Leonie: Let us trust in him for now.
Dimitri: Count Bergliez...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Getting past him won't be easy.
Metodey: Do you remember Caspar?
Kostas: They're cut from the same cloth.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: He was so strong.
Yuri: I wonder...
Miklan: So it's come to this?
Tomas: I want to lock my door and throw away the key.
Jeritza: I'll never forget it.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I have a memory of former Duke Aegir.
Constance: You need not concern yourself.
Shez: I'm not built for speed.
: If only Holst were here.
Chilon: They're no different from us.
Charon General: This is real bad news.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: All good sense has abandoned her!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It's not the best feeling.
Arval: The archbishop should be able to do it.
Matthias: Those dark mages...
Anaximandros: I can't help but feel uneasy.
Viscount Fenja: I would've rather been with Rhea.
Byleth: A wise decision.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I sure hope everyone is all right.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'm gonna do my best!
???: Have I got some discounts for you!
???: Reinforcements have arrived!
Artisan: Should any harm befall Her Grace...
???: History in the making.
???: Ahem.
???: Just who are they?
???: Look how far we've come.
???: Most of them have switched over.
???: Hoo boy!
???: It can certainly be a challenge.
Leonie: I swear...
Rufus: It's like a dream come true.
Viscount Enid: I have nothing.
Rufus: Emile...
Viscount Enid: Mercedes...
Dorothea: So that's why.
Dorothea: My father...
Sylvain: So that's why.
Sylvain: My father...
link Dimitri
I suppose I should be grateful to Claude and the rest of the Alliance.
link Dimitri
He said he'd devised a strategy that would keep the enemy at bay using only the Alliance forces. I do hope they are all safe though.
link Dimitri
It would be a serious blow to lose the strength of the Alliance army, considering the rest of our strategy.
link Dimitri
Let us place our trust in Claude's abilities and, yes, even his word. We will press on and do what must be done.
link Shez
Claude's a smart guy. I'm sure whatever plan he's cooked up will see them through.
link Shez
Claude's a smart guy. I'm sure whatever plan he's cooked up will see them through.
link Dimitri
Indeed. He has always been someone who thinks outside the box, ever since our time at the Officers Academy.
link Shez
I wager they'll have a rough go of it on their own, but it's not like we can change things now.
link Shez
I wager they'll have a rough go of it on their own, but it's not like we can change things now.
link Dimitri
Indeed, there is no turning back. We can only move forward and pray for their safety.
link Dimitri
It seems Viscount Fenja could not provide us with any information we did not already know.
link Dimitri
But I did not anticipate that both Edelgard and Duke Aegir would become Thales' puppets as well.
link Dimitri
So many Imperial citizens could have been saved had we been able to defeat him at Arianrhod.
link Dimitri
He must be expunged from existence. I swear I will slay him, even if it costs me my life.
link Shez
Not much we can do about it. She's probably just another puppet anyway.
link Shez
Not much we can do about it. She's probably just another puppet anyway.
link Dimitri
More than likely. I suspected we wouldn't get much from her in the first place.
link Shez
Really? You think there's a chance she's just pretending not to know anything?
link Shez
Really? You think there's a chance she's just pretending not to know anything?
link Dimitri
Pawns like her are more concerned with saving their own skin than with loyalty or patriotism.
link Dimitri
If she believed her life was even in the slightest bit of danger, she would divulge any information she could.
link Dimitri
Over the last two years, I have interrogated those of her ilk more times than I care to count.
link Ashe
Do you remember Caspar, the Minister of Military Affairs' son? He's an old classmate of ours.
link Ashe
I talked to Caspar a handful of times in the dining hall and at the training grounds.
link Ashe
He was a little rough around the edges, but I've got to admit, his positive attitude was contagious.
link Ashe
If we had met under different circumstances, I wonder if we might've been friends.
link Shez
Yeah. We weren't friends or anything, but I remember him. He was in the Black Eagles, wasn't he?
link Shez
Yeah. We weren't friends or anything, but I remember him. He was in the Black Eagles, wasn't he?
