Gustave: It all comes down to this moment.
Constance: How disgraceful.
Viscount Albany: Yeah, yeah.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Don't be reckless, dear sister.
Pittacus: How long will it take?
: I'm so relieved.
Shez: Dashing around isn't my thing.
Chilon: The idea of annihilating them is just...
Adrienne: I wonder...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: They might actually be a good match.
Viscount Fenja: He's a clever one.
Miklan: I knew it.
Charon General: I'm glad it all worked out.
???: Rest assured!
???: The young baron is greatly pained.
???: They couldn't be more different.
???: I can't believe it!
???: I wonder what's going on with them.
???: It all depends on Count Bergliez.
???: Wonderful!
???: Drive them out, will you?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Don't hold back on my account.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Have you heard?
Viscount Albany: Ugh, my brother...
link Holst
Ah, [HERO_MF]. Have you heard the news?
link Holst
We have a new facility where you can research battle tactics.
link Holst
Studying is no substitute for real-life experience, of course, but it should still prove useful. Take a look when you have the chance.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Don't be reckless, dear sister.
Viscount Albany: Yeah, yeah.
link Shez
Tactics are essential to any victory. I should keep them in mind as I prepare.
link Shez
Tactics are essential to any victory. I should keep them in mind as I prepare.
link Hilda
I'm glad my brother's joined us, but he needs to give me more space.
link Hilda
He just told me I should go home because he's too worried about me.
link Hilda
Ugh, I wish he wouldn't baby me so much!
link Claude
I know everyone's exhausted, but it all comes down to this moment.
link Claude
Will we be able to subdue the Imperial army in our borders before Count Bergliez makes a move on the bridge?
link Claude
There's not a moment to lose. I'm counting on you, [HERO_MF].
link Shez
I won't let you down. This is exactly what you hired me for, and I'm gonna see this job through.
link Shez
I won't let you down. This is exactly what you hired me for, and I'm gonna see this job through.
link Claude
Hah, just what I wanted to hear. I'm glad you're with us.
link Shez
You need to step up too. One wrong command and this whole plan goes sideways.
link Shez
You need to step up too. One wrong command and this whole plan goes sideways.
link Claude
I know. I can't afford to slip up either. We're going to win this.
link Claude
I know everyone's exhausted, but it all comes down to this moment.
link Claude
Will we be able to subdue the Imperial army in our borders before Count Bergliez makes a move on the bridge?
link Lorenz
It is utterly disgraceful that I could not discern my father's plot with Claude.
link Lorenz
That they carried on whilst keeping me in the dark fills me with such a sense of emptiness.
link Shez
You weren't the only one. None of us knew. That's why they succeeded.
link Shez
You weren't the only one. None of us knew. That's why they succeeded.
link Lorenz
True as that may be, I cannot help but feel my father has yet to recognize my capabilities.
link Shez
We haven't won yet. You still have a chance to show 'em what you can do.
link Shez
We haven't won yet. You still have a chance to show 'em what you can do.
link Lorenz
That is true. I shall be the one to guide the Alliance to victory!
link Lorenz
It is utterly disgraceful that I could not discern my father's plot with Claude.
link Lorenz
That they carried on whilst keeping me in the dark fills me with such a sense of emptiness.
link Lysithea
Claude and Count Gloucester planned what would happen at the Great Bridge of Myrddin in advance.
link Lysithea
My father had little choice but to follow the count's lead.
link Lysithea
House Ordelia has always been at the mercy of other nobles or the Empire.
link Lysithea
I wonder when my father will be able to live in peace...
link Ignatz
I'm so relieved House Gloucester rejoined the Alliance.
link Ignatz
If they'd stayed with the Empire, we would've had to face Count Gloucester in battle...
link Shez
Yeah, I'm glad it didn't come to that. Though you never know what'll happen in the future.
link Shez
Yeah, I'm glad it didn't come to that. Though you never know what'll happen in the future.
link Ignatz
Please don't say such things. That's like asking for something bad to happen.
link Shez
Are you really so fond of Count Gloucester?
link Shez
Are you really so fond of Count Gloucester?
link Ignatz
No, not personally. It just would've been terribly hard on Lorenz.
link Ignatz
Oh, but it's not like I have no loyalty to him. That's not what I meant at all.
link Ignatz
I'm so relieved House Gloucester rejoined the Alliance.
link Ignatz
If they'd stayed with the Empire, we would've had to face Count Gloucester in battle...
link Raphael
We're gonna corner the enemy so they can't escape, and then smash 'em.
link Raphael
But they're gonna do whatever they can to get away. So it'll be a challenge to round them all up.
link Raphael
I'm a big and burly type, you know? Dashing around isn't my strong suit.
link Raphael
Oh, but Lorenz's dad is gonna be roughing 'em up too, right? That'll be a huge help.
link Marianne
Claude's plan has given us a glimmer of hope.
