Raphael: I don't trust you.
Leonie: I'm glad you're all right.
Gustave: I wasn't expecting this.
link Shez
No sign of an exit. I wonder if the others have found anything.
link Shez
No sign of an exit. I wonder if the others have found anything.
link Shez
Guess I should check out that distortion...
link Shez
Guess I should check out that distortion...
link Shez
Guess I should check out that distortion...
link Shez
Guess I should check out that distortion...
link Shez
Guess I should check out that distortion...
link Shez
Guess I should check out that distortion...
link Shez
What is this thing? I'm sensing some kinda weird power coming from it.
link Shez
What is this thing? I'm sensing some kinda weird power coming from it.
link Dimitri
That could possibly aid our escape. We need to take advantage of anything at our disposal.
link Edelgard
To be honest, I find it hard to believe any of your claims.
link Edelgard
Not that I can do much about it. I have no idea where we are.
link Edelgard
It's not a problem. I am used to my life being subject to someone else's will anyway.
link Shez
I understand how you feel, but we need your help. None of us know where we are. Honest.
link Shez
I understand how you feel, but we need your help. None of us know where we are. Honest.
link Edelgard
Very well. I am used to my life being subject to someone else's will anyway.
link Shez
I get it. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. But it would really help if you could lend us a hand.
link Shez
I get it. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. But it would really help if you could lend us a hand.
link Edelgard
It's not a problem. I am used to my life being subject to someone else's will anyway.
link Shez
Seems like Dimitri and Claude are in the middle of some kinda discussion.
link Shez
Seems like Dimitri and Claude are in the middle of some kinda discussion.
link Dimitri
I have not the faintest idea what is going on, but I am glad to see you are all right.
link Dimitri
You are not injured or afflicted in any way, are you? Let me know immediately if you feel unwell.
link Dimitri
Now, let us search the surrounding area. We must find out what we can about our current situation.
link Shez
No, I'm fine now. And I don't think I'm gonna attack you again...probably.
link Shez
No, I'm fine now. And I don't think I'm gonna attack you again...probably.
link Dimitri
Do not worry—I trust you. I am here for you no matter what.
link Dimitri
Now, let us search the surrounding area. We must find out what we can about our current situation.
link Shez
Hey, I should be asking you that. It sounds like I went kinda berserk. You're not hurt, are you?
link Shez
Hey, I should be asking you that. It sounds like I went kinda berserk. You're not hurt, are you?
link Dimitri
There is no need to worry about me. I am unharmed, as you can see.
link Dimitri
Now, let us search the surrounding area. We must find out what we can about our current situation.
link Claude
We're not gonna be stuck here for the rest of our lives, are we?
link Claude
There's no way I could've seen this coming. I would've actually prepared for it if I had.
link Claude
On the bright side, I'm trapped with the most stubborn people on the planet. I'm sure we can get through this if we work together.
link Shez
What would you have done? Cooked up another scheme?
link Shez
What would you have done? Cooked up another scheme?
link Claude
Why'd you jump to that conclusion? Nice to know you have such faith in me.
link Claude
I was just worried about how my friends were doing after my little disappearing act.
link Claude
On the bright side, I'm trapped with the most stubborn people on the planet. I'm sure we can get through this if we work together.
link Shez
I dunno where we are, but it's definitely not normal. We may never make it out.
link Shez
I dunno where we are, but it's definitely not normal. We may never make it out.
link Claude
Hey, this isn't the time to be joking around. I'm not about to let myself rot away in here.
link Claude
On the bright side, I'm trapped with the most stubborn people on the planet. I'm sure we can get through this if we work together.
link Shez
I wonder what Dimitri and Edelgard are talking about...
link Shez
I wonder what Dimitri and Edelgard are talking about...