link Ashe
That's right. I talked to him a handful of times in the dining hall and at the training grounds.
link Shez
Nah, sorry. Doesn't ring a bell.
link Shez
Nah, sorry. Doesn't ring a bell.
link Ashe
Well, the Officers Academy shut down before we got much chance to interact with the other classes.
link Ashe
I talked to Caspar a handful of times in the dining hall and at the training grounds.
link Sylvain
There are all sorts of wild stories about Count Bergliez, like that he killed a bear with his bare hands.
link Sylvain
Sure, they could be exaggerations, but if there's any truth to them, it sounds like Bergliez and His Majesty are cut from the same cloth.
link Sylvain
Well, maybe it's not really fair to compare a king and a general, but I'm talking about sheer physical prowess.
link Sylvain
At the end of the day, I wouldn't want to go toe-to-toe with either of them.
link Mercedes
So, um, it turns out that the Death Knight was Professor Jeritza.
link Mercedes
He also happened to be my younger brother. We were separated when we were children, back in the Empire.
link Mercedes
I thought we were finally going to be reunited, but it looks like that won't be happening now.
link Mercedes
I'm sorry, but I'd like to pray by myself for a little while.
link Mercedes
I'm sorry, but I'd like to pray by myself for a little while.
link Mercedes
I know it's hard to believe, but Professor Jeritza was actually my younger brother.
link Mercedes
I thought we were finally going to be reunited, but it looks like that won't be happening now.
link Mercedes
I'm sorry, but I'd like to pray by myself for a little while.
link Mercedes
I'm sorry, but I'd like to pray by myself for a little while.
link Annette
Hilda's brother, Holst... I think that's his name. He's really someone you can count on, isn't he?
link Annette
I wish I knew how I could get that strong.
link Annette
I'll just have to find a way to get stronger that works for me.
link Annette
At the very least, I want to be strong enough to protect the people I hold dear.
link Shez
You're certainly not lacking the effort. Maybe you could try to be more efficient with your training?
link Shez
You're certainly not lacking the effort. Maybe you could try to be more efficient with your training?
link Annette
I see... So you're saying I shouldn't just throw myself into everything with wild abandon. All right, I'll give it some thought!
link Shez
Hmm... I think it's more a matter of natural talent than effort in Holst's case.
link Shez
Hmm... I think it's more a matter of natural talent than effort in Holst's case.
link Annette
True. I've heard he doesn't have a Crest, but he was definitely born with some crazy physique and talent.
link Ingrid
It looks as though Duke Aegir's been partaking in the emperor's authority to rule as he sees fit.
link Ingrid
Yet he also appears concerned about the Empire's decline, and is desperately trying to safeguard against it.
link Ingrid
Do you think his loyalty is sincere?
link Ingrid
Anyway, we should go after them now. It's the next logical step in advancing the war.
link Shez
I think he truly believes he's doing right by the Empire, regardless of the means or results.
link Shez
I think he truly believes he's doing right by the Empire, regardless of the means or results.
link Ingrid
That may be the case. Though, of course, this is all mere speculation.
link Ingrid
Anyway, we should go after them now. It's the next logical step in advancing the war.
link Shez
I dunno, seems to me like he doesn't care what happens so long as he's got power.
link Shez
I dunno, seems to me like he doesn't care what happens so long as he's got power.
link Ingrid
Apparently, he used to have a reputation for being quite shrewd. Does time really alter people that much?
link Ingrid
Anyway, we should go after them now. It's the next logical step in advancing the war.
link Shez
I think he truly believes he's doing right by the Empire, regardless of the means or results.
link Shez
I think he truly believes he's doing right by the Empire, regardless of the means or results.
link Shez
He might be acting that way because Thales is manipulating him.
link Shez
He might be acting that way because Thales is manipulating him.
link Ingrid
That may be the case. Though, of course, this is all mere speculation.
link Ingrid
Anyway, we should go after them now. It's the next logical step in advancing the war.
link Shez
I dunno, seems to me like he doesn't care what happens so long as he's got power.
link Shez
I dunno, seems to me like he doesn't care what happens so long as he's got power.
