link Ashe volume_up
What's up, Raphael?
link Raphael volume_up
There you are, Ashe! Here, sit down.
link Ashe volume_up
Um, OK?
link Raphael volume_up
Now eat up!
link Ashe volume_up
Hey, this is the dish I was teaching you before. Raphael, did you make this yourself?
link Raphael volume_up
I sure did! So grab a shovel and dig in, 'cause it's all yours!
link Ashe volume_up
I've got to say, it looks a lot more appetizing than before—plus, it smells fantastic!
link Ashe volume_up
All right, let's see what we've got!
link Ashe volume_up
That was delicious! You used just the right amount of salt, which really brought out the flavor of the herbs.
link Raphael volume_up
Hey, you were right! It really does feel great to hear someone say that.
link Raphael volume_up
I practiced seasoning and putting things on the plate and all that stuff, just like you said.
link Raphael volume_up
Oh, and I had some of the soldiers do a bit of taste testing for me.
link Raphael volume_up
It sure was rough at first, but I think I've definitely improved.
link Ashe volume_up
You certainly have. I had no idea you were working so hard on this.
link Raphael volume_up
That's 'cause I was sneaky!
link Raphael volume_up
I only wanted you to try it once I knew it was perfect.
link Raphael volume_up
You worked so hard to teach me, I just had to pay you back somehow!
link Ashe volume_up
Raphael, I...
link Ashe volume_up
You know my father used to run a restaurant, right? Well, this is the dish he was famous for.
link Raphael volume_up
You're not talking about Lord Lonato, are you?
link Ashe volume_up
No, my birth father. He took ill and died a long time ago.
link Ashe volume_up
I told you what he said about flavor and appearance because he always used to say it to me.
link Ashe volume_up
And this...this tastes just like what he used to make.
link Ashe volume_up
I've tried for years to get this same flavor, but I couldn't do it. Honestly, I... I never thought I'd taste it again.
link Raphael volume_up
C'mon, eating through tears is no way to enjoy a meal. Good food should make you smile, not cry!
link Ashe volume_up
Sorry, Raphael. Guess I got lost in the past there for a second.
link Ashe volume_up
But you're right: Good food should make people smile.
link Ashe volume_up
And everything tastes even better when you're sharing it with a room full of smiling people.
link Raphael volume_up
Wait. In that case...
link Raphael volume_up
That's it! I'm making a new rule when I get back to the inn: You gotta smile when you eat good food!
link Ashe volume_up
That'll be good for the cook and the customers alike.
link Raphael volume_up
I knew you'd agree! Eating's supposed to be a celebration!
link Raphael volume_up
So whenever you get a hankering for my cooking again, just say the word, Ashe!
link Ashe volume_up
Thanks, Raphael—and I'll be sure to eat it with a smile.