeed it is, but you must forgive me. These duties bear great importance as well.