link Shez
That's just the kind of person he is, so it was probably easy for Thales to get his hooks into him.
link Shez
That's just the kind of person he is, so it was probably easy for Thales to get his hooks into him.
link Ingrid
Apparently, he used to have a reputation for being quite shrewd. Does time really alter people that much?
link Ingrid
Anyway, we should go after them now. It's the next logical step in advancing the war.
link Petra
I am having one memory of the previous Duke Aegir. But it is a bad one.
link Petra
When I was first coming to the Imperial capital, he had insults for my father.
link Petra
I became angry and attacked, knocking him off of his feet. I am having much to reflect on.
link Dorothea
The Valley of Torment lived up to its name. All those people crammed into that narrow ravine...
link Dorothea
I'll never forget the sight of it for as long as I live. No matter how much I wish I could scrub it out.
link Dorothea
Ugh, I need to think about something else. What's next? Are we all ready to go?
link Bernadetta
Steep mountain paths, fire all over the place, the terrifying Count Bergliez showing up...
link Bernadetta
That battle was so awful, I just want to lock my door and throw away the key.
link Bernadetta
That battle was so awful, I just want to lock my door and throw away the key.
link Bernadetta
And now we're charging straight to Garreg Mach through even more mountains?!
link Bernadetta
And now we're charging straight to Garreg Mach through even more mountains?!
link Bernadetta
I'll never relax again at this rate! Not even after the war ends!
link Linhardt
I never thought there'd come a day when I saw Count Bergliez as my enemy.
link Linhardt
Caspar was there as well. Though it would appear he has escaped for the time being.
link Linhardt
I never imagined I'd one day face Count Bergliez on the battlefield. He is...incredibly tough.
link Linhardt
Caspar was there as well. Though it would appear he has escaped for the time being.
link Shez
You and Caspar were childhood friends, weren't you? This has gotta be really tough for you.
link Shez
You and Caspar were childhood friends, weren't you? This has gotta be really tough for you.
link Linhardt
No, not especially. I've accepted that I'm staying in this army for my own survival.
link Linhardt
And Caspar has similarly come to terms with the fact that he might have to kill me someday. At least, I think he has.
link Shez
You're taking this awfully well. Weren't you and Caspar childhood friends?
link Shez
You're taking this awfully well. Weren't you and Caspar childhood friends?
link Linhardt
Yes, but that is of little consequence now. He is not fighting for honor or any greater purpose.
link Linhardt
War is just his way of life, and he doesn't have the slightest intention of dying or losing.
link Lorenz
You need not concern yourself over the Alliance forces that stayed behind. Claude is in command.
link Lorenz
He would not gamble with the lives of his allies unless he knew he could win.
link Lorenz
I am not privy to the exact details of his plan, but since he stayed, I am certain the odds are in his favor.
link Lorenz
He will emerge victorious, and the Alliance will somehow benefit from the triumph. That is the type of man he is.
link Raphael
I heard that we're gonna have to pursue the enemy.
link Raphael
I'm not really built for speed, you know. I don't think I could keep up if I tried.
link Raphael
You look quick on your feet. Bony folks always tend to move faster.
link Raphael
You don't have to worry about me falling behind. Just go on ahead and I'll catch up...eventually.
link Ignatz
We've finally gained the upper hand, but the enemy still has the formidable Count Bergliez on their side.
link Ignatz
If only Holst were here...
link Shez
I know, right? Holst could definitely take on Bergliez, no sweat.
link Shez
I know, right? Holst could definitely take on Bergliez, no sweat.
link Ignatz
If only we hadn't split up with the Alliance's forces... But it's too late to complain now.
link Ignatz
But still, it's hard not to worry. Oh, Holst...
link Shez
Hey, no need to be scared. We've got plenty of strong commanders, if I do say so myself.
link Shez
Hey, no need to be scared. We've got plenty of strong commanders, if I do say so myself.
link Ignatz
Yes, that's right! You're certainly no pushover yourself!
link Ignatz
But still, it's hard not to worry. Oh, Holst...