link Marianne
But the idea of annihilating the Imperial army is just so...
link Shez
Yeah, I hear you. We know people on the other side. So it would be a hard victory to celebrate.
link Shez
Yeah, I hear you. We know people on the other side. So it would be a hard victory to celebrate.
link Marianne
Yes, exactly. I hope we can convince them to surrender.
link Shez
This must be really tough for someone as empathetic as you. But we won't survive if we don't fight.
link Shez
This must be really tough for someone as empathetic as you. But we won't survive if we don't fight.
link Marianne
I'm not sure it's that simple.
link Marianne
Claude's plan has given us a glimmer of hope.
link Marianne
But the idea of annihilating the Imperial army is just so...
link Leonie
I've heard rumors the Imperial army recently hired some famous mercenary companies.
link Leonie
And apparently one of them's already in Leicester. We could end up facing them at some point.
link Shez
So, do you know someone in those companies or something?
link Shez
So, do you know someone in those companies or something?
link Leonie
Hard to say. I haven't found out which ones the Empire hired yet.
link Leonie
I wonder if it's... Nah, nevermind. Just talking to myself. Forget it.
link Shez
Do you know which companies they hired?
link Shez
Do you know which companies they hired?
link Leonie
You're curious too, yeah? Unfortunately I don't know anything more than that.
link Leonie
I wonder if it's... Nah, nevermind. Just talking to myself. Forget it.
link Leonie
I wonder if it's... Nah, nevermind. Just talking to myself. Forget it.
link Shamir
I bet I know why Claude didn't tell us his plan.
link Shamir
He didn't fully believe Count Gloucester would come through.
link Shamir
Though he probably had a backup scheme in case that one failed.
link Shamir
Don't you think?
link Linhardt
I just knew I would have to face Ferdinand.
link Linhardt
To be perfectly honest, he is much more suited to defense than offense, but I imagine he volunteered himself to lead the army.
link Shez
You think so? That was one close fight. We would've lost if Holst hadn't come to our rescue.
link Shez
You think so? That was one close fight. We would've lost if Holst hadn't come to our rescue.
link Linhardt
I suppose that's true. I wonder if he really doesn't have a Crest. Now I'm curious...
link Shez
Yeah, could be. His attacks felt desperate somehow.
link Shez
Yeah, could be. His attacks felt desperate somehow.
link Linhardt
That's not really a question of being unsuited to offense, though. I think the emperor simply indulged her friend's request.
link Linhardt
I just knew I would have to face Ferdinand.
link Linhardt
To be perfectly honest, he is much more suited to defense than offense, but I imagine he volunteered himself to lead the army.
link Linhardt
I heard you fought Ferdinand in Derdriu.
link Linhardt
To be perfectly honest, he is much more suited to defense than offense, but I imagine he volunteered himself to lead the army.
link Shez
You think so? That was one close fight. We would've lost if Holst hadn't come to our rescue.
link Shez
You think so? That was one close fight. We would've lost if Holst hadn't come to our rescue.
link Linhardt
I suppose that's true. I wonder if he really doesn't have a Crest. Now I'm curious...
link Shez
Yeah, could be. His attacks felt desperate somehow.
link Shez
Yeah, could be. His attacks felt desperate somehow.
link Linhardt
That's not really a question of being unsuited to offense, though. I think the emperor simply indulged her friend's request.
link Linhardt
I heard you fought Ferdinand in Derdriu.
link Linhardt
To be perfectly honest, he is much more suited to defense than offense, but I imagine he volunteered himself to lead the army.
link Balthus
I had my reasons for working with the Empire, but I'm originally from Leicester.
link Balthus
I've got a half-brother here, not to mention friends and some other people I'm indebted to. So I'm glad things worked out this way.
link Shez
You "had your reasons"? And what were those?
link Shez
You "had your reasons"? And what were those?
link Balthus
They paid better than the Alliance. Heh, turns out I can be pretty cold-hearted when you wave a few gold in my face.
link Balthus
Anyway, I'm officially fighting for the Alliance now, so I hope we'll have each other's backs.
link Shez
Are those people you know in this army?
link Shez
Are those people you know in this army?
link Balthus
Yeah, Holst and I have been buddies since we were kids. I'd rather not have to tangle with him.
link Balthus
As for the people I'm indebted to... I've seen their daughter around here, but not them.
link Balthus
Anyway, I'm officially fighting for the Alliance now, so I hope we'll have each other's backs.
link Balthus
I had my reasons for working with the Empire, but I'm originally from Leicester.
link Balthus
I've got a half-brother here, not to mention friends and some other people I'm indebted to. So I'm glad things worked out this way.
link Judith
I'd been so curious to find out what the boy had been plotting...
link Judith
But I never would've guessed he'd teamed up with Erwin. The two of them usually fight like cats and dogs.
link Judith
Oh, Erwin is Count Gloucester. Little Lorenz's father.
link Judith
All things considered, they might be a good match for each other. They both have a penchant for cooking up cunning strategies.
link ???