link Marianne
Even among the Imperial soldiers, there were those offering prayers to the goddess on the battlefield.
link Marianne
They may be our enemies right now, but we all call Fódlan our home.
link Marianne
They have friends and families of their own. We're fighting people just like us.
link Marianne
I'm sorry. I must sound silly.
link Shez
But right now, we have to fight. You think you'll be OK?
link Shez
But right now, we have to fight. You think you'll be OK?
link Marianne
I'll manage. We must end this, for all those who have lost their lives in this wretched war.
link Shez
After this war ends, there'll come a day when we can talk and laugh with those who were once our enemies.
link Shez
After this war ends, there'll come a day when we can talk and laugh with those who were once our enemies.
link Shez
No, I think it's good you feel that way. It's easy to lose sight of that when you've been at war for so long.
link Shez
No, I think it's good you feel that way. It's easy to lose sight of that when you've been at war for so long.
link Marianne
And for Hilda, as well...
link Yuri
link Yuri
What's with that look? Is it really so strange that I'm here?
link Yuri
link Yuri
What's with that look? Is it really so strange that I'm here?
link Shez
Maybe a bit. Sorry, it's just kind of novel seeing you pray so peacefully.
link Shez
Maybe a bit. Sorry, it's just kind of novel seeing you pray so peacefully.
link Yuri
My mother is a devout believer too. She prays to the goddess all the time.
link Yuri
Perhaps it's because I watched her do it so much, but praying before a big event has been a habit of mine ever since I was little.
link Shez
Maybe a bit. Sorry, it's just kind of novel seeing you pray so peacefully.
link Shez
Maybe a bit. Sorry, it's just kind of novel seeing you pray so peacefully.
link Yuri
Haven't we talked about this before? My mother is a devout believer.
link Yuri
Perhaps it's because I watched her do it so much, but praying before a big event has been a habit of mine ever since I was little.
link Shez
Not at all, sorry to interrupt. What are you praying for, if you don't mind me asking?
link Shez
Not at all, sorry to interrupt. What are you praying for, if you don't mind me asking?
link Yuri
Protection and victory. This battle is for the church's main headquarters, after all. The goddess could at least chip in a little.
link Yuri
Though I'm sure the Imperial forces are praying to the goddess as well, for aid in their defense of Garreg Mach. Yet only one of us can win.
link Yuri
In any case, praying before any big event has been a habit of mine ever since I was little.
link Yuri
link Balthus
Ugh, this is real bad news.
link Balthus
There's this guy back in Enbarr that I owe a whole bunch of money to and now he's been captured by the Kingdom army
link Shez
Why's that bad news? Just pay him back.
link Shez
Why's that bad news? Just pay him back.
link Balthus
That's what's so bad about this. If they give him the ol' axe...
link Balthus
Then I couldn't pay him back even if I wanted to. It just feels lousy, like I'm wriggling out of my debt.
link Shez
Don't tell me you want him to get executed just so you can get out of paying your debt?
link Shez
Don't tell me you want him to get executed just so you can get out of paying your debt?
link Balthus
Hold on now! Don't go trashing my good name like that! I'm not trying to get out of my debts.
link Constance
I cannot believe Lady Edelgard has allowed Duke Aegir to do as he pleases.
link Constance
I fear all good sense has abandoned her! Wait... Could it be...
link Constance
It does all add up, in that case. It would also explain why they disappeared...
link Constance
Hm. At any rate, I believe the current Empire is being swallowed up by the darkness.
link Hapi
So we're going to be chasing the enemy down while they try to escape?
link Hapi
That gives me an icky feeling. It's almost like we're the bad guys now or something.
link Shez
I'm with you there. But we can't afford to let them get away.
link Shez
I'm with you there. But we can't afford to let them get away.
link Hapi
I know... Whoa, that was close. I almost sighed.
link Shez
That's what was happening when we first fought each other, remember? The Empire was chasing the archbishop through the Valley of Torment.
link Shez
That's what was happening when we first fought each other, remember? The Empire was chasing the archbishop through the Valley of Torment.
link Hapi
Yeah. It didn't feel right then, either.
link Hapi
That's also probably why I agreed to join you.
link Seteth
The archbishop should be capable of reaching the monastery undetected.
link Seteth
A cadre of our finest knights is also escorting her, should anything come to pass.
link Shez
You have a lot of confidence in Lady Rhea. What makes you think she's so strong?
link Shez
You have a lot of confidence in Lady Rhea. What makes you think she's so strong?
link Seteth
Hm. The archbishop believes that one must have sufficient strength in order to lead and protect the masses.
link Seteth
The saints of old were also rather powerful, which is undoubtedly why she endeavors to follow in their footsteps.
link Seteth
That said, we cannot afford to dawdle. You would do well to prepare for the next battle.
link Shez
Lemme ask you this. How did the church manage to get so many strong people in the knights?
link Shez
Lemme ask you this. How did the church manage to get so many strong people in the knights?
link Seteth
They were not necessarily always so powerful. You may think of it as the result of hard work and experience.
link Seteth
Even in times of peace, they remain busy mediating conflicts and dispatching bandits to protect the safety of the faithful.
link Seteth
Knights from other regions cannot compare when it comes to actual battle experience. That is all there is to it.
link Seteth
That said, we cannot afford to dawdle. You would do well to prepare for the next battle.
link Flayn
I had truly hoped Lady Rhea would permit me to join her.
link Flayn
However, my brother would not allow it. He insisted that I stay close by.
link Flayn
I suspect he is wary of the dark mages that appeared in the previous battle.
link Flayn
I suspect they are part of those who slither in the dark.
link Flayn
I am not very familiar with them, but it is clear they are exceedingly dangerous.
link Flayn
I had truly hoped Lady Rhea would permit me to join her.
link Flayn
But... I know my brother would wish me to remain here, were he still alive. And so I will stay.
link Flayn
Do you remember the dark mages that appeared in the previous battle?
link Flayn
I suspect they are part of those who slither in the dark.
link Flayn
I am not very familiar with them, but it is clear they are exceedingly dangerous.
link Catherine
Everything's going according to plan, but I still can't shake this sense of unease.
link Catherine
Lady Rhea and the others must be near the monastery by now. I sure hope they're safe.
link Catherine
We've got no time to waste. Whoever they are, we'll knock 'em down and barrel on through.
link Shez
I wouldn't worry. They probably will have recaptured Garreg Mach by the time we get there.
link Shez
I wouldn't worry. They probably will have recaptured Garreg Mach by the time we get there.
link Catherine
Wouldn't that be nice. But who knows what enemies are waiting for them at the monastery.
link Shez
Me too. Garreg Mach's a crucial position for the Empire, so they probably have anyone who can swing a sword defending it. I'm kinda worried.
link Shez
Me too. Garreg Mach's a crucial position for the Empire, so they probably have anyone who can swing a sword defending it. I'm kinda worried.
link Catherine
I know Lady Rhea can handle herself, but who knows what enemies are waiting for them at Garreg Mach.
link Shamir
Honestly, I would've rather been with Rhea than stuck here.
link Shamir
It's how I prefer to fight. Instead of brawling in that cramped ravine...
link Shamir
Launching a surprise attack on Garreg Mach would've been much more comfortable.
link Shez
Don't like the heat, huh? Can't say I blame you. I was sweatin' buckets in Ailell myself.
link Shez
Don't like the heat, huh? Can't say I blame you. I was sweatin' buckets in Ailell myself.
link Shamir
Guess again. That place was temperate compared to southern Dagda.
link Shez
Is it 'cause you want to protect the archbishop? You owe her some kind of debt, don't you?
link Shez
Is it 'cause you want to protect the archbishop? You owe her some kind of debt, don't you?
link Shamir
I've long repaid my debt. I'm not like Catherine.
link Shez
Is it 'cause you want to protect the archbishop? You owe her some kind of debt, don't you?
link Shez
Is it 'cause you want to protect the archbishop? You owe her some kind of debt, don't you?
link Shamir
I've long repaid my debt. I'm not like the Knights of Seiros.