I'm open for business! This is a crucial moment for the Alliance, right?
link ???
Don't you worry, I'm not going to take advantage and jack up my prices.
link ???
Oh, and give my regards to the leader, OK?
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
I'm actually from the Empire, and my family still lives there. But please, don't hold back on my account.
link Gatekeeper
My father's a tradesman in town, so the war shouldn't affect him.
link Gatekeeper
And my little brother's in the Imperial army, but I doubt I'll ever have to fight him.
link Gatekeeper
After all, I won't be seeing much of the battlefield since I've got to guard this gate.
link Arval
Circumstances dictate how people act. As such, I believe things are about to get much more difficult for you.
link Arval
Though perhaps that will be a welcome change for a mercenary of your caliber.
link Arval
You will undoubtedly face the Ashen Demon again. I do hope you'll emerge victorious this time.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm from Baron Albrecht's household. They are a minor noble family in the western part of Edmund territory.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Since they are so removed from the front lines, the lady of the house is acting like the war doesn't affect her.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But this crisis has greatly pained the young baron.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Incidentally, the mercenary that recently joined the army is... Er, actually, nevermind.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm from Baron Albrecht's household. They are a minor noble family in the western part of Edmund territory.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Since they are so removed from the front lines, the lady of the house is acting like the war doesn't affect her.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But this crisis has greatly pained the young baron.
link Viscount Siward
People have this terrible habit of treating the three houses on the western edge of Leicester as if they were the same.
link Viscount Siward
However, their internal affairs couldn't be more different, largely because of their specific locations.
link Viscount Siward
House Burgundy must follow Count Gloucester in everything they do.
link Viscount Siward
Whereas my house is not as beholden to him because we border Daphnel territory.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I vowed to get revenge on the Empire before the Alliance was crushed once and for all...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But now we're in a position to completely turn the tables! I can't believe it!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Our leader is something else.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The enemy army's general in our last battle was the heir of the Empire's prime minister, Duke Aegir.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Rumor has it that Duke Aegir lost his position after clashing with the current emperor.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Do you think the duke's heir was sent to the front lines instead of being condemned with his father?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Taking out the remaining Imperial troops in Leicester shouldn't be too tough.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But if Count Bergliez launches an attack as well, we might not be able to fend him off.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
People say he's killed a bear with nothing but his two hands. That's how strong he is!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
So the tide has turned in our favor? Wonderful!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Keep it up so we can continue trading safely, yeah?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It's been some hundred years since Derdriu saw battle.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I never want to set eyes on the Imperial army again. Drive them out for good, would you?
link Holst
Father is concerned for you, dear sister. Why not leave the rest to me and run along home?
link Hilda
Uh, no, I'm not ditching everyone just so I can be safe.
link Holst
I never thought I'd hear you say such a thing! It warms my heart to know you've found such good comrades.
link Hilda
Besides, I won't be in any danger if you're on the battlefield too, right?
link Holst
That's right. No matter how many enemies descend upon us, I won't let anyone lay a finger on you.
link Holst
You there. You came to speak with my sister, didn't you? Who are you? What is your relationship to her?
link Shez
Oh, well, I wouldn't say we have any particular kind of relationship...
link Shez
Oh, well, I wouldn't say we have any particular kind of relationship...
link Hilda
Ugh, knock it off, Holst. How many times do I have to tell you not to hassle people like that? It's embarrassing.
link Holst
In any case, Hilda, remember not to take my presence in battle as an invitation to be reckless.
link Hilda
Yeah, yeah. Trust me, I'm pretty risk-averse.
link Shez
You two are so close. I'm actually kinda jealous. I don't have any siblings, myself.
link Shez
You two are so close. I'm actually kinda jealous. I don't have any siblings, myself.
link Holst
Then allow me to become your surrogate older brother. Though Hilda will always be my first priority.
link Hilda
Yeah, I wouldn't take him up on that offer. He's handy to have around, but he's also a huge pain.
link Holst
In any case, Hilda, remember not to take my presence in battle as an invitation to be reckless.
link Hilda
Yeah, yeah. Trust me, I'm pretty risk-averse.
link Holst
In any case, Hilda, remember not to take my presence in battle as an invitation to be reckless.
link Hilda
Yeah, yeah. Trust me, I'm pretty risk-averse.
link Holst
In any case, Hilda, remember not to take my presence in battle as an invitation to be reckless.
link Hilda
Yeah, yeah. Trust me, I'm pretty risk-averse.
link ???
We're rethinking our strategy. Please wait until we're ready to begin the attack.
link ???
Here we research the latest and greatest tactics ever to grace the field of battle.
link ???
If our findings pique your interest, I would be delighted to assist you. How about it?