link Shez
How come? I can't imagine why.
link Shez
How come? I can't imagine why.
link Shamir
It's how I prefer to fight. Instead of brawling in that cramped ravine...
link Shamir
Launching a surprise attack on Garreg Mach would've been much more comfortable.
link Rodrigue
Becoming allies with Jeralt's Mercenaries was truly a wise decision.
link Rodrigue
Their leadership far exceeds that of most knights, a fact made abundantly clear during the battle in the Valley of Torment.
link Rodrigue
It would be ideal if they could continue to work with the Kingdom after the war ends.
link Rodrigue
Unfortunately, it seems they have reservations about Lady Rhea for some reason or another, so that is likely out of the question.
link Byleth
It seems my father was avoiding Archbishop Rhea specifically, rather than the Central Church on the whole.
link Byleth
And so I had little choice but to do the same.
link Byleth
But I can't keep running from her forever. And I want to figure out why he felt that was necessary.
link Byleth
It seems my father was avoiding Archbishop Rhea specifically, rather than the Central Church on the whole.
link Byleth
And so I had little choice but to do the same.
link Byleth
But I can't keep running from her forever. And I want to figure out why he felt that was necessary.
link Alois
Garreg Mach has many tunnels that lead outside the mountains, and plenty of secret passages that we don't even know about.
link Alois
Needless to say, Lady Rhea knows the layout of the monastery like the back of her hand.
link Alois
All we can do is have faith the surprise attack will succeed. I sure hope everyone is all right.
link Jeritza
link ???
Now that you're finally taking back Garreg Mach, I've got a whole bunch of discounts for you!
link ???
What? You're saying these are my usual prices? Well...
link ???
That's because I've always given you a discount! Be sure to come back soon!
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
Although, everyone is awfully busy bustling around, trying to get ready for the coming battle.
link Gatekeeper
I'm gonna do my best to be a beacon of tranquility for all!
link Arval
link Shez
Something the matter, Arval? You're oddly quiet.
link Shez
Something the matter, Arval? You're oddly quiet.
link Arval
I know there is nothing to be done. I know that, and yet...
link Arval
I still have this nagging feeling that things cannot continue in this fashion. I wonder why that is.
link Arval
In truth, I believe your remarkable growth has me lamenting my current situation.
link Arval
It makes me reminisce about the days when you would waver and I would set you right again. Yet now...you have the strength to set yourself right.
link Arval
I only hope you find the best path forward for both of us, [HERO_MF].
link Viscount Belinus
Phew, we've arrived as your reinforcements! And just in the nick of time.
link Viscount Belinus
Hm? I don't see that insufferable—I mean, lovely Viscount Brennius anywhere. Has he not arrived yet?
link Viscount Belinus
Well then, allow me to offer my support in his stead. You can count on me.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I have orders to march with the Kingdom's forces, yet I cannot help but worry for Her Grace.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Fódlan will be thrown into absolute disarray should she come to any harm. The people would lose their spiritual support.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Personally, I still believe the front lines are far too dangerous for her.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But if that is what she wishes to do, far be it from me to try and stop her.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Rumor has it that all of the emperor's siblings are already dead. Essentially, if we eliminate her...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Adrestia will likely become embroiled in a conflict over who should accede the throne next.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
To think that a thousand-year Imperial bloodline may come to an end here.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We will certainly be witnessing history in the making firsthand.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Are you surprised to see scholars accompanying you? Do not be fooled by our appearance. We contribute a great deal to the battlefield.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
For example, determining what supplies are needed on the front lines, or how many units are required to capture a stronghold.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Regardless of an army's strategy or martial prowess, victory cannot be achieved without precise calculations.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Though many leaders disregard this fundamental fact, His Majesty fully appreciates it.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Those creepy people popped up in Ailell too. Just who are they?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I swear I saw them when we battled the Western Church, and then again when we took out that Cornelia lady.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
What's their aim here? Are they trying to help the Empire win the war?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It feels like the final battle's just around the corner, doesn't it, Commander?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I know we've still gotta recover Garreg Mach and capture the Imperial capital.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But still...look how far we've come. I'm gettin' a little choked up just thinking about it.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Most of the mercs who were working for the Empire have switched over to the Kingdom or Alliance.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Everyone's pretty sure they know how this war will end up.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
A mercenary won't last long if they don't pick up on subtle shifts like that.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Hoo boy! I sure wasn't expecting a huge brawl like that, but we managed to make it out of Ailell!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Minister of Military Affairs? More like Minister of Military Who Cares! We're practically invincible after surviving that fiery pit!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
They don't stand a chance! Whoa. 'Scuse me. Guess I'm still a bit hot under the collar.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The entire army's on pins and needles. Maybe it's because we're about to reclaim the monastery.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Garreg Mach has always held incredible significance to the people of Fódlan.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Hmm. I wonder if it'd be comparable to a temple of the gods or a sacred site in Duscur.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Understanding the customs and mindset of another culture can certainly be a challenge.
link Dedue
It appears Count Bergliez is now in charge of the Imperial army.
link Felix
So I've heard. He put up one tough fight in Ailell. Getting past him won't be easy.
link Felix
He still wishes to be the emperor's shield, even though he knows what's going on in the Empire. His sense of duty is admirable.
link Shez
A guy who protects his leader no matter what? Reminds me of you, Dedue.
link Shez
A guy who protects his leader no matter what? Reminds me of you, Dedue.
link Dedue
You may be right. I would do the same if His Majesty were in a similar situation.
link Felix
Hah, I doubt you'd betray him even if he became a ruthless tyrant.
link Shez
A guy who protects his leader no matter what? Reminds me of you, Felix.
link Shez
A guy who protects his leader no matter what? Reminds me of you, Felix.
link Felix
Hmph. Don't lump me in with someone like that. I would've washed my hands of them and fled a long time ago.
link Dedue
I don't think you're the kind to make such a decision lightly.
link Shez
A guy who protects his leader no matter what? Reminds me of you, Felix.
link Shez
A guy who protects his leader no matter what? Reminds me of you, Felix.
link Felix
Hmph. Don't lump me in with someone like that. I'm not interested in serving a ruler who lets themselves get manipulated.
link Dedue
A fair point. His Majesty may be the only leader worthy of our service.
link Dedue
It appears Count Bergliez is now in charge of the Imperial army.
link Felix
So I've heard. He put up one tough fight in Ailell. Getting past him won't be easy.
link Mercedes
Emile... It feels like a dream being reunited with you.
link Mercedes
I'll never go so far away from you again. You and me are going to stick together from now on.
link Jeritza
But Mercedes. I am merely looking for a place to die.
link Jeritza
I have no reason to live, no path to follow. There is nothing for me now.
link Mercedes
But I'd be devastated if I lost you! I'll be happy so long as you can just keep pushing on, Emile.
link Mercedes
I don't know if that's reason enough for you to keep living...but I really hope it is.
link Jeritza
But the Death Knight, surely he'll come for you.
link Mercedes
You're you, Emile. And I'm not afraid of you. Not even a little.
link Mercedes
Besides, you don't have to worry. I've gotten a lot stronger these past two years.
link Byleth
So that's why you quit the knights?
link Jeralt
Yeah. And also why I'm trying to avoid Lady Rhea as much as possible... Hm?
link Shez
Sorry, am I interrupting?
link Shez
Sorry, am I interrupting?
link Jeralt
Nah, don't worry about it. It wasn't important. Anyway...
link Jeralt
You feel like you're ready? This is gonna be our toughest battle yet.
link Byleth
We'll show them what Jeralt's Mercenaries are made of.
link Byleth
So that's why you quit the knights?
link Jeralt
Yeah. And also why I'm trying to avoid Lady Rhea as much as possible... Hm?
link Shez
Sorry, am I interrupting?
link Shez
Sorry, am I interrupting?
link Jeralt
Nah, don't worry about it. It wasn't important. Anyway...
link Jeralt
You feel like you're ready? This is gonna be our toughest battle yet.
link Byleth
We'll show them what Jeralt's Mercenaries are made of.